Sentences with phrase «one's fallback»

EPUB also includes a method for specifying fallbacks for different kinds of content inside HTML files called Content Switching.
It's the kind of story Woody Allen writes best - examining the relationships between people - love, lust, hate, and how other people get used as fallback positions.
I will use saves as fallbacks when a game really does get hard and I'm dying again and again: this is along the lines of «The Consequences of Consequences» argument, using saves to debug the difficulty.
Circular features are regions of fallback of ejecta from active volcanos.
On the third page of the study, the authors write: «Negative voucher effects are not explained by the quality of public fallback options for LSP applicants: achievement levels at public schools attended by students lotteried out of the program are below the Louisiana average and comparable to scores in low - performing districts like New Orleans.»
Not thinking through what happens if the people you expect to survive you don't Part of good estate planning involves coming up with fallback plans when something goes wrong.
Trial and error goes a long way, but basic knowledge is always a great fallback in case confusion sets in.
EPUB 3.1 adds an additional clarification that foreign resources do not require fallbacks if they are not in the spine and not embedded in EPUB Content Documents.
An example of when this feature can be utilized is when providing fallbacks for scripted content [Content Docs 3.1].
intrinsic fallback mechanisms provided by the format (e.g., ability to provide more than one media type or to display an alternate embedded message when a media type can not be rendered).
I wouldn't be surprised if it ultimately fades away, but I'm trying not to be too negative on fallback methods.
That lack of mental fortitude, that lack of either a plan B or some sort of fallback when things don't go the way you want - that's all down to one person.
However, without this feature, the Paperwhite costs $ 119, so you could argue that $ 60 is the price of 3G worldwide for life via HSDPA with fallback support for EDGE / GPRS.
Update: Representatives from RIM just responded to my question about 3G fallback on the 4G PlayBook.
As far a lambda control is concerned, open - loop mode is the usual fallback strategy.
The manifest fallback mechanism has been restricted to only apply to documents in the spine.
To play it extra, extra, safe, we're going to tap into a great fallback system: DLNA.
' For both the [HTML5] audio and video elements, flow content embedded within the elements does not represent a Core Media Type fallback, but may be included for rendering in older Reading Systems that do not recognize these elements (e.g., EPUB 2 Reading Systems).
While the idea is to allow these people, often staff attorneys, to maintain fallback jobs in the protected civil service ranks when there is a change of commissioners or administrations, a lawyer for the Public Employees Federation said the use of these leaves has become excessive and could be circumventing the civil service promotional system.
For example, instances of MathML, now a native type, could be added using switch elements so that EPUB 2 Reading Systems could instead provide fallback images or text.
A good throw is always a great fallback if you're not sure of what to get for someone.
If these techniques are necessary to convey the content of the publication, consider including fallbacks [EPUB 3.1](e.g., for graphic novels).
Kindle also requires fallback text in case the device can't render the file.
The first is out - of - line items which have separate fallback items, either out - of - line XML in another vocabulary, or a separate type of binary media like a movie falling back to a static image.
Publication Resources that conform to a Core Media Type specification are Core Media Type Resources and can be included in an EPUB Publication without fallbacks.
So fallbacks also have the potential to undermine the very cross-compatibility of content they're intended to promote.)
We do a fair bit of planning and prepping on the weekends, but just having some standard fallback plans has helped immensely. has been designed to take advantage of responsive design techniques in order to provide a seamless digital reading experience when the EPUB content is accessed via a browser, but where an EPUB file bundled with can also fallback to standard behaviour on dedicated EPUB reading devices (in which case is quiesecent).
We find that intensive tutoring is the only «No Excuses» characteristic that remains significant (even for nonurban schools) once the performance levels of fallback schools are taken into account.
They use the same mechanism described for content - level fallbacks above, so I'm not going to go any deeper into them here.
In couple relationships, there are two major types of fallback measures: the adversarial and avoidant shifts of everyday life.
EPUB 3.1 does not support the use of bindings in the Package Document to provide an alternative scripted fallback for foreign resources embedded in an object element (cf. EPUB 3.0.1 bindings).
These resources do not need to be Core Media Types and are not subject to fallback requirements [Publications301].
A lot of fallbacks don't benefit producers, since they open the door to duplicating and triplicating content.
These types of plays become fallback options when Minnesota can't find a flow in moving the ball.
Lauwe said solar panels and wind turbines that provide power for consumption in their vicinity could in the future gradually replace diesel and petrol depots as Germany's emergency fallback option in the event of a major and long - lasting power cut.
WiMax coverage is a little spotty once you get out in the suburbs, but 3G fallback coverage works fine.
In years past, a charter school law was seen as a safe fallback for officials favoring school reform but nervous about vouchers.
they have the ever ready fallback argument..
The film just doesn't demonstrate the same level of insight when it leaves the office environment; for the Sprecher sisters, perhaps owing to their long - time fallback occupations of temp workers, the office and the peculiarities of workspace are the headwaters for life's deeper ruminations.
Every family needs a few fallback recipes (you know, the meals you can cook without too much thinking).
WASHINGTON (CNN)- To meet the president's demand that bipartisan House and Senate leaders come up with a plan to raise the debt ceiling through the next election, a Democratic Senate leadership aide expects there will be bipartisan negotiations among those leaders «on a plan modeled on the Senate fallback proposal
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