Sentences with phrase «one's favourite hobby»

Murder and killings is the most favourite hobby of the jews.
White single men and women create user profiles at the website for several minutes, you can answer some questions, provide complete information about yourself, starting from age and height and ending with favourite hobbies or educational background.
-- You're all furiously riding one of your other favourite hobby horses — the perceived persecution your club suffers at the hands of the media.
It seems that unless you're lucky enough to start surfing at a young age or have plenty of time to donate to your new favourite hobby, reaching that goal can prove to be a frustrating road to success.
Esp condiering you've had a ball looking through antique stores - a fellow favourite hobby of my own!
What better way to indulge my current two favourite hobbies of Warhammer (Horus Heresy) and Retro Gaming than to play a game that manages to combine the two?
In the last few years, films made by first - timers with tiny budgets have tended to dominate, together with worthy documentaries examining social problems and global warming, the latter one of Redford's favourite hobby horses.
It seems that unless you're lucky enough to start surfing at a young age or have plenty of time to donate to your new favourite hobby, surfing can prove to be a frustrating road to success.
You mean, like a favourite hobby?
My favourite hobbies include listening to CBC radio, and cooking up a storm in my tiny city kitchen!
One of my favourite hobbies.
Some experts say that you should not even mention the baby until a few weeks before the birth (this can be difficult if your 2 - and - a-half-year-old's favourite hobby is using your pregnant belly as a trampoline, as was my son's!)
Too often people will give up a favourite hobby, sport or pastime in the beginning of a relationship in order to devote more time and energy to making the relationship work.
Spend more time on your favourite hobbies.
I've been eyeballing the season's crop of floral trousers, too; but it looks like my favourite hobby (ie.
Back when I lived in Bergen, I launched a supper club called Persilledusken (aka The sprig of parsley) to bring together two of my favourite hobbies, hanging with my girlfriends and cooking new and exciting dishes.
Do you have a favourite hobby, or something that you've always wanted to try?
Ask questions, make light - hearted jokes and share your enthusiasm for your partner and favourite hobbies, and even the most critical parents are bound to warm to you by the end of the evening!
My favourite hobby is studi..
Ukrainian single women are great fun to be around, and knowing a few of their favourite hobbies and what they like to do in their spare time can really help cement a relationship.
You should also think about adding some extra photos to your album that enhance your online dating personality, such as photos of you taking part in your favourite hobby.
Reading is one of the nation's favourite hobbies but did you know that it can affect your love life?
If you're not sure what photo to pick, here's a tip - choose a photo of you smiling or an action shot of you enjoying your favourite hobby!
Passionate hill - walker Debbie North, 56, was devastated when a chronic degenerative spine condition seemed to spell the end of her favourite hobby.
The internet is revolutionary because it renders it easy for us to make contact with people we don't know and, better yet, those who don't necessarily live within the Dudley travel - to - work area / look like trolls / cite assembling Airfix models as their favourite hobby even though they're 43, etc..
The «Mad Max: Fury Road» actor revealed he prefers a night in wearing his comfortable bathrobe and indulging in his favourite hobby of cooking.
designed to be used with year 8, this is to help prepare students to make a presentation on their favourite hobby / sporting activity.
And well, also because it's a favourite hobby of mine
Essay writing was my favourite hobby but when I have to write my admission essay I just couldn't write it.
He loves to give «paw» and his favourite hobby is snuggling.
He's never been one for trying to keep it immaculate when Max's favourite hobby is trying to tunnel his way to China.
When she is not working she likes to relax at home in the garden or enjoy her favourite hobby, photography.
If you're taking a weekend break to enjoy your favourite hobbies then we can upgrade your travel insurance for golf and winter sports.
Enjoy your favourite hobby, while playing on the Bermuda grass, walking between pine and olive trees, admiring the spectacular views over Kusadasi Bay!
The Nanobyte Virus is out and it's set to destroy our favourite hobby if we don't stop it first.
With the latest shooting tragedy in America hitting the headlines recently, once again our favourite hobby has been pulled into the spotlight.
Or take an interest in your children's favourite hobby and play games with them?
Playing games is my favourite hobby so being able to develop art for one is an amazing experience.
This work has now come to fruition with the launch of the world's first Accessible Video Games Centre; designed to help develop and showcase new technologies that grant disabled and special needs gamers access to their favourite hobby.
It appears that online gambling is making its way up the ranks as a favourite hobby or pastime for many citizens in the UK, and is having an effect not only on the UK gaming industry, but on the economy as a whole.
His favourite hobby is singing and he hates brussel spouts.
In addition to his favourite hobby of copying the narrative «action» paintings of Old Masters, he specialized in small - scale detailed works of landscape painting, executed in oils, containing a number of human subjects and typically several features of topographical or other interest, including crowds or military scenes.
He encouraged me to take a couple of days to unwind, spend time with those close to me, and focus on catching up with my favourite hobbies.
Protect your mental health by engaging in activities that help you manage your stress, both at work and home, such as spending time doing your favourite hobby, exercising, reading or doing something else you enjoy.
His favourite hobby was building houses for a variety of birds, but in particular the mountain bluebird.
If you're taking the traditional route and building furniture into your alcove, why not turn it into a dedicated space for your favourite hobby?
Baking is his favourite hobby, but believes that everything should be done in moderation having lost 4st 10 lb.
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