Sentences with phrase «one's hindsight»

The management at the company chose to specialize in this specific service in hindsight of the rise of the importance of the resume in the eyes of employers.
So with this idea of hindsight firm in mind, I looked at last year's corresponding fixture to get a perspective of where this team is currently.
With hindsight back in 2012 many intelligent investors could have had little idea of what would happen even though the evidence was all there at the time — if that makes sense.
You can find similarities and draw conclusions... but this is only with the gift of hindsight bias.
I was doing this at a time when my stress level was quite high too, which on hindsight was not the greatest idea.
I appreciate the criticism and response, but using hindsight as the central part of your analysis is the exact reason I wrote the article the way I did.
There is a lot we know now that we did not know back then, and it is not fair to judge historical decisions using hindsight that was not available at the time.
It has been said that hindsight makes things crystal clear.
I know this now from hindsight; I didn't realize this back then.
So much stuff that in hindsight seems so logical.
But it is also easy to see, with the benefit of hindsight at least, that those investors who ignored recent trends in media and retail have also lost many fortunes.
We don't have the benefit of hindsight when we vote for president.
It is sometimes called hindsight forecasting, as the computer is run backward to recreate past conditions.
If you're going to compete for a cup within a salary cap, you better draft well (and hindsight shows we haven't).
I am grateful in hindsight for not having a church background... because it did and continues to help me keep things straight in my head.
«If hindsight were 20 - 20, I would have done a million things differently,» he said.
Managing the client relationship is so important because hindsight bias is especially harsh on agents and experts.
Well hindsight tells us now that by and large, doing 100 % borrowing was not the best policy we could have taken.
While hindsight bias can be positive for our confidence, it affects rational thinking negatively.
But we do not yet know if this constitutes an emerging trend — only hindsight after decades will tell.
It will be messy, confusing and endlessly debated but with historical hindsight, 2015 will be the year.
I laugh when I read about my excitement of a «belly», which in hindsight looks like I ate a big donut.
With hindsight maybe a bit more of that increase in spend should have been in the core taken - for - granted systems that work every day.
Looking back with perfect hindsight, would a player feel that your game was well worth the cost, or would they regret the time and money that they spent on it?
Sometimes you need hindsight to realise that one particular day represented a turning point in your life.
It's easier, perhaps, to look back on older transitions in retrospect, as hindsight gives a somewhat clearer view of how things entirely occurred.
Begin with a day picked at random, recalled without hindsight.
Fortunately, most of my money was in retirement savings in 2008 so I didn't touch it but in hindsight wish I would have increased contributions.
I wonder with hindsight whether it had to be that way, whether natural selection couldn't really work unless genetics was digital, high - fidelity, a kind of computer science.
Which at the time I was excited to hear, wish I had the power hindsight there!
But the gift of hindsight means that we all know that wasn't the case.
That's why married people should live like they're divorced, with all the benefits of expectation - busting hindsight, but still be committed to each other.
Sometimes it is only through hindsight when you may realize something was off.
Hopefully hindsight is catching up with a lot of consumers as this article highlights.
Also, recording your analysis in real - time will help you avoid hindsight bias.
Of 85 bankers surveyed, bankers with the lowest hindsight bias made the most money.
The general term applied was «hindsight forecasting».
Some indices are still in the process of topping or resting or whatever hindsight will tell us.
It's the difference between management hindsight on the one hand and data and genuine insight on the other.
Is it only after it was written and hindsight enters the picture that we seem to see more clearly what was happening.
Is it simply because I know for a fact that they can be asked only with historic hindsight?
This was a wow - in - hindsight season.
In other words, and perhaps this is unfair hindsight, the trajectory looked better than the Wolves does right now.
Your entire argument is based off hindsight and pointless.
I've made a list, my own «baby registry checklist» informed by my rather recent hindsight, to keep it simple.
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