Sentences with phrase «one's groundbreaking work»

Her ideas were a vehicle for creating groundbreaking work in photography, performance, film, video, drawing, sculpture, and site - specific installation.
But the women artists who taught, studied, and made groundbreaking work with them are often remembered in history books as wives of their male counterparts or, worse, not at all.
In fact, we have done groundbreaking work in the use of mediation and alternative dispute resolution for resolving divorce and child custody matters.
This book offers fresh, exciting, original, and groundbreaking work from leading figures in the field.
We aim to provide examples of developers creating groundbreaking work that can also sustain careers.
Such a committee existed 25 years ago, and produced groundbreaking work.
Can you describe the original groundbreaking work at ACT?
He's responsible for a more groundbreaking work around reservoir emissions than anyone else.
I always think about some of her seminal pieces, and you can see how groundbreaking her work was (and still is).
This purse pattern isn't groundbreaking work but let me tell you, making an idea from a square of fabric into something is not small feat.
Since then, he has continued to do groundbreaking work.
MARK AMERIKA REMIXES GRAMMATRON FOR ONLINE GALLERY Animated GIF adaptation marks 20th anniversary of original groundbreaking work of net art — GRAMMATRON, a pioneering moment in digital and net art and one the first works of online art to be exhibited as part of the Whitney Biennial of American Art, turns 20 on June...
Known for groundbreaking work in kidney transplantation, our expert physicians and scientists are behind several innovations that have become national standards of care.
The discovery follows years of groundbreaking work by Arnold, who in 1995 discovered that an optical fiber could excite what he termed Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) in polymer micro-beads less than one - third the diameter of a human hair.
Surrealist master Luis Bunuel is a towering figure in the world of cinema history, directing such groundbreaking works as Un Chien Andalou, Exterminating Angels, and That Obscure Object of Desire, yet his personal life was clouded in myth and paradox.
FIW owes a great debt to its founder, Betty Carter, whose groundbreaking work in many areas of family therapy occupies the core of the FIW approach.
In addition to her impact teaching students all over the U.S. as well as globally, some of her notable achievements include groundbreaking work with community cats in the early 90s through Operation CatNip; advancing the field and credibility of shelter medicine through disease prevention, outbreak response and prioritizing lifesaving over euthanasia; and more recent projects like the Million Cat Challenge.
Groundbreaking work over four decades has led to ongoing insights about brain organization and consciousness
The value of such groundbreaking work is indisputable.
The following list of young painters from America features a couple of well - known names we believe deserve wider attention, as well as some of the biggest discoveries that have been presenting groundbreaking works during the last decade.
Sholette has a long and impressive history as an activist artist and scholar, extending back to his early groundbreaking work with PADD and Repo - History, as well as his work as a critic, theorist and historian of engaged art (as evidenced in his books Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture and the edited anthologies Collectivism after Modernism and The Interventionists).
«James Welling has been producing groundbreaking work since the 1970s that possesses a rare combination of conceptual depth and technical skill.
The New York Times said the intimacy of their relationship during the next years, a consuming subject for later biographers and historians, coincided with the production by the two of them of some of the most groundbreaking works of postwar art.
The Gruber Foundation honors individuals in the fields of Cosmology, Genetics, Neuroscience, Justice, and Women's Rights, whose groundbreaking work provides new models that inspire and enable fundamental shifts in knowledge and culture.
The fish eggs (caviar) that adorn sushi and sashimi are extremely high in vitamin A, D, and K and are one of the «sacred foods» of traditional societies described in Dr. Weston A. Price's groundbreaking work Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
Among these works,... Continue reading AIPAD Features Groundbreaking Work by Arlene Rush in Photography Collection of Joe Baio
Activist Alberdingk Thijm does groundbreaking work helping activists use smartphone cameras to defend human rights, but her most profound influence is incredibly down - to - earth: classic children's book character Pippi Longstocking
I hope the media will not speak of her only as a top - rate female mathematician, but also as a top - rate mathematician who is doing truly groundbreaking work.
It was Islamist scholars who preserved human knowledge and indeed made groundbreaking work on astronomy in their day.
«I would not be capable of doing groundbreaking work today,» renowned physicist Freeman Dyson, 88, told me recently.
At ORNL, Moyer developed new understanding of the interfacial aspects of solvent extraction in recovery of uranium and conducted groundbreaking work on principles of molecular recognition that can be applied to solving DOE's pressing challenges in nuclear waste cleanup, nuclear fuel recycle, and recovery of critical materials.
This expanded third edition of Carol Ann Tomlinson's groundbreaking work covers the fundamentals of differentiation and provides clear and practical strategies for K — 12 teachers.
Clark's groundbreaking work radically innovated the relationship between the art object and it's audience and has become a reference point for generations of artists pushing the limits of sculpture today.
Phil Fearnside is responsible for a more groundbreaking work around reservoir emissions than anyone else.
Although much of the extant empirical literature focuses on the beneficial aspects of workplace friendships, Morrison's groundbreaking work suggests that friendships can be a double - edged sword, creating stress and role conflicts that hinder productivity.
Alberts's editorial also notes that relying on journal impact factors to evaluate a scientist's research output «creates a strong disincentive to pursue risky and potentially groundbreaking work, because it takes years to create a new approach in a new experimental context, during which no publications should be expected.»
After groundbreaking work — dubbed the wavelet revolution — spearheaded by Meyer in the 1980s, textbooks in many disciplines had to be radically rewritten, Morel says.
Previous groundbreaking work by Chuan He, PhD, professor of chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology, and investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Chicago, demonstrated that reversible methylation exists for messenger RNA to control gene expression.
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (Director: Brian Knappenberger)-- Programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz achieved groundbreaking work in social justice and political organizing.
WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos will kick - off her first back - to - school tour Tuesday, September 12 to highlight the innovative and groundbreaking work happening in schools across America.
She led numerous projects that won national awards and recognition for groundbreaking work developing briefs and tools that empowered advocates and shaped critical policy advancements in Connecticut.
EXHIBITION > Opening Sept. 3, New York University's Grey Art Gallery presents «Ernest Cole: Photographer,» the first solo museum exhibition of the late South African photographer Ernest Cole (at right), whose groundbreaking work documented apartheid.
Grand Arts is the Kansas City - based project space that facilitated groundbreaking work from the Gala Committee as well as Alice Aycock, Patricia Cronin, Ellie Ga, Alfredo Jaar, Isaac Julien, Annie Lapin, Laurel Nakadate, Filip Noterdaeme, William Pope L., Tim Rollins & K.O.S., Emily Roysdon, Tavares Strachan, the Propeller Group, and more.
Crimp also acknowledged the influence of photo - conceptualists such as John Baldessari, whose groundbreaking work expanded the process of image making.
In March, a long overdue exhibition celebrating Mahieddine's groundbreaking work went on display at NYU's Grey Art Gallery.
Eight years before, the Swiss artist Jean Tinguely had assembled sculptures from landfill materials and exploded them on the dirt surface in a literally groundbreaking work he called «Study for an End of the World No. 2.»
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