Sentences with phrase «one's filmmaking process»

For those who would like to get an up - close look at this movie, the featurette It Takes a Colony explores the giant filmmaking process from a tiny perspective.
How did you think about sound throughout the whole filmmaking process?
As a young man, I was very intrigued by the entire filmmaking process.
The indispensable 29 - minute interview has the director readily discussing his earlier works, as well as talking extensively about his personal filmmaking process.
I admire Linklater for tackling this in terms of filmmaking process, wow that must've taken such dedication and sounds like he did a heck of a job!
Alison O'Daniel's approach reversed the usual filmmaking process by starting with the music, which then informed the other cinematographic decisions (film plot, settings, images, and atmosphere).
Here, McClain writes about her own filmmaking process, why she's making this documentary series and what she's learning from doing so.
Cameron's digital filmmaking process encompassed more than 1,600 live - action and photorealistic computer - generated images.
Film is a collaborative effort, and most (not all) of what you see on - screen was achieved as a result of the (usually) meticulous filmmaking process (scripting, rehearsals, photography, editing, etc).
A first time glimpse into the secretive world of Woody Allen's filmmaking process featuring exclusive cast and crew interviews with Alec Baldwin, Penélope Cruz and Greta Gerwig.
The requisite chapter stops are included, along with optional English SDH and Spanish subtitles, while a small clutch of deleted scenes and a making - of featurette shed light on the behind - the - scenes filmmaking process, and its excised material.
Unpretentious and unabashedly entertaining, it's a self - reflexive product of the same filmmaking process it simultaneously documents and lampoons.
It's no Hearts Of Darkness, but it does provide a pleasant peek at her grandfather's late - career filmmaking process, which seems far more casual than in his death - defying prime.
Neil Patrick Harris revealed Fincher's famous filmmaking process of doing several takes of each scene.
Such works define Brakhage's filmmaking process far more clearly and explicitly than Shedden's charming footage of him poking his camera lens into a stream.
Apart from a «More from Lionsgate» section, there is a very extensive production diary called «Rambo: To Hell and Back» which gives good info on the arduous filmmaking process they had to endure to bring this movie to life in a jungle.
Bonus features include Crittercam: Emperor Penguins (penguin diving and feeding) and Of Penguins and Men (the incredible filmmaking process of the movie), 8 Ball Bunny (a classic WB animated short with Bugs Bunny and a penguin) and the theatrical trailer.
«Studio Tour» (5:24) lets Nemo's young voice actor Alexander Gould roam the various departments of Pixar for a humorous and semi-sincere overview of the animated filmmaking process.
A classic Cannon film gets a great treatment from Scream Factory, bringing their unique filmmaking process and style to a new generation.
If you're into the below - the - line filmmaking process (which we attempt to spotlight as best we can throughout the season in our weekly Tech Support column), then this is for you.
In honor of The Descendants» November 16th release, Greer sat down to talk about the entire filmmaking process from the honor of being cast in an Alexander Payne film to switching gears and getting dramatic as well as her hopes to continue working within the genre in the future.
AL: This is where I should draw the veil over the whole filmmaking process, and let you leave this conversation thinking that I had some genius plan.
Artist and KCAI Associate Professor Diana Heise guides us through her own filmmaking process, reflecting on interactions between history, memory, place, and various connections with the themes and imagery found in Worlds Otherwise Hidden.
But unlike in other cases where actors died during the filmmaking process — Paul Walker in «Furious 7» comes to mind — it appears that the team has time to explore solutions.
Throughout the filmmaking process, DiCaprio took Belfort under his wing — while Scorsese remained aloof.
«We have seen a lot of growth because the filmmaking process has gotten better and is very innovative,» he says.
It's healthy and it's exciting») to «The Filmmaking Process
Movies about the filmmaking process may never get old, but self - referential hit men smell like yesterday's fish story.
It's as though the Coen's became so absorbed by the filmmaking process they forgot what they were doing it for.
The topics include (3:08), Editing (2:12), The Filmmaking Process (2:20), His Love for Westerns (1:50), Conventions of Westerns (2:55), and Home Movies (5:49).
This is a nice look at a side of the filmmaking process that usually doesn't get much attention.
Also, I've recently had some experience in the filmmaking process and enjoyed every minute of it, no matter what problems came up.
Revealing the intimate details of Allen's filmmaking process, Lax shows us the screenplay being shaped, the scenes being prepared, the actors, cinematographers, other crew members, the editors, all engaged in their work.
The result is a treat: while Crowe has plenty of insightful recollections about the filmmaking process and talks effusively, taking the opportunity to plug any gaps left by the three stars, who are all recovering from Cruise's birthday party the previous night and have an enormous amount of fun watching their slightly younger selves on the screen (visible in the video commentary as a small window at the bottom of the screen).
An excruciatingly entertaining portrait of the filmmaking process that no Hollywood studio would ever allow to be shown.
An allegorical musing on the filmmaking process, the cross-cultural seepage of Americana and the culture of his own celebrity, Hopper's sophomore feature, in all its meta - mash glory was seemingly designed as a cult - leader's valediction.
The more you think about the choices the filmmakers put into a movie and the more deeply you place the results (intended or otherwise) into context, the better you can talk about to a movie in terms of how it worked and the more you can actually write about a film while respecting the filmmaking process and the history of film.
The Lord of the Rings series brought Serkis huge attention for his work as the actor behind Gollum, and in the years since he first dominated the screen in The Two Towers we've seen performance capture become a frequent, even routine part of the filmmaking process.
During the shoot of John Cassavetes» momentous 1970 film Husbands, BBC documentarians visited the low - budget production to chronicle not only the pioneering director's filmmaking process but also his collaboration as an actor with co-stars Peter Falk and Ben Gazzara.
But it is everything from the Hub to things like the Apple talks, which gives a member of the audience or an aspiring filmmaker or even an established filmmaker real insight into the filmmaking process for particularly interesting filmmakers who join us at the festival.
James admitted as the filmmaking process progressed it started to feel as though he was making a movie about himself.
A24 updated their youtube account once again but this time with an ensemble featurette where you can see the behind the scenes of Lady Bird, as well as Greta talking about the filmmaking process!
Sean Rom talks to director Tran Anh Hung about his filmmaking process, adapting Murakami's acclaimed novel Norwegian Wood to screen and presenting sensuality on film.
It's a refreshingly unique approach that offers a different perspective on the filmmaking process.
In several statements concerning the production of Time Code Figgis has deliberately placed himself on the frontline, comparing the film's energy and ideals to the punk movement and stating that he encouraged a certain degree of anarchy in the filmmaking process solely because «anarchy begets art».
«Observe & Report» director Jody Hill, who also attended North Carolina School of the Arts with Green and McBride and established Rough House Pictures with them in 2009, said it's been enormously helpful to have Green go through these various steps of the filmmaking process first.
For those who are just becoming passionate about the filmmaking process, the best thing you can do is pick up a camera and start working.
He suggested using smartphones to make a short film to feel the pain of the filmmaking process.
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