Sentences with phrase «one's final position»

In other words, your elbows should be higher than your back in final position.
After final positioning of the cow, the platform moves to the next stop for nipple preparation.
We're not kidding ourselves that we can take an overall win, but this project has never been driven by final positions.
The squad is, as always, good enough to challenge for that top four spot, but can you really see us improving on last terms final position?
As I say, time will tell on pressure via the EU or the UN and that will depend on trumps final position on climate change so let's jump that hurdle first before we speculate.
ALL the evidence, when we apply our heads, not our hearts, spell out our likely final position as 6th and several, possibly 8 - 10 points behind the fourth club, probably Liverpool.
• Force members into final positions, and align bolt holes in steel members, by using drift pins and spud wrenches.
Don't try to get children to master the consonant sounds in the middle or final position until they are 100 % with lower case d, p, b, and q.
The Wildlife Society's final position statement on Animal Rights Philosophy and Wildlife Conservation pits wildlife conservationists against animal rights advocates, further hampering an already difficult debate about free - roaming cats and TNR.
The scores were in order of final position ManC 25 Pool 22 Chelsea 27 Arsenal 13 Everton 11 Tottenham 8 ManU 6 So basically except for Chelsea, in this mini league the ranking followed the actal position in the PL.
Club America's series against Cruz Azul finished 0 - 0 over the 180 minutes, with Las Aguilas advancing due to their higher final position in the regular season.
Win it by two goals or more and the top six final position beckoned.
It further assured the nation that it would make the report of the Crabbe panel as well as the Commission's final position available to the public shortly.
It didn't matter where the monkey's hand started out — every stimulation of the same cortical spot caused the monkey to assume the same final position.
Within the multiplayer mode, all stats are accounted for between five different stat columns: experience, race skill, dogfight skill, average final position, and kill - to - death ratio.
On April 16, 2018, the White House announced President Trump's intention to nominate Dan Berkovitz to fill the fifth and final position as a commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
n.a., Final Position Statement: Lead in Ammunition and Fishing Tackle.
In my final position with the U.S. Army, my daily duties were mostly managerial and I seized the opportunity to prepare for my departure into civilian life.
They will also need to have these plans stress - tested and re-tested as the negotiations begin to move toward their final position.
Senior British ministers will likely take a few weeks to decide a final position on the future customs arrangement with the European Union after Brexit, a senior minister said ahead of a first major meeting to discuss the issue on Wednesday.
Also, «ambiguity suited his purposes, and this creates difficulty in definitively pinning down his final position on religion».
The systematic interpretation, as it is commonly understood, more or less coincides with that final position which (according to the genetic analysis) Whitehead eventually arrived at.
In his July, 1944, «Letter to a German Friend,» which many critics take to be definitive of Camus» final position, he states, «I continue to believe that this world has no ultimate meaning.
The canonical shaping of the Jewish Bible, for instance — which places the writings in the final position and concludes with the call of 2 Chronicles for the exiles to go up to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple — tells a different story from that produced by the shaping of the Christian Old Testament, which places the prophets last and concludes with Malachi's reference to the return of the prophet Elijah to announce the coming day of the Lord.
His very survival (how strongly suggestive of the nation's Fall and Restoration) is from the human standpoint incredible, to say nothing of the final position of power which he attains.
Since his final position does answer some of his critics» objections, his more recent treatment of each of the four themes presented above should be outlined:
Ford acknowledges, therefore, that his analysis supports the conclusion that what has been generally regarded as the normative Whiteheadian view, the one that has captivated many of us, is close to his final position.
The passages conveying this final position, Whitehead gathered primarily in the book's third part.
Thus, traditional interpretations are deficient only in ignoring passages absolutely incompatible with the final position, and in not recognizing how much they are using the final position to reinterpret passages expressing Whitehead's earlier metaphysical views (EWM xi - xii).
In sum, Ford's interpretation of the passages on pages 88 and 351 is such that his reconstruction of Whitehead's final position in Process and Reality can not include the notion of the objectification of the consequent nature by the actual occasions.
For Ford claims, first, that Whitehead's magnum opus contains numerous passages expressing various metaphysical positions that Whitehead once held but gave up in favor of a final metaphysical position expressed primarily in the supposedly canonical Part III; and second, that this final position is not to be found in any of the books or articles Whitehead wrote before composing his Gifford Lectures.
The standard objection to this line of interpretation is that Romans did not represent Barth's final position: the disruptiveness of the early Barth was displaced later on by the more placid, doctrinal tones of the Church Dogmatics.
Whitehead had good reasons for adopting the final position that he did adopt, but there now seems to be reason to move beyond it.
In his final position with M&H, he managed the company's export business which encompassed more than thirty countries, worldwide.
There are also a few shocks on final positioning in this year's group stages so the Gunners could once again be drawn against a potential champions league winner early on in the competition.
Hard to really picture where their final position will be
I know that no matter what I or anyone says there will be some Arsenal fans who are unable to draw any sort of positive from the fact that we finished second in the Premier League last season, even though it was our highest placing since the invincibles won it in 2004 and that is made it three years in a row that Arsenal had improved our final position in the table.
Sunderland are lucky — they go into the final game of the season knowing exactly what their final position will be.
DM / CM is complete, just need a new CB, CF, with the final position being another winger.
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