Sentences with phrase «one's great numbers»

There's really no evidence to support an expectation of greater numbers of more intense tornadoes over a larger geographical range in the course of longer tornado seasons.
Additional resources may be needed if setting or streaming resulted in greater numbers of classes.
For white students of similar backgrounds, the «penalty» for attending a school with greater numbers of black students disappeared.
50 transactions per day per human appears sufficient to cover all human - driven activities; and only a healthy machine - to - machine market would require an even greater number of transactions.
However, it's far simpler to do consistent, smaller price hikes on drugs used by a far greater number of people in order to make up for revenue gaps.
Without the discovery of spiritual resources by great numbers of men and women the future is dark.
We had very enjoyable dive with almost no current and we saw great number of fish.
Yes, high school fishing clubs and teams do exist, and in much greater numbers than one may expect.
I want to see more people in church as greater numbers of people are reached with the gospel.
Then one moves out and a 40 year old male applicant applies for the vacancy with great numbers on paper.
I've been able to find great numbers locally without having to deal with trying to invest remotely.
In contrast to paid dating sites, free ones offer greater number of clients with whom you may get along.
These efforts will go some way to attracting greater numbers of young people to develop the skills and knowledge our country needs.
History is the story of how we've learned to come together in ever greater numbers — from tribes to cities to nations.
While you can reach greater numbers online, interactions in person are more likely to result in sales and reviews.
Even if one didn't always get such great numbers in giving away books, one could maybe give away a reasonable sum and make some money.
The most common method of predicting extinction rates relies on the species - area curve, the mathematical relationship showing that larger areas tend to contain greater numbers of species.
The reverse is true for the bottom 20 % on instructional leadership, with secondary schools in significantly greater numbers at the low end.
He presented evidence that globalization has caused incomes to disperse, creating greater numbers of richer people and poorer people, and reducing the size of the middle class.
And although you'll probably end up doing greater number of push - ups, they will surely be with poor quality.
At our dating and introductions site you will come across great number of family oriented single Russian women who want to date serious men.
However, this study could not tell whether the unhealthy reaction to mental stress in these participants eventually translated into greater numbers of heart attacks or other indicators of worsening heart disease.
People from different age groups as well as varying backgrounds and from all corners of the world use the services offered by these websites on a regular basis in very great numbers.
Such a colorful object and it holds great number of activities helping tiny toddlers to develop their fine motor skills.
The first of these are the dark spots that appear in great number during times of high solar activity.
These firms take in clients in great numbers due to advertising and some illegally pay people to call accident victims to recruit their business.
We have employed great number of people with keen eyes and equally good technologies to make sure that each and every sentence of what we write is of best quality.
While a substantially greater number of claims can be expected to arise, arguments about whether or not there can be a fair trial will remain.
Employment has risen steadily as well, so greater numbers of people are seeking to buy.
These sites on the internet are disrupting the way young adults get dates, by changing the dynamics, which encourage greater numbers to sign up.
Somewhere north of 90 percent of lawyers use smartphones and increasingly greater numbers use tablets.
These are all great numbers; I'm thrilled about the upward trends, and I'm a big fan of data and stats.
If you want achievable fuel economy numbers, but aren't keen on a diesel powertrain, then the Superb delivers great numbers for its size and is worth serious consideration.
Students at the colleges and universities were converted and great numbers again presented themselves for the ministry.
Others would follow until great numbers were so affected.
Our education system made only modest progress in closing achievement gaps and preparing greater numbers of students for success in college and 21st - century careers.
In comparison, when insurance companies are insuring greater numbers of sick people, the overall insurance rates will rise.
The affluent will not in great numbers gladly give up their privileges in order that the deprived may share in prosperity.
Addressing population — how many feet are leaving their tracks — remains controversial despite widespread agreement that greater numbers place more strain on the planet.
The party may have hundreds of thousands of new members but they weren't to be seen in great numbers inside the main conference complex.
There are so many great numbers to pull from the affair.
However, a greater brain activity does not necessarily mean you will automatically be able to calculate infinitely greater numbers than you could otherwise.
At our dating community you can discover great number of honest and intelligent single Russian brides wanting to find a right man to marry.
The need to squeeze greater numbers of pupils into buildings designed with much smaller intakes in mind is forcing a lot of schools to compromise on other aspects of their learning environment.
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