Sentences with phrase «one's illogical conclusion»

Airbnb fired back, saying the comptroller's office used a flawed methodology and drew illogical conclusions.
Then you might not jump to such illogical conclusions all the time.
I'm here because I feel compelled to resist the onslaught of misinformation and thus illogical conclusions that are perpetuated by religion.
There is no doubt that Brand is intelligent and has a fabulous command of the English language — which makes it doubly frustrating when he chooses to preface his arguments with lazy straplines, or arrives at illogical conclusions.
It's possibly the visually stunning next illogical conclusion after Asteroids.
Explaining the concepts of anchoring or faulty memory to the client, judge, or jury might might allow them to consciously begin looking for — and overriding — their own illogical conclusions.
So stop using your lack of knowledge to make illogical conclusions.
He was taking your position to its illogical conclusion, albeit not completely right.
I agree brother, but because of the effects of sin on the mind, unbelievers (and some believers) will pervert the nature and ramifications of that evidence and come to illogical conclusions and thus reject Jesus.
All other religions are based on corrupted and illogical conclusions.
So, we ought not abandon such an idea because some have taken it to its illogical conclusion — and we should be very careful of saying that uses of the word «missional» today are endorsing the ideas that led to such deep missiological problems in the World Council of Churches.
There are no inconsistencies in the Bible, just inconsistent humans imposing their illogical conclusions on it.
Your illogical conclusions are astounding on many levels.
The illogical conclusion, though, is what DAIRY PRIDE seems to be banking on.
It's extrapolating the ludicrous - ballpark - food craze to an illogical conclusion, which makes for a one - note joke.
The writer of the article picked on a number of unconnected issues leading to some illogical conclusions.
The Talented Mr. Ripley runs out of gas and coasts into the finish line, leaving us with an illogical conclusion.
Like a twenty - first - century Dr. Strangelove, The Men Who Stare at Goats takes war to its illogical conclusion, with hilarious results.
Taking that idea to its illogical conclusion is an unusual button for the climate system that maximizes air filtration for polluted areas: «You just push the bioweapon defense mode button.
Persona is about the pull and sway these legends and rumours hold over us, taken to their illogical conclusions.
Deniers just like to jump on statements like this to make the illogical conclusion that, since we can't observe the system perfectly, global warming is no longer a problem.
If the Competiton Bureau followed through on every single scurrilous complaint brought forward by whomever, through the initial inquiry (aka discretionary) triage stage, to the ultimate conclusion of an Application for each complaint, physically before the Tribunal, there would not be enough bureaucrats in all of Canada in all of the Silly Service departments lumped together to process these complaints through to their logical / illogical conclusions.
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