Sentences with phrase «one's immediate aftermath»

But some reflection should still take place on what proved to be one of the most disturbing aspects of both the referendum campaigning and of the result and immediate aftermath of the vote.
During the hurricane and in immediate aftermath, we had radio to our local emergency managers, but we could not reach the eastern side of the island.
These polls, by their design, can't tell us if support increased in the shooting's immediate aftermath before fading.
The updated guidelines, published online Feb. 27 in the journal Pediatrics, advise pediatricians on how to care for a patient in the more immediate aftermath of an assault.
[11] Seen in company with the most adventurous examples of Post-Impressionism and Fauvism, «his critical reception grew more favorable in [the] immediate aftermath [of that exhibition.]»
«After a strong rebound in the immediate aftermath of the global financial crisis, the pace of activity in the emerging markets has faded,» says Stephen King, HSBC's chief economist in the report.
«You can absolutely win your customers back, but it's what you do in the immediate aftermath of the data breach that'll determine whether they want to have a relationship with you later on.
The DoE estimates 40,000 people died in the immediate aftermath, and that number may have reached 140,000 within five years.
In response, the franc surged, with the common currency fetching as little as 0.86 franc in the immediate aftermath.
Though mass shootings tend to elicit increased support from lawmakers in the immediate aftermath of the massacres, that support usually dies out in the following weeks and months.
Comey's written testimony confirms the news accounts that revealed these bombshell claims in the immediate aftermath of his firing, but it did not provide much additional information that had not already crept into the public realm.
«We think that both the gold and silver complexes will make fresh highs this month ahead of the French elections, but likely fade in their immediate aftermath,» said INTL FCStone analyst Edward Meir.
In the immediate aftermath of Sandy, Strassburg said she sold all of her jewelry to help pay for the $ 10,000 in electrical repairs.
Investors could certainly take a bailout as cause for optimism, particularly in the immediate aftermath of the decision.
In the immediate aftermath of both Brexit, in June, and the Tiananmen Square protests, in 1989, markets were in chaos.
But while the markets may have seen violent swings in the immediate aftermath of the vote to leave, the longer - term political ramifications of a Brexit are interesting to consider, too.
The comments from Cruz and Lee suggest MacManus will likely face a nasty confirmation battle that will touch on the role he played as Clinton's top aide in the immediate aftermath of the Benghazi attack, as well as during the scandal over her use of a private email account while serving as secretary of State.
In the immediate aftermath of the mass shooting, the Department of Defense determined that Kelley's 2012 court - martial conviction for beating his wife and infant son should have disqualified him from purchasing firearms, but he was not reported to the FBI for inclusion in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), the database for firearms - related background checks for private dealers and state outlets.
But Reynolds believes that his company's technology can give SCI victims a better shot at recovery by taking advantage of the window of opportunity that exists in the immediate aftermath of the injury.
IS fan boys celebrated with glee on IS - linked social media accounts in the immediate aftermath of the attack, but this does not mean that Raqqa, the self - declared capital of the caliphate headquarters in Syria, ordered or organized the attack.
Shares of gun makers tend to drop in the immediate aftermath of a shooting and are mostly trading higher three months later.
He started SEP in his basement in 2001, in the immediate aftermath of the dot - com bust.
What's more, as many retailers have noted, the election and its immediate aftermath led to a later start to holiday shopping, compressing the peak of the shopping season.
They drop in the immediate aftermath of a shooting and are mostly trading higher three months later.
Until the beginning of 2017, the UK economy fared better than all but the most optimistic of forecasters imagined in the immediate aftermath of the Brexit referendum, confounding predictions of an immediate recession, and virtually ignoring any uncertainty over the future.
Shkreli had made his Twitter account private during the immediate aftermath in September, but he's since come back and has feuded with both Bernie Sanders and — I can't believe I'm writing this — 1980s wrestling star The Iron Sheik.
In the immediate aftermath, more than a dozen local businesses are reeling from the events, and trying to find meaningful ways to support the community.
A blackmail demand from Soviet Jihadi terrorists claimed responsibility for the hack in the immediate aftermath, and garnered some press attention.
TD economist Chris Jones ominously noted: «The last time such a large drop in consumer expectations occurred was in the immediate aftermath of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.»
Outside of the immediate aftermath of the financial crisis, when earnings were depressed, this is the highest multiple since the early 2000s.
Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta International Airport, while not directly affected, chose to play it safe, in the immediate aftermath, by shutting down its free Wi - Fi network and certain website functionalities.
In the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks, when the U.S. closed its borders, many companies were forced to slow down or halt production.
In the immediate aftermath, employees who made big money were warned not to buy BMWs (or else they'd get their windshields smashed) or check the stock ticker at work (or else they'd have to buy the person who caught them a share).
An electrical engineer by training and a software developer, Jeff Cantin used his skills to help people rebuild in the immediate aftermath of the storm.
Netflix rose 8 % in the immediate aftermath of its earnings report, hitting an all - time high in after - hours trading.
Wiley says he thinks New Orleans could have done more to help its small businesses in the immediate aftermath of the storm.
«I jumped more than I was pushed,» said Mr Varoufakis, describing his resignation in the immediate aftermath of the «no» vote in the July 6 referendum on bailout terms similar to those accepted on Monday.
But it does showcase the immediate aftermath, as a slumping Castile bleeds profusely and a police officer, gun still drawn, continues screaming into the car.
But the deadline for the Iran negotiations — ostensibly set for June 30 — is only a week away and the outcome could have broad ramifications for the oil market, both in the immediate aftermath and over the long - term.
Additionally, the exchange will restore the trading and withdrawal of bitcoin and some other cryptocurrencies, after having suspended such activities in the immediate aftermath of the theft.
In the immediate aftermath of the U.K. referendum, Donald Trump suggested the pound's dramatic decline could encourage more foreign tourists to visit Turnberry, Scotland, where he owns a luxury golf resort.
The completely divergent stances echoed the diplomatic chaos we saw earlier this week when the president departed sharply from the lines that Tillerson and the US ambassador to Qatar took in the immediate aftermath of the boycott.
And the federal government is infusing more money into Puerto Rico than might have been expected in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane.
In the immediate aftermath, the tourism industry lost over 26,000 jobs and more than US$ 2.4 billion in revenue.
Nevertheless, the questionable circumstances under which it did so in the immediate aftermath of the election demonstrates just how many avenues there are for Trump's conflicts of interest to interfere with governance around the world.
Airline and lodging stocks often fall in the immediate aftermath of terrorist attacks.
In the immediate aftermath, the Maria Fund distributed emergency funds to several community - based organizations: Taller Salud in Loíza, the G8 of Caño Martín Peña in San Juan, and Centro para Desarrollo Político, Educativo, y Cultural in Caguas and delivered critically - needed supplies to the island.
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