Sentences with phrase «one's historical development»

We needed to be involved in the ongoing struggle for justice, urgent, of course, but set against a background of long - term historical developments from which one could derive encouragement.
For it is caused by inevitable historical development as well as by intellectual, theological and social factors.
The mediation of religion through apparently secular images is related to particular historical developments in Western culture.
Yet the main plan of the gospel is simple and straightforward, and contains a number of consecutive historical developments which have a good claim to rest upon a true tradition.
These can be used to promote further examination of the gospel texts and how historical developments have amended the gospel accounts.
The work shows the responses of regional artists to major historical developments, bringing them in contact with the western world.
The attempt to parallel concrescence with historical development ends us up in a totalitarian and static dead - end, whereas attention to the important differences between occasions and societies allows us to emphasize the genuine creativity of the former by displaying the latter as one of its distinctive products.
«What we now call globalization — the growth of an international economic system — is one of the most important historical developments of the last five centuries.»
One need not accept the strong statements that some theorists have made about cultural evolution (let alone «sociobiological» evolution) to find value in theories that have tried to organize what we know about historical development according to some broad evolutionary schema.
They wanted me to believe in and worship a fictional deity whose historical development can be easily traced, so I'm right and they're wrong and I merely wished to show them the error of their ways.
In all of this it was understood that religion was an activity in process, as social groups sought to achieve more productive adjustment to the factors of the natural and social environment which carry their culture through historical development.
If we believe in the hand of God behind historical developments, then today's Muslim diaspora — Turks in Germany, Algerians in France, Pakistanis in Britain, Indonesians in Holland, people from many Islamic countries in Canada and the U.S. — seems a call for Muslims to coexist with those of other religions.
The long historical development of the late change from that to «hell» as the culture encountered Hellenism, and the Greek Haedes was substi «tuted (incorrectly) in translations is interesting.
However, the constitution of the major Catholic, Protestant, and sectarian Christian Churches, of the Jewish, Islamic and Parsi bodies, of the Buddhist and Jaina Samghas, and of Confucianism, are in each case the result of complex historical developments.
They carefully document key historical developments in this field and provide examples of up - to - date laboratory findings.
Used by all ancients, several traditional peoples, generally preferred over the other grains (rice was a later historical development of which I'm investigating the reasons), was a staple before it was replaced by potato, said to promote general equilibrium in the foundational ayurvedic text, the Caraka Samhita, and of the five cereals of Chinese medicine, named the best by the Yinshan Zhengyao.
The premise of the series, as explained by editors McPherson and David Hackett Fischer, is its focus on «contingency» or the awareness that important historical developments do not take place inevitably.
A decisive factor was the type of inculturation of faith in the society, an aspect of long - term historical development.
Unlike historical development projects like Rockefeller Center and Times Square, Hudson Yards is trying to be a blend of a number of things at once: commercial, retail, public space, and residential.
His contemporary, John Henry Newman, argued that one primary source of that resilience was the «detachment» of the papacy, which gave it a singular capacity to anticipate historical developments and to avoid mere conservatism.
I would suggest also that one way into such a new doctrine of analogy is a new understanding of man or history as the image of God, wherein historical development and evolution could be seen as a reflection or embodiment of the development and evolution of God.
How ought one commemorate such an epochal, complex, and influential historical development?
There does not appear to be an inevitable historical development, sponsored by ultimate reality, that ensures the liberation of the oppressed or a more humane society.
This affirmation of apostolic fixity and historical development ultimately drove Newman to Rome.
Only where historical developments have led to a degeneration in the life of the fellowship, and hence to a weakening of this feeling, will there be a rationalistic or mystic or spiritualist protest against the actual manifestation, or against the very idea of a communion and community in religion.
It is not the repudiation of both those Councils, and of the whole historical development of the Church over the last 400 years, as we are often asked to believe.
While it shares with the former an insistence on the necessity of well - defined and rigidly adhered - to principles, strictly conceived authority, and discipline, it shares with denominationalism an opposition to traditionalism in principle and, empirically, to definite historical developments in doctrinal, practical, or social expressions.
That a Society has both essential and accidental qualities thus enables it to be a type of entity which endures throughout change as a «complete existence» with an ongoing historical development of its own: it remains what it is essentially and yet changes accidentally in «reaction to changing circumstances.»
Instead, the field's fractiousness is an inevitable result of its unusual historical development.
Indian music reveals much about Hinduism that is not conveyed by the written word or by reproductions of painting and sculpture; for an introduction to the music of India, Swami Prajnanananda has written Historical Development of Indian Music which, although it bristles with untranslated Sanskrit words, can be read with profit by anyone who has made enough of a study of Hinduism to be able to recognize its central concepts.
But the law exists; it is a given factor of stability, credible historical development, and yearned - for order amid the rise of violence, terror and an unspeakable sense of insecurity that haunts the burnt - out souls of an anxious people.
Contending that the entire historical development portrayed in the Old Testament from the creation of the world through the course of the Jewish race found its clue in Jesus, they claimed for their faith an antiquity which proved an asset in meeting the charge that Christianity was an ephemeral child of yesterday and without that dignity of ancient lineage possessed by the philosophies of Greece.
Moreover, because religions are distinctive historical developments, a central task for theology within each particular tradition is the assessment of how well any theological claim coheres with the normative witness to faith of that unique tradition.
35 This theme is a repetitive drumbeat in his City of God, where he asserted that, regardless of our finite sense of historical developments occurring under the sway of merely human forces:
Although the study of this vast Brazilian Pentecostal community has advanced rapidly in recent years, little attention has been paid to its overall historical development.
My fourth community - based research project, recently completed, was to compile, edit, and publish a 600 - page book chronicling historical development of collaboration between researchers and Iñupiat people of Alaska's North Slope at Barrow.
The Telegraph & Argus: The first place to look for all your local news GREAT HORTON CONSERVATION AREA Historical development and changing character of the CA.
«Textiles are topographies,» writes artist Jess Jones in the wall text of the new exhibition, Parallels, at GSU's Welch School of Art & Design Gallery through July 31, a joint show that the textile artist created in collaboration with her fellow Georgia State professor, Dawn Haynie, an urban historical development expert.
Concurrently displayed at the Graham Foundation's historic Madlener House and Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Rakowitz's installation deploys fin de siècle Istanbul's architectural remains as a counternarrative to the city's rich multiethnic historical development, at the same time excavating psychic and material traces of the Armenian craftspeople responsible for much of the city's art nouveau façades.
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