Sentences with phrase «one's hurricane»

There have been any number of libraries and library directors who have found themselves in the midst of hurricanes of controversy over plans to vastly eliminate or move the collections of their libraries.
That article was based on the idea that warming oceans would cause an increase in hurricanes in the future as a result of global warming.
By understanding your travel insurance policy, and how it may be affected by hurricane season, you can better prepare to weather the storm.
They did say they were working on bringing in sand after hurricane season.
Last week was the official start of hurricane season in many areas of the world.
Your vehicles, like boats and cars, can typically be protected from hurricane damage with comprehensive insurance coverage.
The authors suggest that society build in planning and infrastructure for prolonged droughts, just as we do for earthquakes in some states, or for hurricanes in others.
It also covers against named perils such as hurricane damage and theft.
The impact on hurricanes of a greenhouse - heated climate has, if anything, grown less clear with more study.
And today the sadness and magnitude of it all hits with hurricane force as I see the numbers on a page.
Now that the city has closed it for renovations after hurricane damage to a part of it, we wanted to remember what it used to look like, even if it was underneath.
When hurricanes hit in 2017, airlines and other card issuers made it easy to donate rewards to relief efforts.
Those figures don't include damages from the increased threat of extreme events like hurricanes because there the certainty is a bit lower.
Here are some pictures from the last few years when hurricanes created great surfing conditions.
What I find most entertaining about this is that this is only the first major hurricane of the season, and already people are bringing the question of faith into this equation.
The researcher believes the findings not only show that carbon - dioxide dynamics are highly variable following hurricanes but also demonstrate the strong resilience of tropical forests.
Since hurricanes cause multiple events to occur at the same time, they're particularly risky for homeowners if you're covered for certain events but not others.
Homeowners and Renters: Find additional information on hurricane relief below.
The extreme winter weather and high risk for hurricanes make it crucial for every homeowner to invest in comprehensive Auburn home insurance.
Review your coverage and talk to your insurance representative annually before hurricane season starts.
The most recent devastating hurricane season, coupled with a significant shift toward online shopping, resulted in less demand for employees in those industries, she said.
Another thing to keep in mind about hurricane insurance is the deductible.
So far, the price hikes have not been quite as bad as some feared earlier this year — or immediately after several major hurricanes struck late this summer.
Most scientists expect the increase in the number of strong hurricanes as the climate warms to be at the expense of smaller ones, meaning fewer overall.
I grabbed this glass hurricane at a yard sale for $ 1 with some ornaments in it.
A hiring rebound at restaurants and bars impacted by recent hurricanes helped boost numbers.
You should also know that there is a 30 - day waiting period to file a claim after purchasing hurricane insurance.
«If hurricane intensity increases pole - ward... it is going to have to be addressed by governments, individuals and businesses,» she said.
To my knowledge there is no well - established link for that (though climate change is indeed making the most intense hurricanes even stronger).
Typical riders include hurricane coverage for people living near water or a mold rider for those in humid climates.
Later in the morning, the president will receive a briefing on hurricane recovery efforts.
Their added coverage for hurricane warnings could make your vacation much, much more enjoyable.
The relatively short time period of quality hurricane records makes detecting such trends difficult, though.
Public perceptions of hurricane forecasts tend to focus on uncertainty and conflicting predictions.
Five to nine of those storms would be expected to strengthen into hurricanes, with winds in excess of 74 mph.
Bring in all outdoor furniture and anything else that might get picked up by hurricane winds whenever a watch is in effect.
It also remains unclear how the climate change that is warming the seas themselves will impact hurricane frequency and strength.
With hurricanes come a lot of devastation and destruction.
The scientists were doing experiments while flying through hurricanes.
Consider, for example, the following statistics that show how much was paid out in hurricane coverage in recent years.
Finally, tropical storms officially become hurricanes when their sustained wind speed exceeds 118 kilometers per hour.
Running into one of the most powerful hurricanes on record, their boat nearly destroyed and one on the verge of death - it will take everything to survive.
So while hurricane numbers may, or may not, be increasing in numbers, the destructive potential of them looks most likely to.
Over the past 20 years, significant advances have been made in the science of hurricane track forecasting.
But I understand that the authors here were arguing towards and effective upper limit on hurricane strength.
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