Sentences with phrase «one's harrowing experience»

What makes interviews harrowing experiences for even the most seasoned of job seekers?
Possibly one of the most harrowing experiences in the world is to write a cover letter when you have no clue how one is written!
Coming in the house at night can be a somewhat harrowing experience if you don't have a light switch easily accessible.
It is a beautiful, often harrowing experience that is, unfortunately, somewhat let down by a handful of key flaws.
To say that a car accident can be an emotionally harrowing experience is something of an understatement.
As you will soon see, if you haven't already, changing lanes, merging traffic and pulling out into traffic can be a particularly harrowing experience!
Interviews are harrowing experience whether you are being grilled for a position that is new to you, or one where you have had ample experience.
An Irish woman who detailed her own harrowing experience of child sexual abuse at the hands of a priest spoke out during a Vatican symposium on Tuesday, telling church officials that an apology was not enough.
Lydia Kurkjian Mantis recounts her family's harrowing experience during the Armenian Genocide and shares how she draws on her own childhood experiences to connect with her students today.
You know, I was reading about my friend Terri's harrowing experience on an airplane this past weekend.
The complaint alleges in detail Coyote's harrowing experience with these shoes, which ultimately resulted in Coyote sufering an extraordinary injury that «caused Mr. Coyote to expand upward and contract downward alternately as he walked, and to emit an off - key, accordion - like wheezing with every step.
Because we've all been too hot or too cold or bothered by insects or sore of foot or even hungry on occasion, it's easy to begin to relate to the characters» situation, but the durations and combinations of such deprivations that they have to suffer make for a truly harrowing experience at times.
The game follows Lara Croft's harrowing experience only to be discredited as part of a cover up.
Postdocs who come to the group are kept anonymous, and there are currently five postdocs actively involved in counseling, most of whom are doing it simply because they want to help their fellow postdocs or because they've had their own harrowing experiences, according to Busch.
But interviews are also quite harrowing experiences for most of us as we are often asked questions that leave us speechless not only because we do not know the answers but also because we may be just too nervous to... Read More»
It's a truly harrowing experience that speaks through it's narrative pacing, plot, and atmosphere, asking these questions without really voicing a specific answer.
Standing in front of five professors for an hour and a half, chalk in hand, blackboard blank, bowels clenched, preparing to field science questions, has to be one of the most harrowing experiences of a grad student's life.
Temple Street night market is an intoxicating, if sometimes harrowing experience: think pirate DVDs and fake designer clothes alongside buckets of doomed toads.
In a brief interview with coach and tournament director, Frank Quinones, he tells SportStars of a recent harrowing experience.
Cinematographer Maxime Alexandre (The Crazies) adds that the technology being utilized for the film might make for a more harrowing experience than anything presented in the first film:
Driven by a committed central performance and borderline - oppressive sensory design, Hellblade is a haunting and at - times unbearably harrowing experience, and one of the most visually - stunning games of the year.
Based on the true story of one family's harrowing experience trying to survive in the aftermath of the Christmas Day tsunami in Thailand, the film was shot on location... Read More»
In June 2013, Alternative Magazine Online reviewed The Last of Us (PlayStation 3), describing it as «one of the most emotionally engaging and harrowing experiences ever committed to the video game medium.»
On September 8, 2010, Swedish developer Frictional Games gave us a uniquely harrowing experience that is still, even five years later,...
Getting into a vehicular accident with a commercial truck can be a very harrowing experience.
They found individuals with similar harrowing experiences they could sympathize with, which has led them to write their story and release the book, «Don't Hug Your Mother.»
Haunted by her parents» harrowing experiences in Nazi concentration camps in World War II, she was troubled as a child by images of piles of skeletons and barbed wire, and, in her words, «a floating sense of danger and incipient harm.»
«One of the most harrowing experiences for me was taking supplies to a quarantined household and watching a pregnant woman die of Ebola, in front of our eyes, we had no choice we had to respond and fight back.»
Truly, this was a harrowing experience — and our hearts go out to Riordan's family, and to the other passengers who were reportedly injured.
The 29 - year - old visited Ellen DeGeneres» syndicated talk show to discuss the harrowing experience of being at an Antioch, Tenn., Waffle House on April 22 when a man entered the restaurant with an AR - 15 rifle and opened fire, killing four patrons and injuring several others.
A few years prior I'd had a harrowing experience at another church, wherein I nearly lost my job for reporting a suspected abuse situation to the authorities, rather than hand it off to my boss.
Although it proved a harrowing experience - she fled with her family, she says, once the cult began advocating child - adult sexual relations - as the setting at first «was really idyllic,» remembers the actress, 38, who rose to fame on TV's Charmed and now stars in Conan the Barbarian 3D.
When mistakes are made, animals can sometimes endure this harrowing experience whilst conscious.
Finnish striker and former Chelsea star Mikael Forssell shared a harrowing experience on Twitter in which a cat kept him confined to his house and prevented him from training...
Nothing a win over the old enemy wouldn't change, although Arsenal, to their credit, have recovered tremendously well since that harrowing experience at the Theatre of Dreams, and while they aren't considered title protagonists any more the Gunners still have every chance of securing Champions League football next season with a top - four finish.
Teaching your teen to drive is a harrowing experience for some fathers.
It was a harrowing experience watching how quickly health your infants health can deteriorate and seemingly fighting to give your breast milk that doesn't appear to be helping.
It was the last time I would be trying to have a child and it was quite a harrowing experience to say the least.
On the other hand, particularly if you had emergency surgery, you may have also been through a harrowing experience and you might be feeling grateful to be alive.
after pulling through a harrowing experience?
You just keep telling me all about that harrowing experience.
Additionally, in the UK and throughout most of Europe, fathers and domestic partners are entitled to at least two weeks of paid parental leave, allowing them time to bond with their newborns and care for their wives as they recover from the harrowing experience of childbirth.
Having admitted that while juggling between breastfeeding a baby and entertaining a little girl is hard work, Pink has admitted that her breastfeeding journey has not been a harrowing experience, unlike what some other celebrities have gone through.
Your toddler is developing physical skills that can make bed time a harrowing experience for you.
i'm so sorry you didn't have a good bf experience, however, i hope you will refrain from painting it as a harrowing experience «for most» as this may discourage others who are considering it.
At the PSA unveiling, domestic violence survivor Julie Stahl spoke about her harrowing experiences 20 years ago when she was routinely beaten by her boyfriend.
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