Sentences with phrase «one's hands dirty»

And Someone who isn't afraid to get there hands dirty, (my ultimate goal is to flip houses lol) a...
Until Google finally got its tablet hands dirty with the Nexus line, the Asus Transformer Pad Infinity was the only Android tablet that could hope to keep pace with the iPad.
This act allowed them to receive a 20 - million - dollar payment «without getting hands dirty in Switzerland» (Finews report).
While s / he should not be afraid to get hands dirty when needed, the position should be at the same level as field director, finance director and communication direct and should also report directly to campaign manager or candidate.
Every scientific entrepreneur has to «get [his or her] hands dirty,» Narod says.
I don't expect the church to set up an ATM for the unfortunate, but it would be nice if they would listen to people... and love people.It is much easier to throw money in the collection plate, than to get ones hands dirty.
57 yrs young 5/1 male white little out of weight happy go lucky guy love telling jokes playing cards having a good nite out love country music love pets ai nt afraid getting hands dirty diy
While a smart fortification strategy will take care of most of them without too much of a problem, there are times when you will have to get your own hands dirty.
So that's why when I saw My Time At Portia I decided it was time to get my virtual hands dirty and dig in.
Perfect for getting hands dirty or simply trimming the edges, keep plants on top form and introduce new seeds to a flower bed.
In fact, Michael could often be found on the manufacturing floor «getting [his] hands dirty» while solving problems, fixing testing equipment, or simply working closely alongside production staff.
Why would I do something that won't appreciably clean the world but does make my hands dirty for no personal benefit?
Jun 27, 2013, Lori King showing by example, not being afraid to get your hands dirty and do the tough jobs, many lead from their thrones, true leaders inspire and show how it's done
The transportation and logistics firm's general manager says it goes a long way with staff when leadership is willing to get its hands dirty
It's seems to be a period of renaissance for creative people who now have easier and cheaper access to materials and the wherewithal to get their hands dirty.
If you don't want to get your hands dirty with service or politics, then you need to build a higher - volume, self - service business.
«It's been 20 years, but it's got to be another 20 years because the only way we're going to end this is through concerted efforts and encouraging governments like the government in the Philippines, encouraging the national community, institutions like World Bank, encouraging major countries, but also just getting our hands dirty and doing it,» Evans told «The Brave Ones.»
He gets his hands dirty.
This dynamic duo may be sitting pretty right now, but neither one of them is above jumping back in the driver's seat and getting their hands dirty, if needed.
We wanted someone who'd be willing to get their hands dirty and be deeply engaged with the business.
It's hoping to lure 30 graduates with entrepreneurial dreams and a willingness to muck in and get their hands dirty to revitalize troubled Detroit.
But it's important to take the time every now and again to open up the hood of tax policy and get your hands dirty.
The pursuit of a degree can certainly help you develop but doesn't exactly require you to get your hands dirty in a way that allows you to learn practical skills.
Germano says his instincts come from deep knowledge of the industry — a connection that comes from getting your hands dirty and knowing every aspect of your business.
But my primary interest was just to get my hands dirty and make wine.
«To do this well, the CFO needs to first get their hands dirty in the field by gaining an understanding of where and how the company is positioned to compete for business by adding value to customers.
Get your hands dirty
Expectation is about getting your hands dirty and taking a greater level of ownership.
Today, fathers are portrayed as cuddly caregivers, unafraid to get their hands dirty when it comes to daily parenting duties.
While his professors toiled away on floppy drive computers with 20 megabyte hard drives, Elop — who worked for the faculty of engineering as a student — was poking his head through ceiling tiles up and down the halls, getting his hands dirty hooking people up «to this new thing» called a computer network.
But even when they aren't reflective of that guest, they can evolve to see their job as more than just a responsibility to do what needs to be done and instead have the expectation to get their hands dirty and help.
I loved getting my hands dirty.
The visionary behind the modern Cara was always one to get his hands dirty when it came to business.
You'll need to gain experience at a number of levels before being tapped to run an operation, so be prepared to get your hands dirty before making management.
It's a very hedged approach to business that only works because nobody has to put a shovel in the ground or get their hands dirty.
Feld obviously isn't the only member of the start - up community encouraging young people to get their hands dirty early.
To fully realize their creative potential, listeners learn they have to get their hands dirty and not be distracted by shortcuts to success.
Andrew Ng, the respected computer scientist and entrepreneur, is getting his hands dirty, metaphorically speaking.
If you want to be an innovator, you have to get your hands dirty, as Toshniwal explains.
I'm in it to get my hands dirty and build a team and do something that people will look back on with tons of satisfaction.»
Seeing the leadership take initiative and get their hands dirty sets the tone for what's expected of all staff, says Nicholls.
If you don't mind getting your hands dirty and appreciate the sense of a job well done, then a cleaning service might just be your perfect opportunity.
Schroeder has for the past two years cleared his calendar so that more than half his time is spent doing what he loves: nurturing new ideas while getting his hands dirty in the greenhouse, and calling impromptu brainstorming sessions.
A: Be prepared to bounce all over the place, going from job site to job site and to get your hands dirty.
If leadership is willing to get its hands dirty, it goes a long way with the staff, says Liberty Linehaul General Manager Gary Higgins.

Phrases with «one's hands dirty»

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