Sentences with phrase «one's honeybees»

«The question of why this population of honeybees in South Africa has evolved to reproduce asexually is still a mystery.
Global warming — and its impact on plant flowering times — may be a factor in honeybee colony losses
Extensive losses of honeybee colonies in recent years are a major cause for concern.
Humans depend on honeybees for pollinating many crops, especially orchard crops and vegetables.
Otto et al. (2016) describe land - use changes (e.g., a major increase in acreage dedicated to corn and soybeans) in the northern Great Plains that are reducing suitable locations for honeybee colonies.
Honey is produced by honeybees from plant nectar and much like cinnamon, also contains potent antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds which have been shown to reduce inflammation and stop the growth of bacteria and fungi in humans.
there have been many many reports showing that native bees (yeah, they exist) can replace the exotic and invasive european honeybee as those jerks start dying off.
In social species from honeybees to naked mole rats, kinship fosters cooperation: Females forgo reproduction and instead help the dominant female with her young.
So with honeybees in peril, what happens if we lose them?
The challenge of keeping honeybee hives healthy and viable is getting a helping hand, in the form of a few new high tech tools.
Is produced by working honeybees as food for potential queen bees.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, managed honeybee populations in the U.S. have declined between 25 and 45 percent per year since 2010, including a 44 percent decline from 2015 to 2016.
Backyard beekeeping has nonetheless blossomed as Angelenos worried about honeybee health or devoted to urban farming have started tending hives at home.
Nor do honeybees do the buzz - in - place move that some other bees use to shake pollen out of the pores on the blueberry flower anthers.
While miRNAs are generally negative regulators of gene expression in eukaryotes, they also negatively regulate larval development when honeybee larvae consume beebread / pollen and take up plant miRNAs.
The researchers also investigated the effects of NMP on honeybee larvae by adding seven concentrations of the chemical to a pollen - derived, royal jelly diet.
Bumblebees, just like honeybees, play a vital role in nature's pollination process.
And according to Gill Perkins, conservation manager at the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, while honeybees used to be the most numerous and therefore the most important plant pollinators, that is no longer the case.
Beeswax residues found on shards of stone age pottery in the Mediterranean region indicate that humans were keeping honeybees as early as 9,000 years ago
The lack of evidence for beeswax use at Neolithic sites above the 57th parallel North as in Scotland and Fennoscandia points to an ecological limit to the natural occurrence of honeybees at that time.
«How honeybees do without males.»
However, one isolated population of honeybees living in the southern Cape of Africa has evolved a strategy to do without males.
And the mites may be partly to blame for the most recent honeybee loss.
All three pesticides are among those that have been measured tainting North American honeybee hives.
In an analysis of nearly 50 years of data on bees from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, researchers found that domesticated honeybee populations have increased about 45 percent, thanks in large part to expansion of the bees into areas such as South America, eastern Asia and Africa.
Nakrani didn't know about Tovey's excursions into honeybee research, but Tovey saw very quickly that the problem Nakrani described was «just like the honey bee forager allocation problem!»
As Discovery's network - wide Bees on the Brink coverage continues, we want to focus not just on what problems honeybees face, but also on what each of us can do to help them.
The question that arises from this study is whether honeybee queen fertility is compromised and whether she can be effectively replaced when required (this can not be done during winter).
As if we didn't have enough to worry about right now... The Guardian reports on some new stats on honeybee deaths in the United States that are pretty disturbing.
Four pesticides commonly used on crops to kill insects and fungi also kill honeybee larvae within their hives, according to Penn State and University of Florida researchers.
The Latest Buzz on Disappearing Honeybees: Some Improvement
In North America honeybees pollinate more than 90 crops with an annual value totaling almost $ 15 billion.
From helping protect honeybees with pollinator gardens or designating no - mow zones -LSB-...]
I authorize East Bay Waldorf School to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event honeybee Jubilee.
DEFY THE DANCE The famous honeybee dance is a figure - eight movement that communicates the whereabouts of pollen, water, and new housing.
The nation's great bee die - off has provoked a furious debate: What has caused a third of all commercial honeybee colonies to perish each year since 2006?
The Western honeybee species of the United States and Europe, however, has remained relatively defenseless against the mites, which spread to the United States during the late 1970s and 1980s.
Philadelphia science teacher Mark Wahlberg makes the vaguely creationist case that science is inadequate to explain the higher mysteries, like why honeybees are disappearing and his wife (Zooey Deschanel) has gone frigid.
It showed that deformed wing virus (DWV) and the fungal parasite Nosema ceranae — both of which have major negative impacts on honeybee health — can infect worker bumblebees and, in the case of DWV, reduce their lifespan.
In contrast to the amino acid divergence and the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions per site that we examined in the present investigation, they analyzed the proportion of most diverged genes by using the E value of the best hit when searching annotated honeybee genes against the Genbank non-redundant protein database.
The flower mimics the chemical signals, or pheromones, released by alarmed western honeybees (Apis mellifera) during a predator attack.
«This is a very interesting landscape field study by Henry investigating effects of thiamethoxam treated oil seed rape on honeybee foraging activity and colony performance.
I'd like to be able to help eliminate a lot of the bad press honeybees get when they swarm in public spaces.
Studies including the new one show that many pathogens shouldn't be considered just honeybee diseases, he says.
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