Sentences with phrase «one's household waste»

Water filters can not be recycled as part of your recycling collection scheme nor at household waste recycling centres.
For instance, there is almost no separating of household waste within the city.
If they are beyond repair though, you can sometimes recycle them at household waste recycling centres.
You can take your pots and pans to your local household waste recycling centre, or put them into your rubbish bin.
They're a great way to reduce household waste, while generating important conversations about plastic use.
Along with providing household waste collection, every municipality is required to establish waste drop - off locations.
American experts believe that average households waste about 10 % of their income every month.
Experts estimate that most households waste between 10 % and 15 % of their monthly income.
Since you're talking about household waste, might as well talk about the beverages we drink as well.
Also, check to see if there is a household hazardous waste day in your community so you can safely dispose of hazardous household waste.
But perhaps most effective is the nation's policy on household waste.
The list includes fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, electronics, and other household waste like old paints and pesticides.
The Active to Clean program will gather plastic waste from the environment and provide venues for processing household waste.
Common household waste such as empty food cans and containers may have sharp edges or an opening large enough for your pet's head to get stuck in.
These items should be recycled separately - check with your local household waste recycling centre.
Simply remove the greenery from the base and add to your garden / green waste collection, or drop at your local household waste recycling centre.
Hearing aids are not collected as part of your local recycling collection or at household waste and recycling centres.
These items can be recycled at most household waste and recycling centres.
In response, she founded a school club dedicated to encouraging companies and individuals to dispose properly of hazardous household waste, such as televisions, fluorescent light bulbs, and batteries.
Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson (EYE» - veh - suhn) says the plant should be a game - changer for dealing with household waste.
Dr. Liz Goodwin, Chief Executive Officer, WRAP (The Waste and Resources Action Programme): «WRAP's work to help reduce household waste in the UK by 21 percent was only possible through our ground - breaking analysis to quantify how much and where it was wasted.
It is one of a growing number of companies and research groups around the world working on gasification — a process that zaps household waste into energy and which, its advocates say, produces few or no harmful emissions.
Hazardous household waste from properties damaged and destroyed in the 1/9 Debris Flow will be collected the week of April 16 - 20.
Most cards are paper based and can be recycled, along with their envelopes, either in your household recycling collection, at local recycling points such as household waste recycling centres or at collection banks in supermarket car parks and the like.
The average American household wastes $ 2,200 in food every year.
A new policy paper from LARAC, released today (11 April), calls on the government to introduce direct charging for household waste collections and PRN reform to increase recycling and tackle the funding crisis crippling UK local authorities.
Plastic microbeads are too small to be properly filtered out of household waste water by most municipal treatment facilities.
Between 2012 and 2013, following the 2011 contract, Toronto experienced an approximately 50 percent per household waste collection cost reduction (see figure).
Thanks to policies implemented in 1988, the government has been able to decouple GDP growth and production of household waste over a period of about one generation.
Landfill Tax operates at two rates: a standard rate for active waste (substances that either decay or contaminate land - which includes household waste); and a lower rate for inert materials.
He found 72 toxic chemicals exuding from the hazardous waste sites, but 113 at dumps taking household waste.
«Technology had an emphasis on Design & Technology this term, with students completing a Repurposing Project (ideas for repurposing a common household waste item, such as plastic bottles, and designing and creating a new product).
The average American household wastes 20 % of the food it purchases.
As of the date of this Agreement, Landlord warrants that the dwelling's sewage drains are in good working order and that they will accept the normal household waste for which they were designed.
The students at the University of Buenos Aires (FADU) even explained that separated household waste is thrown together by the garbage trucks.
In the first of two hour - long episodes, broadcast on BBC1 at 9.00 pm last night, Fearnley - Whittingstall investigated food and household waste across the supply chain.
On average, Australian households waste over $ 3,800 each year on food that is never eaten.
The average US household wastes a lot of food.
We also have to commend EnviroMom for being featured on Nightline in a story about household waste reduction.
Heather McNamara: Well, I think your point was really good that you do with the law of garbage and so you just need to be aware of how frequently you're going to be disposing all of them, how far away you have to go to bring your diapers to the outside garbage can and consider that because this is going to double your, literally double your family's household waste if you have a baby and disposable diapers.
The bill also notes DEC's own confirmation that the facility has accepted household waste from the town of Colonie.
Note: This is a free event and only residential household wastes are accepted.
Britain still sends more household waste to landfill than any other country in the European Union.
«We're not a dumping ground — not for dead household waste or for live deer,» said Oddo, who has begged the city to contain the ever - expanding herd in his borough for more than a year.
Vaporising household waste to create clean energy could solve two of humanity's biggest environmental problems at once.
Far too much household waste does not decompose, or it decays so slowly you might not notice.
A Japanese company has developed a system that can generate almost twice as much energy from compressed pellets of pulverised household waste as previous systems.
Like many artificial islands in Tokyo Bay, Jakushu is built out of thousands of tonnes of household waste sandwiched between layers of soil.
A bill being prepared in the Japanese Parliament aims to cut the 160 000 tonnes of household waste generated every day in Japan by recycling.
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