Sentences with phrase «one's groin area»

Look in groin area as well for fleas.
Pet owners should pay close attention to the belly, tail and groin area for signs of fleas.
Pain that presents around the pelvis, lower back, hips or groin area as a result of alignment imbalances within the pubic symphysis and sacro - iliac joints.
It opens up your hip and groin area while strengthening your back and lower body.
This awesome yoga pose helps relax groin area, inner thighs and hips muscles as well.
If you feel that you could lift a heavier weight if you had more stability in your hips and groin area then squat pants may be a good idea.
Clasping your hands in front of your groin area draws attention to the wrong place.
Their 51 - year - old father, David Works, was shot twice in his abdomen and groin area and is in fair condition.
«Tightness and soreness in the hip and groin area.
When asked about James Haren's kick to his groin area during Sunday's Cavs - Rockets thriller, LeBron James didn't seem all too happy about the karate - kick:
Thankfully it's not more than that for Suh since he was ordered to pay $ 30,000 for his accidental kick to Matt Schaub's groin area.
Don't think banning the groin area is the answer.
Pain located outside of the groin area is generally coming from a source outside of the hip joint (extra-articular).
Pain is felt in the hip or groin area, and activities such as running, walking or stair climbing can become so painful that the individual will have to stop.
I also like the fact that they do not look bulky in the groin area, good for a moving baby.
The baby can also become tender in the groin area and chaffing on its inner legs.
There is an adjustable snap you use to tighten or untighten the diaper along the sides, and another one to adjust around the groin area.
It puts a lot of pressure on the groin area of your baby, lots of strain on your back and leaves your baby feeling like they need to lean forward (regardless of the support).
As your belly begins to swell enough to show, you may experience some pain in your abdomen, hips, or groin area, called round ligament pain.
It felt unnatural and upon looking at us in the mirror I could see that my little one was not so happy with how the carrier was holding him especially in the groin area.
The rubber or vinyl pants don't allow for air movement, so make sure his groin area is clean and dry.
Trying to figure out the things they omit from pregnancy books that you have to The pressure in my groin area was so bad I
This condition is also known as «cradle cap», which will also cause your baby's skin to peel — usually on the scalp, but also sometimes on the neck, eyebrows, armpits and groin areas.
The hernia allows abdominal contents to get down into the groin area.
The inguinal canal brings down the spermatic cord and certain vessels to the groin area.
You just feel your lower abdomen or your groin area tighten and then relax.
Right now, your lower belly and groin area may be in pain — something that's very common during the second trimester.
It's very trim fitting and my 42 pound son has room left in the groin area and is on the last snaps.
It may also cause them to be tender in the groin area and have chaffing on their inner legs because of the thinner crotch design of front facing carriers when combined with virtually no leg support for them.
- If your baby has a bulge near his bellybutton, a swollen testicle, or a lump in his groin area, he may have a hernia.
Also never massage the genitals or around the groin area.
The pain that many women experience in the lower abdomen or groin area is referred to as round ligament pain, and it can be quite painful.
The hands, feet, armpits (axilla), and the groin area are the most active regions of perspiration because of the relatively high concentration of sweat glands in these areas.
They lured mosquitoes with everything from pads worn under their armpits or in their groin area to used tampons.
They began with a 1 1/2 - inch square patch of healthy - looking skin from the boy's groin area, grew cell cultures, then added the retroviruses bearing the working copies of the gene.
Yeast - like fungal infections, particularly in women, for example, can show up under the breasts and in the groin area.
For instance, some women report dark patches of skin especially along neck creases, under their breasts, or in the groin area, called acanthosis nigricans.
But some types of sweat pose more of a problem than others — like vagina sweat, or perspiration from the glands of your vulva and groin area.
It consists in simply cooling down the groin area with cold water while maintaining the rest of the body warm.
It works on the groin area, one of the highest nerve - concentration areas in the body, hence its positive effect on mood, sleep and energy.
It targets the groin area: One of the highest nerve - concentration areas in the body.
«The lymphatic vessels are very thin and pliable, so when you operate in the groin area, even with meticulous surgical care, they can be injured and can create an obstruction blocking the return of the lymphatic fluid,» says Dr. Johanning.
It is good for a healthy metabolism and has shown that it controls the rate at which fats get deposited especially around the groin area.
Physical Benefits Baddha Konasana (BAH - dah koh - NAH - suh - nuh) opens up the groin area and hip joint.
Foods that cause FUPA that are fatty or sugary can be stored as fat tissue around your groin area.
Greek yogurt It helps by using calcium to break down the fatty deposits in your groin area.
(1) a chronic sore throat; (2) a constant runny nose; (3) cramps; (4) itchy toes, anus, and vagina; (5) rashes on her legs and groin area; and (6) an overall flu - like feeling.
If need be, place some padding under the part of your groin area that contacts the edge of the bench.
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