Sentences with phrase «one's future prosperity»

The government of each province includes increasing exports as a key priority for future prosperity.
We remain determined to build future prosperity for them, and for all of society.
Now, the prosperity is mostly fake, because all of the borrowing is temporarily pulling future prosperity into the present.
A successful outcome will deepen the three nations» ties, recognizing and reaffirming North America's role in the current and future prosperity of all of them.
No developing country has yet demonstrated that low - carbon growth is doable without any sacrifice in future prosperity, though several (including the Maldives) aim to try.
«Our country's future prosperity depends on its having an efficient and well - maintained rail system,» Warren Buffett said in a press release.
New Democrats believe that peaceful recognition of democratic rights is the best way to safeguard future prosperity
She also recognizes the valley's future prosperity hinges in part on tourism, which brings $ 4.5 billion in revenue to the region each year.
«To flirt with exit from the EU is to put people's jobs, communities and future prosperity at risk.
By pursuing economic growth above all else, China is sacrificing the health of its people, ultimately risking future prosperity.
«What one would expect during a period of economic growth is that the government would lay the basis for future prosperity using the financial resources made available to it during good times,» Ralston said in his Feb. 20 response in the legislature to the budget, according to the day's Hansard.
These same voices contend that lowering taxes on everyone stimulates innovation and investment, fuelling future prosperity.
In his remarks, President Obama said that expanding Internet access — and therefore, access to information among the Cuban people — is as central to the country's future prosperity as necessities like education and healthcare.
Britain's future prosperity relied on this link, he said.
Sustained high costs for fossil fuels and government incentives all seem to be playing a role in driving investment in renewables, although clearly many countries are realising future prosperity means lowering their dependency on fossil fuels.
The letter also concludes that «the IPCC's conclusions are quite inadequate as justification for implementing policies that will markedly diminish future prosperity
India's Clean Revolution describes how a low carbon development path is the only one that will guarantee future prosperity for India.
The contribution of legal services to the UK's future prosperity needs to recognised and protected during the coming negotiations with the EU.
The Legatum Prosperity Index shows that Europes future prosperity will be assured by balancing economic progress and wellbeing, through pro-growth policies, strong social networks, strong public safety, and innovative and entrepreneurial citizens.»
Australia's future prosperity depends on the collective investments we make in all Australian children's development.
The Government has failed to recognise what all charities know: an economic downturn is the time to invest in fundraising to ensure future prosperity.
These responsible, forward - looking bills lay the foundation for future prosperity for our students, our economic health, and our communities all across the Commonwealth.
Orange County's future prosperity hinges on the region's ability to create a healthy, prosperous economy that promotes both jobs and housing, not one at the expense of the other.
Online reviews reveal how well a business is catering to customer needs and desires, which is indicative of a company's future prosperity.
To contribute to our future prosperity, some university leaders have stepped forward.
Now more than ever, our future prosperity depends on responsible development of these resources.
Our Government recognizes that the future prosperity of the North requires responsible development of its abundant natural resources.
As the declaration puts it, the transition to a clean economy «is necessary to ensure the future prosperity of Canada and Canadians.»
And from the vantage point of the younger generation, it is essential that we have a voice in shaping any engagement strategy with Asia that affects Canada's future prosperity.
Deepening our relationship with Asia is critical to Canada's future prosperity.
But it's also these technological advances, combined with Canada's many gifts of natural resources, that will generate the opportunities to secure our future prosperity.
Members of the NACB recognize this is the best path to address the very real threat that the regulatory uncertainty facing cannabis poses to their future prosperity.
The future prosperity of Canada's key industries, including financial services, are directly linked to the success of our country.
Your gifts enable the Institute to respond authoritatively and effectively to the issues defining Canada's future prosperity.
but left out in the entire debate was any fundamental recognition of what I think is a major issue facing the future prosperity of the Canadian economy.
«Canada's future prosperity will increasingly depend on our ability to remain a destination of choice for skilled immigrants,» notes Shari Austin, vice-president, Corporate Citizenship, RBC and executive director, RBC Foundation, «We need to support newcomers, both in terms of funding employment and in fulfilling their entrepreneurial ambitions.
I believe that together, we have developed an enduring framework and set of recommendations that will contribute to Alberta's future prosperity
This is a serious threat to our future prosperity.
-- but also because innovation - driven productivity growth is unequivocally essential for our future prosperity.
Critics of the Trans - Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement have been quick to claim that it is bad for Canada's future prosperity.
It signifies the federal government's commitment to Canada's future prosperity in the context of a shifting global economy, while strategically positioning Canada as a long - term provider of energy security to key partners in the Asia Pacific.
I felt strongly that our future prosperity would be at risk because of this incompetent, unrealistic, ideological - driven NDP government.
I believe his intentions and approach are excellent, but given how important this stuff is to anyone who uses it for their future prosperity, I believe it's a valid observation.
This important bill recognizes the Trans Mountain Pipeline Project as in the national interest and critical to the future prosperity of Canada's economy.
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