Sentences with phrase «one's historic responsibility»

Further interpretation of historic responsibility is the course, the reason for this landscape of cumulative emissions....
This declaration includes ideas such as historic responsibility, common but differentiated responsibilities, and respective capabilities.
The declaration also includes the principles of historic responsibility and common but differentiated responsibilities.
Q. China is demanding that if they build cleaner power plants or the like, it's the rich West's responsibility to provide the better tech or pay the difference based on historic responsibility for the CO2 buildup so far.
d Fully recognise historic responsibility and equity issues associated with addressing the current global environment and development crises and that solutions to these crisis must be based on principles of equity including common but differentiated responsibility and respective capability;
The Kyoto Protocol adopted in 1997 was based on the principle of «common but differentiated responsibility,» which is to say that developed countries, with their disproportionate historic responsibility for past emissions, were expected to cut sooner and deeper.
For their part, China and India blame the US and other wealthy nations for not accepting deeper cuts, since they share the brunt of historic responsibility.
Even South Africa, while speaking for an approach that includes economic capacity as well as historic responsibility, passes too lightly over that subject.
That rich countries must cut emissions first and furthest in line with their historic responsibility for causing climate change and their capacity to tackle it.
«Labour has a historic responsibility... most of the time when we lose, we end up losing for a very long time,» he says.
As an American, it's your historic responsibility to take the best of those and make them your own.
His new film, «Black Mass,» about Boston criminal Whitey Bulger's decades - long rule, was about to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, and here was a reporter for Boston's paper of record asking him questions about civic and historic responsibility, about whether a movie owes anything and to whom.
Chasing prestige and battered by state funding cuts, many public colleges and universities with a historic responsibility to provide access to an affordable education have turned to «financial aid leveraging,» offering wealthy or high - scoring students discounts on tuition.
In «Failing Liberty 101» (p. 22), William Damon calls U.S. educators to take up their historic responsibility to prepare students for their role as citizens of a democracy.
Mr. Lee added, «With their historic responsibility in mind, the advanced economies must share these technologies so that new and emerging economies can join the efforts to tackle global climate change.»
«But what we first have to have before we come up with any viable solution to this critical problem is, number one, the advanced economies have to really understand and come out and recognize the historic responsibility that they have.»
This is why the U.N.F.C.C.C. believes developed countries should take this historic responsibility.
But we would request more because we believe this is something developed countries have to do to take their historic responsibility.
Any discussion of distributional equity in the climate realm therefore inevitably turns to considerations of historic responsibility.
Many NGOs, with the best of motivations, insist that the historic responsibility for causing climate change (which lies overwhelmingly with rich countries) should confer an equal right to pollute on those who are poor.
However, China is currently unlikely to set an absolute emission target because this would contradict its long - standing position at international climate negotiations that industrialized countries have a historic responsibility to take the lead in this area.
These include: progressive cuts relative to historic levels; equal per capita emissions, historic responsibility, and ability to pay; and preserving future development opportunities.
The reality of historic responsibility, the vast disparity in per capita emissions, the legitimate development needs of countries whose populations struggle with the crisis of poverty and the existential threat posed by climate change must be faced.
Based on a recent SEI report commissioned by Oxfam, slide after slide highlights how such a «pledge and review» system not only violates rich countries» obligation to take action, but also ignores the principle of «common but differentiated responsibility,» which recognizes differences in resources and ability, as well as the historic responsibility of countries that have already profited from polluting the atmosphere.
However, it risks inciting further charges from developing nations that the United States is seeking to wriggle out of its historic responsibility for tackling climate change.
Bureaucrats and politicians from developing countries have reiterated that rich nations have emitted 80 percent of greenhouse gases currently in the atmosphere, and so bear an historic responsibility to combat climate change and provide finance for low carbon technologies and adaptation to climate change.
This idea received wide support from the COP, only Saudi - Arabia spoke against it saying that the historic responsibility that the developed countries have on climate change has not changed since 1991.
Historic responsibility is a factor.
In principle, one of the most loaded terms in the international climate talks — historic responsibility — could also apply to black carbon.
Developed countries have the historic responsibility to step up and implement the needed commitments to tackle every aspect of climate change, especially through the avenue of finance.
The implications of climate change, and its solutions, are too central to countries» core national interests for them to base their negotiating positions just on some abstract sense of «historic responsibility
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