Sentences with phrase «one's increased investment»

This advocacy resulted in increased investments in each of these areas in the 2017 legislative session.
These expenses could be partially offset by increased investment in child maltreatment prevention.
A new poll finds overwhelming support for increasing investments in services that support children's health, nutrition and well - being.
Technology is being applied to all facets of life, and as can be seen with increasing investment in the field, it is rapidly entering the senior care space.
I have a tolerance for debt as a means of increasing my investment position.
And, as we have seen in the Article 7 series, more high performing stocks in your portfolio generally increases your investment returns relative to other options.
This, we hope, will form part of a broader, long - term trend that sees increased investment from Japanese businesses in the function of strategic communications.
This will mean that investors will return back to the stock market in large numbers due to increased confidence as well as increased investment capital as the job market continues to improve.
Primary schools will, however, be increasing their investment into resources to support the teaching of modern foreign languages.
Do not increase your investment amount drastically just because this one turned out to be good.
The key element of this agreement was to reduce global emissions through increased investments in clean energy resources and technology.
Use of leverage obtained through derivatives increases these risks by increasing investment exposure.
Perhaps you are already saving diligently for your retirement, but have you ever considered the fact that you should also increase your investment every time your salary gets a hike?
If we can continue to increase our investment income by anywhere close to 35 % in this next year I'll be a very happy man.
It allows the investors to make single additions to their premiums and increase their investments at any point of time, through the facility of top - ups.
If we can then turn that into increased investment contributions, then we should be able to enhance those future dividend payments.
We must see increased investment in early intervention to support families and prevent children being placed at risk in the first place.
Increasing your investment portfolio can help you accumulate wealth and achieve financial freedom.
But remember, with increased return potential comes increased investment risk.
We urge an all - of - the - above approach that includes increased investment in renewables combined with an accelerated deployment of new nuclear reactors.
The nice thing about doing this is that it greatly increases your investment options, generally speaking.
Long - term future pricing options could be seen as a vote of confidence for the virtual currency, potentially paving the way for less market volatility and further increased investment over time.
We are planning on increasing our investment each year as we grow together.
When you learn how to get started with investing, you can increase your investments over time.
If desired investment is in line with actual investment, the existence of a higher ex ante level of savings will not increase investment because businesses have already invested all they want to invest.
One must be able to ignore market movements and any institutional obligations, even emphasize one's convictions by increasing the investment when the markets do not look favourable.
And those innovators will not have much to build on without greatly increased investment now in basic research.
This was supposed to cut down on domestic use as well and encourage increased investment in renewable energies.
Rather, our investment discipline is to gradually increase our investment exposure in proportion to the expected return / risk profile associated with prevailing conditions of valuation and market action.
But they predicted that the catastrophe could lead to new regulations requiring increased investment and operating costs in currently operating and future nuclear plants.
Only growth stocks, aggressive growth stocks and sector funds registered increased investment flows.
Despite increased investment in its recognition and treatment, depression remains a substantial health and economic burden worldwide.
The use of currency derivatives and exchange - traded funds (ETFs) may increase investment losses and expenses and create more volatility.
When there is enough disposable income, people start increasing their investments.
I'd probably have to consider increasing my investment to $ 50 per note instead of $ 25.
This will easily beat inflation, so increasing your investment contributions will increase your net worth and help ensure that you will have enough money down the road.
Several states increased investments in programs that support young children, such as child care, home visiting, and Part C early intervention.
I believe that those who choose to increase investment knowledge over time will increase their odds of achieving success.
But used appropriately, margin investing can potentially increase your investment returns and provide you with credit flexibility.
Your financial resume has to highlight your ability to manage money by illustrating your previous contributions to increasing investment value and company profits.
The European economies may benefit and increase their investment market share globally.
Consider starting out with smaller investment amounts and then increasing your investment as you learn and gain real experience in the stock market.
More specifically, 61 % of respondents expected increased investment in business IT, while 57 % predict a rise in investment in health - care IT.
A 1 percentage point reduction in tax rates increases investment by 4.7 percent of installed capital, increases payouts by 0.3 percent of sales, and decreases debt by 5.3 percent of total assets.
The broker will cite increased investment options, etc and it's done.
I know how hard it is to increase investment levels — for anything.
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