Sentences with phrase «one's goal as an author»

Readers want quality work for the money they spend, and our main goal as authors should be to see that they get that from us.
The best response to negative comments is to forge ahead with your personal goals as an author.
Maybe you need to define what success looks like by setting goals as an author.
Our main goal as authors is to build a loyal fan base who will buy our books and spread the news for us.
Archway Publishing, from Simon & Schuster, provides writers with a self - publishing solution that is tailored to meet their individual goals as an author.
One of our goals as authors of Lunchbox Solutions is to educate people, because it is only when we are educated about nutrition — and the lack of nutrition in our foods — that we have the ability to make informed choices about our health.
Browse our wide range of publishing services, and select the options that meet the needs of your book and your goals as an author.
With nonfiction books especially, it's critical to think about your abilities and you goals as an author.
Most authors who went the self - publishing way would say that they had to work harder and persevere in order to be able to achieve their goals as authors.
The goal as an author / publisher is to give the reader enough of the book to make a decision but not so much that they won't need or want to buy the book.
You have been the motivators, the fans on the side line cheering me on, the accountability partners that remind me to keep my eye on my goal as an author.
Complete your list of events and activities that will compliment your goals as an author.
Part of our goal as authors is to create fans of our work, readers who anticipate and buy our next books.
Before publishing your book, you should get clear on your goal as an author and be intentional about your decisions if you want to join the authors who find an audience and make an income.
Now that you have a list of events and activities that compliment your goals as an author, start using it.
Her goal as an author is to have a romance for everyone, whether it's sweet, sensual, or spicy.
Your goal as an author is to translate the information to the bookseller (Apple, Barnes & Noble, Overdrive, etc.) as efficiently as possible.
Your goal as an author is to write a non-fiction book that gives the best possible reader experience, and -LSB-...]
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