Sentences with phrase «one's favorite films of all time»

DM: My favorite horror film and probably favorite film of all time is «The Monster Squad».
Spirited Away is to this day one of my favorite films of all time and so much fun.
While I can say that the Wonder Woman animated movie is one of my favorite films of all time.
It had an epic feeling, but not like it's fantastic predecessors, the lord of the rings trilogy, which are some of my favorite films of all time.
Seven (Se7en) stands as one of my favorite films of all time and is an absolute must see.
This is one of my top five favorite films of all time.
Alterations aside this is pretty much a perfect film that I have no problems with making this not only my favorite Star Wars movie but one of my favorite films of all time.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is most definitely one of my favorite films of all time.
My favorite film of all time is «McCabe and Mrs. Miller» A random sampling of some others would be Rules of the Game, The Godfather, Parts I and II, The Lady Eve, L'Atalante, A Hard Day's Night, The Wild Bunch, Last Tango in Paris, The Lady Eve
not only one of the best musicals ever made, but one of my favorite films of all time.
In fact, repeat viewings have stopped me from asking where it ranks in comparison to the other movies that came out this year and started me thinking about where it ranks in my favorite films of all time.
The Blues Brothers ranks among my favorite films of all time — not the best, just a favorite.
«Midnight Cowboy» remains one of my favorite films of all time, so just from a cinema geek perspective, I'm there.
James Mangold for caring about all the right things in his work and blessing us with Logan and Copland, Refn for Drive alone, Stallone for giving us Rocky and THE «Just keep going» monologue that everyone in the arts needs when they have that inevitable bad day, Joe Carnahan for being able to blend heart stopping action with character drama and Phil Joanou for making my favorite film of all time with State of Grace (1990)(I'd love a Cinephilia and Beyond piece on it someday...)
Much less effective, although I admire the effort, is Michael Tully's «Don't Leave Home,» which reaches further back than Gutierrez's film for a cinematic exercise inspired on remote haunted locales like «The Haunting» or «The Innocents» (one of my favorite films of all time).
I am a gigantic fan of Dominik's work, with The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford ranking among my favorite films of all time.
HARA KIRI is one of my top ten favorite films of all time.
12:15 am (28th)-- TCM — Rear Window Hitchcock, Stewart, and Kelly mix equal parts suspense thriller, murder mystery, romance, voyeristic expose, ethical drama, caustic comedy and cinematographic experiment to create my favorite film of all time.
Her favorite film of all time is Picnic at Hanging Rock.
Shaun of the Dead is probably my favorite film of all time so seeing behind the scenes is perfect.
He's secure in his knowledge that Boogie Nights is his favorite film of all time, but second place is a real toss - up.
In fact, my favorite film of all time is The Departed, a beautiful example of a remake done right and in fact exceeds the original, in my opinion of course.
It has since become my favorite film of all time, one that I have never grown tired of watching once I noticed that that a terrific Jack Lemmon was in the movie, too.
My favorite film of all time is not instantly regarded as re-watchable.
Lastly, to sort of add to the question, I'll add to the answer: my favorite film of all time that I've done is definitely «The Proposition.»
9:00 pm — TCM — Rear Window Hitchcock, Stewart, and Kelly mix equal parts suspense thriller, murder mystery, romance, voyeristic expose, ethical drama, caustic comedy and cinematographic experiment to create one of my favorite films of all time.
It's no coincidence that this is the best horror - comedy mash - up I've seen since Shaun of the Dead (one of my favorite films of all time), as many of the people behind Attack the Block come from that film.
Stocked with hallucinatory gore, grungy desert survival games and a pounding electronica score, this would be my favorite film of all time if I were 13.
I was a little skeptical on seeing this, since the original film is basically one of my favorite films of all time, but after it was over, I was just pleasantly floored.
Marc Forster is one of my favorite directors of «serious drama», Finding Neverland is one of my favorite films of all time, proves he's capable of doing action in this movie.
American Graffiti is one of my favorite films of all time, and if he can return to that kind of personal, homegrown film, I'd love to see Lucas step away from blockbusters for an indie film.
One of my favorite films of all time, during the festive season or otherwise, It's A Wonderful Life deserves a place in every family's movie collection.
As you can see by my Flickchart ranking below, this is one of my favorite films of all time, and I've been really excited to show it to Jonathan for quite a while, so I was glad he picked it out of my collection to watch.
SIERRA NEVADA»S BOUBLE BULLET DOUBLE IPA gave us the craft beer inspiration needed to dive into Cole's favorite film of all time, Bernardo Bertolucci's epic set in Parma, Italy.
20th Century Women & Beginners - They're both in my 3 favorite films of all time, they're both directed by Mike Mills, & they're both semi-autobiographical, based on each of his parents.
howdy Edgar, Im such a fan, Shaun of the dead is already a classic, hot fuzz is epic and well Scott Pilgrim vs the world is one of my favorite films of all time, ive seen how you bring excitement and energy on set and your direction is Sweettt!!
He directed one of the best films of 2013 Prisoners and one of my favorite films of all time Enemy and with this latest effort he solidifies his place among the greatest still working today.
It remains one of my favorite films of all time, and one that I regularly watch, finding it easy to go back to over and over.
And yet the film is so utterly brilliant, sharp and sexy at the same time... Anyway, I now consider this one of my favorite films of all time.
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