Sentences with phrase «one's individual views»

This A7 features 360 - degree cameras that can show individual views of different directions.
These public perceptions tend to be associated with individual views on the issue.
Many of these videos will be available for individual viewing on various monitors.
That's a sign of not only how society views the work of salespeople but also how these talented individuals view themselves.
Sometimes we less stellar individuals view their success and believe we can never attain that position, but I hope to show we can forge success on our own terms.
The aim of this study was to investigate how depressed individuals view their future during different time periods.
Unfortunately for everyone concerned with climate change, regardless of individual views about the degree to which it is prompted by human conduct or a result of natural variation, it only takes a small number of high profile errors or examples of malpractice to undermine everyone's trust: a crucial point when billions, perhaps trillions, of pounds and dollars could be spent erroneously.
Men also may impute to their wives those traits and behaviors that they expect women to have, consistent with the themes of expectation - based theories that describe how individuals view members of particular social groups (such as women) favorably when they conform to expectations for the group (Eagly & Diekman, 2005).
Problem - focused coping, that is, the process of taking active steps to remove or circumvent the stressor or to ameliorate its effects, is usually posited as an adaptive, positive way of dealing with stress, especially when individuals view the stressful event as controllable (Folkman and Lazarus, 1988; Compas et al., 2001; Clark, 2006).
Each guest - room its own character and all have ensuite bathrooms and open out onto a shaded verandah with individual views of the surrounding ranges.
September 1991 by AAII Staff Many individuals view retirement through rose - colored glasses.
Also, to ensure informed decisions are made, Google encourages managers to test their ideas out loud and collect feedback by explicitly advocating for their opinions (voicing individual views, reasoning, and providing data), testing their understanding by inquiring about others» perspectives (soliciting ideas and feedback), and then synthesizing the responses to ensure a comprehensive understanding before making a decision.
The random and unpredictable results of our consequently unchanneled individual views make it increasingly evident.
Of course we are given that ridiculous title AKB's as if we can not have our own individual views.
When neuroscientists scanned the brains of obese individuals viewing images of desirable food, they found greater activity in brain regions rich in dopamine receptors.
In order to accommodate all 10 works — with individual viewing spaces that provide optimal light and sound for each video installation — NMWA's curatorial team redesigned and transformed the second floor gallery space.
Price has also attempted to manifest the viewing experience of YouTube in real gallery space, as in his 2011 show at New York's Petzel Gallery, where he installed his videos on monitors within individual viewing booths with video playback controlled by the viewer — harkening back to the viewing devices of the early days of cinema and the return to solitary viewership that the internet has brought on.
One of the strongest — and most unconventional — booths, presented by Galerie Gmurzynska, features individual viewing rooms based off of Renaissance - era luxury art displays.
The title of Pierogi's video show, one - on - one, in Gallery One at Pierogi 2000 refers both to the intimate videos as well as the cubicles that partition the gallery into a maze of individual viewing stations.
He has become subsequently a major international artist who has a developed a uniquely individual view of the relationship and possibilities that pertain between sound and objects.
A growing number of ultra-high net worth (UHNW) individuals view homes as «opportunity gateways», driving buying decisions that are based on potential opportunities from owning these luxury residential properties, according to a recent Wealth - X study.
The anxiety prime produced fantasies in which individuals viewed themselves as more distant from and hostile toward their partners compared to the fantasies described following the security prime.
This procedure is not available at any AKC show and allows the spectators an opportunity to evaluate the dogs, scoring them at the same time to see how individual views can produce a concensus decision, which can then be compared to their own impressions.
During a proceeding, the court reporter takes down verbatim what is being said and, by using this software, can instantly send the unedited transcript to a computer screen for individual viewing or onto a projection screen for viewing by a larger group.
Many individuals view this as «wasted time.»
Students with VTS transferred critical - thinking skills to individual art - viewing experiences independently, and transferred those skills fostered by VTS discussions to individual viewing of non-art objects.
If you want to burn your advertising dollar as fast as a big brand TV advertiser, then buy a few thousand impressions on a busy website such as Yahoo.By my calculations, 10,000 impressions (individuals viewing your ad) costing $ 500, would be used up in
The Trump transition team said last month, «Members of the Forum will be charged with providing their individual views to the President — informed by their unique vantage points in the private sector — on how government policy impacts economic growth, job creation and productivity.
The individual views of the Board members are not attributed, which is appropriate given the composition of the RBA Board, where only two of the members are full - time central bankers, with the majority of the others being business people.
Calling in a neutral third party with experience of working with business families can provide key family members with a chance to talk about their individual views and aspirations.
Many Jayhawkers regarded all Missourians, residents of a slave state, as enemies regardless of the individual views held.
It should be clearly understood that Islam does not set aside a specific person with the right to interpret the Qur» an or the Sunnah, nor does it make it a duty of the people to adhere to any person's individual views on questions which are open to private opinion.
(13) The individual views of a teacher should not be considered the teaching of the church and the teaching of the church should not necessarily and automatically be considered the teaching of Scripture.
The only reason an individual «struggles» is because the individual views himself as weak in comparison to that which deems itself in power.
While in such uses it can denote a corpse (1 Sam 17:44; 2 Kings 9:36), it more commonly denotes the whole life of the individual viewed from an external perspective so that safety of the flesh is life (Psalm 16:9; Prov 4:20 - 22) and its endangerment a threat to life (Job 13:14; Prov 5:11).
Is this your individual view of «good» and «right»?
Individual views on food are just too different; not everyone has the same education, values or definition of «healthy.»
And on the off - chance that they actually get up there and do the job they're being paid for, their policy platform is unedifying and some of their individual views are abhorrent.
In some countries, scholars are also subject to violence not specifically for their individual views or actions but simply because of their connection to a higher education institution, which may be viewed as an easy target with predictable schedules, «a proxy for state authority or... a symbol of a modern, education - based society,» the report says.
fMRI signals in the brain's visual cortex as an individual views the checkerboard stimulus.
All testimonials appearing on this website represent the individual views and positions of their authors and not necessarily the views and positions of Purium Health Products.
We should first understand that some individuals view certain prescription treatments as «natural», while still other individuals feel that to be considered natural, the method must be a non-prescription method of producing testosterone such as happens through herbs and diet.
While some individuals view hunter - gatherer way of living and consuming foods with skepticism and ambiguity, emerging research confirms its health benefits.
June 19, 2011 All of Mike Mills's films — narratives, documentaries, and music videos alike — share a common theme of perspective: how the individual views others, how others view the individual, and the projections that exist on both sides.
[i] Where they saw expedient policy solutions, many others saw executive overreach — but individual views on the appropriate balance of power are changing quickly with the impending transition to a Trump administration.
We conducted telephone interviews with representatives from organizations that operate 74 different Bay Area charter schools, taking care to seek evidence and to corroborate with other interviews as a check on individual views.
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