Sentences with phrase «one's initial pitch»

Vic Gundotra, recalling Andy Rubin's initial pitch for Android, stated:
Month 2: Initial pitching on media list / event target plan, especially for long lead.
Despite so much of the game's initial pitch focussing on the robotic threats in the open world, there's more than a few human enemies to tackle, beyond simple tribal rivalries.
K - 2SO: The Droid — Explore the development of this reprogrammed Imperial droid, from initial pitch and character design through Alan Tudyk's performance.
If this happens, then it's okay to send a follow - up email a few days later (I recommend three or four days after your initial pitch).
From dimensional direct - mail to video selfies, it's time to get creative about when, where and how you make your initial pitch.
One red flag for VCs in my initial pitch was that the business wasn't far enough along.
Some do more due diligence than others, but typically several members of the group would be assigned to do the diligence if your initial pitch goes well.
DO N'T: Be unnaturally aggressive, effusive or gregarious in your initial pitch or email.
Then we find evidence that local opposition is reduced dramatically if the initial pitch is right.
During a meeting of Downtown Independent Democrats (DID), a political club, the candidates made their initial pitches.
In a new interview, Johnson explains his initial pitch and talks about putting aside years» worth of childhood fantasies in order to come up with a coherent and compelling idea for where to take the characters in a galaxy far, far away.
When he spoke to Collider on the set of 21 Jump Street, Hill explained that while the initial pitch for a remake «sound [ed] kind of stupid,» he felt that the idea of reliving high school carried a lot of potential.
With animated script pages floating mid-air and virtual table reads with directors like Scorsese and Tim Burton, the exhibit offers a deep dive in to the costuming craft such as Quentin Tarantino and «Django Unchained» costume designer, Sharen Davis, rehashing their initial pitch meeting.
This more naturalistic quality towards the visual approach of the film was something Abrahamson knew from the get - go; and a point he even used to woo author Emma Donoghue in his initial pitch.
from producers listening to the initial pitch, so it's to Chazelle's eternal credit that he continued to make whatever calls he could and knock on as many doors in order to see this amazing dream of a movie come to life on the big screen.
Rian describes his initial pitch for the film, getting the offer to direct, the backlash to the film, and conceiving and executing the Holdo maneuver.
The film underwent drastic changes from that initial pitch when Singer came aboard with an idea to set First Class in the»60s, but scheduling conflicts meant that the director would have to step aside.
This first time author made her initial pitch during dinner.
When you send your initial pitch, be sure to let the blogger know that you are available (if you are) to provide a guest post or participate in an interview in lieu of a review.
The initial pitch is not the place to explain your protagonist's intricate backstory, six things that happened before the novel opens, or your favorite twisted subplot involving a carp full of angry bees.
It's the initial pitch that makes the casual browser open or buy a book.
That was my initial pitch — the anti-Donner party, who did everything right but of whom hardly anyone has heard.
After your initial pitch, you need to elaborate a bit on what you want.
Try focusing on what makes the product so amazing to you and try to convey that in your initial pitch.
And the stage at which everything is most fluid is that initial pitch.
I went to have the initial pitch on, hey, this is game accessibility, this is why it matters.
However, you have to scale your initial pitch back a bit, and introduce stretch goals to get back where you want to be.
Most agencies send in the «big guns» during those initial pitches, including the directors and senior management team, with the pure intention to impress and win the work.
Always assume that the way that they are talking to you when you are making the initial pitch is the best they will ever speak to you in Murfreesboro.
The strong summary statement draws in a potential employer's interest, and the other sections of the resume provide details to back up that initial pitch.
Maintain client accounts, including initial pitch, consistent follow - up, and completion of the deal, including all pertinent signed forms.
Follow up several days after the initial pitch with a quick phone call, email, or holiday greeting card
• Highly experienced in providing clients with information on available properties by indulging in «initial pitch» activities • Unmatched ability to carefully and articulately handle confidential information such as rental and sale deeds, and clients» personal information • Able to effectively liaise with property managers and real estate agents to ensure that their office administration needs are fulfilled at each step
Regardless of the type of lender (private or traditional), their initial interest in a loan is based on how the borrower characterizes the property and project to them in the initial pitch.
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