Sentences with phrase «one's field of endeavor»

The secret of academic success is no different from success in other fields of endeavor, and it involves hard work, the will to succeed, and practice, practice, practice.
Why couldn't the proportions be different in various fields of endeavor?
Since most decisions involve fields of endeavor other than politics (economics, finance, manufacturing, chemistry, education), political science major is absolutely no help there.
Identifying their causes and finding remedies has been one of the main fields of endeavor, particularly in the early days of fusion research.
Unlike most academic pursuits, I was not limited to a small field of endeavor but rather a vast field of clinical medicine.
These questions should help you determine where you stand in this challenging field of endeavor.
No matter your career field of endeavor, you can attain the clarity that will make YOU a rock star!
Members include leaders in government, business, finance, pharmaceuticals, law and other fields of endeavors.
To take a challenging position as HSE supervisor / manager that will utilize my technical knowledge, experience and inter personal skills that will offer more oppotunities to continually expand my knowledge in this field.To show and share my knowledge, training skills and abilities in my chosen field of endeavor in order to be productive to the company.To be competitive and be an asset of the company.To be a role model employ...
The purpose of this program is to provide an incentive to encourage Basset Hound owners to have their dogs participate in multiple fields of endeavor such as the following:
The success of mainstream Jews can be traced to a history of persecution, justifiable fears of insecurity, and proscription from many fields of endeavor.
David Awbrey's transition from one professional field of endeavor to another is a leap of faith few would even contemplate, let alone undertake.
«Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer.»
The winners of this year's Silver Anniversary Awards — awards that honor them for their significant contributions to their times — come from a wide range of country and from remarkably different fields of endeavor, but in 1939 they were alike in one respect.
Then there is Gridiron Frog, LaDainian Tomlinson, a mover and a shaker in his own field of endeavor.
It is quite frankly embarrassing and your poor perceptions only further sully and already damaged field of endeavor.
Ryman's pictures look as though he took such an «activist» notion to heart, but across the most limited field of endeavor.
Transparency is a paramount virtue in science and politics, even more so when those two fields of endeavor overlap, as they do in discussions of climate change.
I am sure others in diverse fields of endeavor concur with the spirit of the song popularized by Frank Sinatra: doing it «My Way.»
We commend The Rockefeller Foundation for its vision to support the development of this interdisciplinary field of endeavor, one of great importance to our collective future.»
By Jacqui Barrett - Poindexter Whether you are an experienced professional with many years in the workforce or just out of college, a resume is your passport to new and exciting fields of endeavor and should be regarded for the power it possesses.
@Derek Schwarz... I have helped Phd grads buy right out of college... I believe the standard is you have to be in the same field of endeavor for 2 years.
Our Code helps all REALTORS ® regardless of experience, expertise, or fields of endeavor understand their ethical duties and ensures consistent and uniform enforcement of the Code by every association of REALTORS ®.
In her innovative contributions she often profiled interesting women from various fields of endeavor, as in «A Tribute to Clara Barton» and «Women as Inventors.»
But surely metaphoric insights, the seeing of resemblances and connections, can give rise, and have given rise, to countless innovations in science, the arts, and many other fields of endeavor.
It's an insight that, through a kaleidoscope of different achievements and life experiences, resurfaces many times in this year's list — our fifth annual roster of imagination - embracing game changers, paradigm shifters, and unsung champions across multiple fields of endeavor.
In any professional field of endeavor, meaningful awards are given on merit alone and do not require the aspiring awardee to pay a fee at all.
Such ministers obviously do not hold themselves to the same kind of rigorous discipline and judgment as do laymen in their fields of endeavor.
Able to speak intelligently about his field of endeavor, even mounting a critique of the behemoth, Lloyd comes off sympathetically.
In every field of endeavor — in scientific inquiry, manners, family life, politics, and all the rest — man is not his own judge and master; he is «under orders,» he is answerable to principles of «propriety,» he is responsible for the preservation, improvement, and perpetuation of the «traditions of civility.»
^ 2: This type of research is more likely to be published in journals of Trans - Personal Psychology, and Humanistic Psychology, than any other field of endeavor.
The primary function of Zionism today is to stimulate Jews in the Diaspora who possess a sense of adventure and are proficient in one or another field of endeavor to come to Israel and contribute to its upbuilding.
(It also needs to be said that this field of endeavor is unfortunately attractive to charlatans.)
It is our considered opinion that the BoG, does not issue banking licences to people, because they have been successful in one field of endeavor or another, the economy is at risk, should all our local banks run aground.
The State Governor, who is also the Visitor to the institution, Senator Abiola Ajimobi, represented by the Deputy Governor, Otunba Moses Alake Adeyemo described the institution as a source of pride to the state and the country in general having produced many who have excelled in various fields of endeavors.
«It is a group of people who share a progressive vision for the future of the city, who are known in their fields of endeavor as being effective and strong leaders, and who share a clear commitment to diversity in leadership for the future of the city,» said de Blasio, who announced the committee at a transition - ideas center in lower Manhattan.
Energy development is a field of endeavor focused on making available sufficient primary energy sources and secondary energy forms to meet the needs of society.
It does not matter your field of endeavor; be you a sugar baby, model, Instagram model, fashionistas, socialite, actress, writer, model, artists, career - oriented corporate person or student, you will always have an opportunity here for lifestyle and career advancements.
American actress Jill Clayburgh was fortunate enough to find work in her field of endeavor directly after graduation from Sarah Lawrence University.
Any field of endeavor that rejects innovation will wither intellectually.
And when talent is not rewarded, talented people turn to other fields of endeavor, all the more so in an age when able women have many new career opportunities.
In every field of endeavor, effective performers use specific techniques and strategies to boost their performance.
In general, character education or moral education is a field of endeavor that attempts to produce the kinds of persons who pursue the goods toward which cultures are directed.»
By studying breed characteristics, researching the Catahoula's unique background history, working closely with a designed breeding program, and accepting the guidance of professionals in the field of genetic development, we continue to produce a Catahoula that has a good temperament, a loving nature, and the intelligence and ability to work in any field of endeavor.
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