Sentences with phrase «one's highest mark»

The brakes also get high marks for providing quick, trauma - free stops.
The stylish dash also gets high marks for its sensible layout.
I'm sure it would have resulted in high marks in my social life, but my grades would have likely suffered.
Despite the company's specific customer segment, it still manages to receive high marks from reviewers and industry experts.
Guests have given high marks for the hotel's superior location and beautiful beachfront, on - point service, and overall value.
If you've earned high marks in school, for example, list those under your education section.
As a result of which chances of getting high marks from professional assignments written by them gets very high.
Her team consistently achieves high scores with high marks on food quality.
That's his fifth - highest scoring game of the season, and the most assists he's had in a game by double his previous high mark of 3.
The average commute is one of the shortest on our list, at under 15 minutes, and the city also scores high marks for safety.
• Completed on - the - job training cycle with high marks from all mentors, and earned a perfect score on written final exam.
The local real estate market continues hitting high marks in early 2017.
Corporate learners earn attention - grabbing badges for every milestone, from successfully completing an online training simulation or scenario, to achieving high marks on exams.
Our research - based programs and superior professional development have been given high marks by numerous organizations.
With all that's required by our profession, we should be receiving very high marks.
We were awarded high marks in company outlook, manager relationship and communication, and employee appreciation.
If the dog has this type of coat, it won't grow very long, thus, probably won't get high marks at exhibitions but it will probably turn to silky.
Compare that to electrical engineering, where such high marks accounted for 34 percent of grades, or the 40 percent of grades in the A range in food services and lodging management.
This number marked a return to the previous high mark set in 2005 and is the highest compliance rate since the annual study began 25 years ago.
The companies that do best by new college graduates also get high marks when it comes to business achievements.
These booster prepares the students for higher mark questions in their terminal exams.
The boxy dash and poor location of some of the controls, buttons and switches did not earn the vehicle high marks among auto writers.
Most individuals give their neighborhood schools high marks but have a more negative assessment of the nation's schools overall.
It has extremely high marks in stability, infrastructure, education, healthcare, and environment.
Because I already paid for food that has a pretty high mark up, why should I have to pay my servers wage?
All in all, it gets high marks if good food and good times are a regular part of your routine.
The company's retail customers give it generally high marks for service, although a few cite supply - chain hiccups as the business has expanded.
So far, parents give the program high marks, and all measures of service were found to be of high quality.
Previous guests give the place high marks so you are likely to enjoy your stay as long as your expectations are in line with reality.
I give the car high marks for performance, handling, and especially cost of ownership.
While the powertrain may have garnered high marks for power and delivery, the now 10 - year - old engine falls well short in miles per gallon.
It's good to know you guys don't mind giving a game high marks just because it looks nice.
Our commitment to quality service has earned us consistent high marks in customer satisfaction.
«It is not like we're getting high marks because these people are coming in with low expectations,» he says.
So we look for a balance: highest marks went to cities that are growing at around 7.5 % annually, two percentage points more than the national average.
The best - rated life insurance companies have high marks all around to provide peace of mind.
When they give really high marks to something, it has more weight than when most other sources do.
One factor contributing to single - family stability could be high marks renters give the quality of single - family property management.
Those who reported the best results from planning also gave their firms high marks on implementation.
Only 43 % of Democratic voters, down from 56 % last fall, give the governor high marks.
To receive best assignment — To secure high marks or good position in your assignment, it should be the best assignment.
The majority of moms give this pillow high marks for its portability and functionality, though some say it gets a bit warm on their arm in the summer.
I'm so happy you have this film high marks — I had no reason to go to the movies until now.
That is why I would give my vehicle high marks on safety.
Asked which technologies are most important to their futures, they give cloud computing, mobile computing, and the Internet of things high marks.
While on the surface it does the industry good to have high marks attached to their games, in the long run it doesn't do much to broaden their acceptance in the mainstream.
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