Sentences with phrase «one's first team place»

There are still plenty to be done for these players to fight for first team place.
It is important for a great team to have backups who challenge for first team places — the season is long and tiring when you play nearly year round for 60 games.
Gomes has, overall, been poor for the Spanish giants since his move from Valencia in the summer of 2016 with the midfielder constantly struggling to hold down a regular first team place at the Camp Nou.
The long - serving defender has been linked with a return to Russia with Zenit St Petersburg after losing first team place
as there will be a number of first team places up for grabs as some of the more older players either retire of leave for home to see out there days at home club.
Ever since he claimed a regular first team place for Spurs in 2014, the England international has been a revelation.
Do you think it weill be Szczesny or Ospina challenging Cech for the Arsenal first team place next season?
He also did his chances of cementing the regular first team place ahead of Mathieu Debuchy no harm at all by revealing that the chance of working with Arsene Wenger was a major part of his decision.
The French junior international, who only recently signed for the Gunners this summer — joining the youth side from RC Lens, will get Arsene Wenger's nod to battle for first team place beginning with a run out... Continue reading →
(Daily Telegraph) Crouch has played for Redknapp before and is very likely to do so again, however I cant see him holding down a regular first team place if he joins Tottenham.
Its baffling that Sanogo is ahead of akpom on the pecking order, its like wenger hates rewarding good players with a place on the first team
this is whats wrong with arsenal, why should ox and theo be guaranteed first team place?!
If the Catalan club are to lure one of the world's finest young defenders away from Paris then they will have to pay a heavy price, but it is a deal that could go through as it is hard to see Marquinhos nailing down a consistent first team place ahead of fellow countrymen David Luiz and Thiago Silva.
Not only has the 23 - year old graduate of the Southampton academy failed to secure a regular first team place since coming to north London as a highly rated and promising teenager, but a quick look at the recent trophy success of the two clubs would suggest that playing for Chelsea is more likely to fill up your trophy room.
The French junior international, who only recently signed for the Gunners this summer — joining the youth side from RC Lens, will get Arsene Wenger's nod to battle for first team place beginning with a run out in pre-season.
Do you think if Ozil is guaranteed first team place he would leave Real Madrid?No they both would not.What I am saying is, both players were not considered as first team starters at their previous clubs and their clubs wanted to sale them.Thats why Arsenal got them.The same is true for Chec, what I am saying is it easy to get players that the club has agreed to sell than a player who is guaranteed a first team spot.
Manolas scored five goals in 36 games last season which is a good return for an out and out defender so perhaps he could be utilized in games against softer opposition until he is ready to challenge the ageing Per Mertesacker for a first team place.
Now I love the Ox and the potential he has, but his stats are the reason he rarely finds a first team place.
We need to fill at least six or seven first team places, and that's not even mentioning the deadwod further down, 180 + mil won't be enough, sure utd spent similar last season and they aren't even half way finished.
A first team place in the central role would be promised.
We will also have Sanogo and Campbell returning next season, hopefully with some good experience under their belts and willing to challenge for a first team place.
If we can regroup after the international break with Mustafi, Welbeck and Ospina back in contention for first team places and our winning streak at the Emirates we'll close the gap between top to what it was before this farce of a match ever happened.
He has great talent and has already shown versatility in playing right back and centre back, but can he prove himself a good enough DM to challenge Coquelin for a first team place as Bellerin did last year?
Chelsea's Czech Republic keeper Petr Cech, 32, is likely to leave the club at the end of the season after losing his first team place to Belgian Thibaut Courtois, 22 --(Telegraph)
After his struggles to cement a first team place in Pep Guardiola's side last season, it's not surprising to see the defender move to a team that aren't as full of superstars as Man City were.
Since coming through the youth academy at the Santiago Bernabeu, Vazquez has failed to hold down a first team place with Zinedine Zidane's side thus far.
Very few warrant demanding a first team place so I couldn't care less what someone demands, play better than the other guy / s competing for it and you'll have the spot.
But he has also said that he is determined to fight for his first team place and to prove himself and he has certainly been doing that to great effect in this pre-season schedule.
Prior to his move he played for Manchester United, but could never hold down a first team place under Alex Ferguson.
The loss of Vardy would come as a huge blow to Leicester so late in the transfer window and may put the outfit in an unrecoverable position but the unlikeliness of the striker cementing a first team place in the Chelsea set - up may be enough to dissuade him from moving down South.
But now the 19 year - old is getting fit and ready again to fight for his first team place and show that his early promise was no fluke.
For this reason, our legend Ian Wright has urged Walcott to push to leave Arsenal to find a first team place which is his only hope of finding the form to regain his place in the England side to go to Russia this summer for the World Cup.
As much promise as Fekir has shown it has been the french league... I'm not disputing that he wouldn't make a genuine challenge for a first team place but in no way would it be guaranteed.
You'd imagine he'd be most utilised on the wing or as a B2B but I honestly couldn't say he'd absolutely cement a first team place.
Milner would have found himself in the same position at Arsenal as he was at City, no guarantee of a first team place, the only difference is he would have earned less at Arsenal.
The situation with Xhaka is even tougher for the new midfield star and the players he will be competing with for a first team place, but one of those at least is relishing it and Francis Coquelin told Arsenal Player that this is what you must expect when you play for a club like Arsenal.
Himself and Xhaka have not earned a first team place, along with the GK & Koscielny (to name 1) this season.
First team places should be earned on the pitch, not by reputation or favouritism!
The 24 year old Real Madrid midfielder is said to be looking for an exit from the Bernabeu after struggling to hold down a first team place and now having to contend with new Real signing Lucas Silva, a direct rival for his position.
Now the Szczesny Out Brigade have received support from an unexpected source, as the Polish goalkeeping legend Jan Tomaszewski believes that Wenger lied to Wojciech about the possibility of winning back his first team place.
So to recap: He wants a first team place.
We thought we had solved our defensive midfielder problems when Francis Coquelin proved to be our saviour a few years ago, but he doesn't seem to have developed into the superstar we were hoping for, and Mohammed Elneny has also failed to impress much so far, so perhaps he could even be a candidate for a first team place at Arsenal straight away.
After his early playing career with the Gunners was plagued by injury the former England international who has not been capped by the Three Lions since 2015 seemed to be set for a first team place and was neck and neck with Nacho Monreal for a while — but now seems to be a distant second choice in the mind of Arsene Wenger.
We have players coming back who will want a first team place and unless they produce the kind of stuff we saw at the Etihad, it'll be hard to get.
Allen has not always managed to hold down a first team place during his time at Anfield, and has often appeared as a target for hate and derision amongst his own fans, but has silenced his critics somewhat recently with a series of strong performances.
Ainsley Maitland - Niles, 7 A bright spark on the day and should soon be challenging for a First team place more often
SkySports reported how Szczesny's future however remains up in the air and that it seems that although he may want to stay out on loan at Roma, in order to command a first team place, his desire to achieve success still lies at Arsenal.
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