Sentences with phrase «one's first day at school»

Like a mum on her kid's first day at school before that dishy gardener shows up, lots of people are worried about Burnout Paradise.
On my first day at school I was offered a fight by the hardest lad in the year.
He will not be there to smile when she hands him her first piece of art work from her first day at school.
I was uncomfortable at my first day at school, the first time I stepped in a car to drive, the first time I went on a date, my first holiday tripn abroard, the first time I sat behind the controls of an aircraft when I was learning to fly.
In another his first day at school is described.
Yep, my caramel apples, so lovingly planned to go up today for the first day at school, tanked.
It was his first day at the school and he was lost.
Try to remember what your first day at school felt like.
Changing dirty nappies, running around the park, first days at school, first dates, growing up — you have it all to come.
Try to teach your child some tips for being social, so they aren't too shy to make friends on their first day at school.
«I am opening a new pre-school and would appreciate if you could assist me with a simple craft and a good welcome poem to do with my children on the first day at school.
14.51 - Ed Miliband talking about his son's first day at school: «he was nervous at first but then he started to have fun.
«My first day at school» was instituted some few years ago by the Ghana Education Service to enable government functionaries and top education officers interact with pupils who are attending school for the first time.
I didn't like him watching his daughter skip across the playground on her first day at school.
By my first day at school, I was reading well beyond the level of my classmates.
The ability to describe the details of your first day at school, a recent holiday gathering or office meeting that took place in the previous weeks or months, for example, depends heavily on intact episodic memory function.
The first day at the school is the day that a lot of children dream about.
Gearing up for your first day at school but can't decide on your hairstyle?
Something I've always found difficult is shopping for a certain occasion, a party, a first day at school or at a job or just for that perfect outfit to see that guy.
Reminds us the first day at school, and a great «lesson» for the fashionistas... Backpacks are back!
Their parents Lisa (Leslie Mann), Mitchell (John Cena) and Hunter (Ike Barinholtz) have also known each other since that first day at school but their friendship has been different.
«I told them, these are good questions to ask on your first day at a school.
Whilst both parent and child treat the first day at school with trepidation, you can help them to be ready with a few simple steps of preparation.
We've got to challenge the misconception that learning can wait for school, as, if a child starts their first day at school behind, they tend to stay behind.
The Dutch start independence training from a child's first day at school and it continues throughout their education.
LDA has joined the FIVE from FIVE Alliance to help every child receive the most effective reading instruction from their first day at school.
During her first days at school in America, Ut experiences alienation and separation.
Based on a true story — her younger sister Cheryl's first day at school — the book explores how to overcome the first day of school jitters by introducing yourself and making friends with classmates of all faiths and ethnicities.
Not knowing who to turn to, I tried to educate myself from the internet, but I quickly felt lost, like a child on her first day at school.
It may be your first day at school, a visit to your grandmother or to another country, a personal communication with a rock star or the president via the Internet and so on.
But unlike a wedding or your first day at school, there's often not one singular moment when we leave the place and people that nurtured us.
Ready for his first day at school (following a regular day at work)!
«Some pictures are fine, such as Meera in her school uniform on her first day at school; sitting on a swing etc..
The first day at school, first date, first day at a new job and the first time that you write a resume — all bear great significance.
Posting a picture of their birthday, the first day at school or another milestone event in your child's life which features their friends?
Psychologists understand that children vary in the range of skills and abilities they bring to their first day at school and can facilitate a transition pathway that draws on their strengths while also supporting areas of difficulty.
Spending more time at work means that some fathers worry they might miss out on the new things their child is learning (e.g., walking, first words, first day at school), family experiences and community events.
Spending more time at work means that some fathers worry they might miss out on the new things their child is learning (eg walking, first words, first day at school), family experiences and community events.
We have all had first days at school, a new job or a first date.
I was going to run a pic of my first day at school but husband used the scanner cord to fix his stereo after the bunny ate the stereo cord.
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