Sentences with phrase «one's finale»

What do TV writers think of last night's explosive season finale of «Breaking Bad»?
Take the season finale of 2017, which was a fairly dull affair, but this was largely due to the circuit.
Second quarter earnings season is in its final act, but some traders are looking for an exciting finale in the tech space.
This evening will be the 14th episode — with a series finale for one of them.
He's never gone into a season finale with a chance at the championship.
In this case though the big finale comes out of almost nowhere, making the film that much less enjoyable since it was virtually impossible to figure it out beforehand.
An Epic finale for the best horror show of the last years.
I saw their spring practice finale against the alumni team composed for the most part of active professional players.
Though the film's finale does boast some action that's worthy of the Die Hard name, getting there just isn't enough fun.
I feel like today is the grand finale from my entire year of blogging.
Are they simply disappearing without trace: there one minute and gone the next, or are we simply failing to see their explosive finale?
I would not rate Season 1 higher that a 7, but since its two - part finale it quickly rises up to 10 and then beyond awesome.
This is the night to wear elegant white to celebrate the grand finale event of the week.
On live TV set the stage for a dramatic finale by showing great footage from the desert stages run earlier.
It's a fitting finale for this transporting collage of image, sound, history, and place.
That's our year - end season finale show where we answer your calls and questions while enjoying some adult beverages.
It almost approaches fairy tale mythology, especially the surprisingly action - packed finale, one in which we honestly care about the fate of our two protagonists.
The last season is really, really bad followed by a really good finale.
This remains a minor complaint as the half hour finale boasts its share.
The most controversial game for whether the disappointing ending or the satisfying finale.
The groundwork laid throughout the film makes the fever - pitch finale feel inevitable but shocking, almost earned.
This gets an extra point for an exciting action finale, but loses several for a hero who may try your patience well before then.
That is a great finale for a lot of hard work!
It manages some fantastic death sequences and pulls off a genuinely shocking finale.
I'll also exit the reunion in a helicopter, right after my big dance finale.
People won't expect a big finale if you choose your timing wisely.
Combined, they build up to a tense finale that relies as much upon the film's supporting cast as the overall premise.
The second part of the season finale provides most of the answers in which we were seeking after the first half.
When the film reaches its apparent climax, there are still 20 minutes to go, although the overwhelming finale just about makes up for that drag.
But the film's disturbing finale goes beyond such simplistic «this = that» analysis.
Don't worry, the season finale also put down its female characters, too.
This week we've got a Bachelor finale recap, upgrades to your morning routine, tons of beauty hacks, and more.
There's no big bang finale here, but what's really important here is the experience, and what will be left of it when credits roll.
Not every career finale gets to be memorable, I guess.
As the nail - biting finale approaches, the film blatantly goes beyond the real history and artificially raises the tension without any need.
If the dramatic season finale left you in an, OMG - what - just - happened frenzy, you don't want to miss this killer panel!
Here are the answers, in a worthy finale.
Better news: Our year - end finale show is even sooner!
We have a very special finale today to say thank you to all the fans.
The plot also slips into film - school structure as it builds to a sudden action - type climax and a big emotional finale.
The last in the trilogy, this film makes a slightly disappointing finale.
There are no more «Fifty Shades» movies to tease, but does the trilogy finale have any bonus scenes anyway?
Something grand enough to be the memorable sweet finale to such a meaningful holiday that we wait for all year - long.
I can understand people falling hard for this highly - anticipated finale.
The last few episodes are huge, with the biggest season finale twist.
Great acting and a solid closing finale that brings it all together does this piece justice.
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