Sentences with phrase «one's health status»

The current health status of your mouse strain will not affect its acceptance.
My recommendation is for dog owners to closely work with their veterinarian to determine the need for providing dietary supplements based on current health status.
Individual needs should be determined based on health status, diet, activity levels and the environment.
And fewer than 25 percent think the mental health status of children is better now.
However, such problems are generally «short - term» and are considered to have a relatively insignificant impact on the overall health status of the dog.
A complete screening includes vision and hearing screening, a review of general health status, and developmental screening covering language, intellectual, social - emotional, and motor developmental domains.
Some people feel that any small improved health status in the partner may not be worth risking a positive, long - term, intimate relationship.
Although the quality criteria tool was designed for health status questionnaires and not specifically for adherence measures we believe it was the best tool available.
Among older adults, risk factors for depression include disability and poor health status related to medical illness, complicated grief, chronic sleep disturbance, loneliness, and a history of depression.
With term life insurance, you also have the option to convert to permanent insurance using the same health status as your term policy.
Results show that educational attainment was positively associated with health status.
Our doctors prefer to evaluate each pet individually to accurately assess health status.
Their age and good health status works in their favor and can warrant very affordable premiums.
The premium that is due for this coverage is based on the insured's age and health status at the time that he or she applies for the policy.
This study examined the strength of association of 8 social risk factors, both individually and as part of a cumulative social risk index, on parent - reported child health status.
High - risk patients were more than five times more likely to have a poor self - perceived health status, and almost four times more likely to be dissatisfied with their healthcare.
These plans evaluate health status and pre-existing conditions when processing an insurance application and determine whether the applicant is approved or rejected for coverage.
Then you'll both know your sexual health status from the beginning of the relationship, and you won't have to live in the dark.
Even after taking physical activity, weight and health status into account, researchers found that this scary association still held true.
How men will interpret these results will clearly depend on their individual health status, and their own tolerance for side effects.
We determine the pain management techniques that are appropriate for your pet's age, breed, and current health status prior to surgery as well.
Your veterinarian will take careful note of your pet's weight and health status before using anesthesia.
Cats, like humans, vary greatly in their propensity for forming tartar and in their overall dental health status.
It is a wise option to consult a doctor or health care practitioner regarding the best dosage of zinc for your specific health status.
This risk is also obviously eliminated by prevent his / her contact with cats of unknown health status.
Regarding health status, most of the patients had no other chronic diseases but used other drugs.
Your veterinarian should complete an oral examination during every wellness visit to assess your pet's oral health status.
Only by taking x-rays can you know the complete health status of your pet's mouth.
A bad health status is a clear sign your drive is actually failing.
Based upon the results of your dog's blood work, your veterinarian will put together a tailored treatment plan that will be the most effective for his unique health status.
What tests would you recommend to determine their present health status?
The good news: Changing health status during your term limits doesn't affect premiums or payoff.
The patterns of occupational health status during the 24 - hour - records were visually separated for the four groups.
Still, the investigators did not examine health status after age 49.
Blood work is typically performed to evaluate the animals underlying health status.
We will do the best we can within the limits of the law to assure a stable health status.
The battery health status your device reports can help you decide whether it's time to replace your battery, but the decision is ultimately up to you.
If statements are made concerning health status, documentation shall be supplied upon request.
Of course, no estimate will be able to tell you your exact costs, as they can vary significantly from the averages based on your current and future health status.
Your own health status has a significant influence on your rates.
This revenue may be impacted by changes in launch schedule and satellite health status.
There's «no physical office location» for this remote position helping clients reach and maintain optimal health status.
This is the final expense life insurance for seniors with a sound health status who are expected to live a normal life.
The goal of this project is to relate DNA based measurements of microbial communities from the human gut and other body sites to patient health status through niche modeling.
Medical history and recent health status can also help pin down a diagnosis.
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