Sentences with phrase «one's full splendor»

The tulip fields were in full splendor — perfect infinite lines of color against the blue horizon.
We have to tend the creation, use it for our own sustenance and flourishing, but we also have to respect it in itself as a manifestation of God's creative energy and cooperate with God in bringing out the full splendor of the created order as reflecting the glory of the Creator.
This new attitude found expression at the Jerusalem meeting: «We rejoice to think that just because in Jesus Christ the light that lighteth every man shone forth in its full splendor, we find rays of that same light where he is unknown or even is rejected.
Diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) can portray the full splendor of this network for the first time, says neuroscientist and DSI inventor Van Wedeen of Massachusetts General Hospital.
If the fashion season ended about a week ago with the Paris fashion shows, the season of the fur business is in its full splendor.
World of Warcraft is back to its full splendor.
The interior has been restored to outstanding condition, returning it to full splendor.
Indulge in the full splendor of Fiji's glorious islands with a personalized charter with Hidden Gem Fiji.
To conclude, only time will tell if the dream of a local coastal ecosystem restored to its full splendor will ever come to true.
You will see the colors of the reef in their full splendor and marine Fauna & Flora which you can't see during the day: a truly unforgettable experience.
At night you may witness the full splendors of the moon reflected on the ocean.
Sprawling across the entire Dean Street entrance, the piece incorporates a loose calligraphy that pays homage to Brooklyn's history, and can be seen in its full splendor from the outside.
This week, the folks at Gizmo China have stumbled upon a few images posted on China's social media website Weibo which show the LeTV smartphone in its full splendor this time.
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