Sentences with phrase «one's glorified body»

but in glorified bodies, where there is no doubt and lies, and demonic oppression, there is joy.
In 1 Thessalonians 4:14, Paul Tells us -» For If We Believe That Jesus Died And Rose Again, Even So THEM ALSO WHICH SLEEP IN JESUS Will God Bring With Him» This Means The Deceased Believers Will Be Brought By Jesus During His Second Advent To Receive Glorified Bodies.
He bears in his resurrected, glorified body all the marks of the victory he had won in the body.
How is it then that God and His wives, who according to Mormon teaching, have physical glorified bodies, produce children without physical bodies?
This isn't so much a physical conformity (although we will be «like» Jesus in our new glorified bodies); rather, this is soul work.
Christ's glorified body bears the scars of his Passion, and so may be described as the presence of the victim of Calvary;
We profess that Jesus will return in the future, and thus we are resigned to the absence of his glorified body in the present, but in the meantime, where is he?
«At the moment of resurrection, Jesus» body changed into his glorified body», Steel says.
The signs of his triumph will be the pierced hands and feet of a transfigured, glorified body that defies time and space; burning memories of a walk to Emmaus; an empty tomb; a breakfast of grilled fish and bread on the lakeshore; a commission to go and convert the world, issued to a ragtag assortment of nobodies.
Glorification then, is the future event when we finally gain our perfect, glorified bodies.
The book treats of the signs that will accompany the end of the world, the Anti-Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the judgment, the state of our glorified bodies, eternal beatitude, as well as more stern topics such as the pains of purgatory and the fate of the damned.
But remember that in our redeemed, glorified bodies, we will also have redeemed minds.
Our key will be to remember that the vocation of the physical flesh of Christ differs in at least one important respect from the physical flesh of us human creatures - His flesh is our nourishment for eternal life, our Bread of Life - a vocation and a Body which encompasses the physicality of his pre-crucifixion life, as well as of his glorified Body.
You are looking at the situation from our fallen perspective, not from God's perspective where our freewill is the same freewill that allows us to choose who on this earth to love (or not), and is the same freewill that seeks to repent from sin when our eyes are opened by God to His truth, and is the same freewill that will choose to praise and serve Him in our glorified bodies made clean by Christ forever.
Maybe she sees Him, but does not recognize Him in His new, glorified body.
But regardless, to answer one of your questions, the resurrection is needed because that is when we get our glorified bodies.
Even if we believe the Christian doctrine of the resurrection of the body, it is beyond our power to alter or manipulate the glorified body that will come after our time on earth.
While the details of our eternal life with our glorified body, with each other, and with God are necessarily sketchy at best, it is clear that some thought has been given to Bernard Williams» concern for boredom.
There are no glorified bodies before we inhabit them.
After His resurrection His glorified body possessed the properties of immortality, incorruptibility, clarity, subtlety and agility.
The physical properties appertaining to this glorified body are quite different from those that we now possess.
The condition of a glorified body is further clouded by the enigmatic remark to Mary Magdalene by Our Lord on the morning of His Resurrection when she tried to embrace Him: «Do not cling to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father.»
Of course, I assume you do believe that Christians are not perfect until God gives us our glorified body.
I believe that when we get our glorified bodies, we also will know fully as we are fully known, and as some other theologian has said, «To know all is to forgive all.»
Her glorified body gives us a glimpse of what will become of all the redeemed, when our earthly bodies are transformed into the heavenly.
Come to think of it, I can not think of a verse anywhere in the Bible which says that in our glorified bodies, we will be perfectly perfect in every way, including all our mental, moral, emotional, spiritual, and physical capacities.
The kingdom is an eternal spiritual kingdom, where our glorified bodies will not need to refill with energy.
We will be in our glorified bodies, but that does not make us physically perfect, only spiritually and internally perfect.
He did NOT resurrect with a glorified body and walk with men on earth, as did Jesus.
«It's also kind of like a glorified body mechanic,» said Doak, a North Tonawanda native who returned to Buffalo to work at Women & Children's Hospital after his medical school stint at the University of Florida and residency work.
With South African prime minister Jan Smuts (Richard Durden) acting as his glorified body man, he harrumphs from one smoky stateroom of history to another, meeting with the likes of Dwight Eisenhower (John Slattery, for some reason), Bernard Montgomery (Julian Wadham), and the stuttering King George VI (James Purefoy) and taking the occasional moment to be talked down to by his wife, Clementine (Miranda Richardson).
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