Sentences with phrase «one's inner feelings»

It pertains to our own conscious experience both of the external world and our own inner feelings, and by extension to the conscious experience of others.
In essence, the meaning of intuition is that it is a knowing that can not be explained by fact or thought, but by a deep inner feeling.
The symbols connect inner feelings with lived experience, suggesting a spiritual engagement with the world.
Couples in love say that they have a deep inner feeling that they are with the right person.
The figurative heart in the scriptures identifies the true inner feelings of a person and your creator Jehovah God knows how you really feel.
But then, it may be possible that some of us are too concerned about inner feelings, too preoccupied with motives?
Moreover, Puritanism provided a rich set of available scripts to facilitate turning one's inner feelings into objective narratives.
Build attentional power so all other mental activity is replaced by standing still with full attention on inner feelings of your chi energy.
A pure fascination for artists, nature is a great setting onto which inner feelings and progressive ideas of the new aesthetic language and trends can be imprinted.
They were committed to emotional force, to painterly gestures that channelled inner feeling, the corniest concept in art's repertoire.
An intense poetry of color projects inner feelings onto monumental forms in «Spectra» and «Beneath a Canopy of Light,» where vertical bands of color marked by patterned fenestration dissolve into tiny, dazzling dots of hypnotic light.
We oppose the Gnosticism that says our bodies have no intrinsic moral meaning and are mere instruments in the service of our fine inner feelings.
Occasional Controversy — Nothing livens up a conversation (or bares inner feelings) like a bit of controversy.
Artists devised innovative styles and subject matter to embody such experiences, including images of the city and its entertainments, the unconscious mind and charged inner feelings, and the formal and material properties of art itself.
To stand still and to observe your own inner responses in your own unique individual dimensions and private inner feelings of which you are the sole authority».
Understand how you lost the loving connection, talk about your unexpressed inner feelings, and get a better understanding of your relationship.
In this manner, addiction is seen as an attempt to compensate for inner feelings of emptiness.
I would say that someone who, courageously and in their dark and anonymous little rooms, keeps calling people trolls and idiots might be projecting their own inner feelings about themselves onto others.
The attraction of the charismatic churches is their emphasis on inner feeling and their ability to foster a sense of emotional fulfillment; there is little critical examination of what the Christian doctrines really mean in a world very different from that in which they were first formulated.
Most of the posts are personal opinions, based on experience or just true inner feelings; whereas the religious supporters usually just refer to quotes from the bible that offer no real insite into their own thoughts.
For him, such intangible and illusive images were representations of his deepest inner feelings.
Masking their inner feelings in order to take Trump's perspective can put them under severe psychological strain as they grapple with their feelings about his claims, ethics and emotionally charged language - which in turn affects the translations they produce.
Security is the inner feeling of stability and safety that comes to a person in a relationship in which he feels a sense of identity, acceptance, belonging, and being wanted.
The good for Buber is not an objective state of affairs nor an inner feeling, but a type of relationship — the dialogue between man and man and between man and God.
Outward experiences, our own good works, and the inner feelings of our hearts are not reliable indicators of whether or not we are part of God's family.
Jeremy: every time I bring up a question they don't seem to be able to answer, they revert to talking about their experience (vision, dream, inner feeling, etc.) which proved to them the truth of what they believe, and then they tell me that if I really want to know the truth, I should pray for wisdom and ask God to give me a similar experience to reveal the truth to me.
It is an inner feeling that the ego which has been shattered is now cleansed and forgiven.
Personal religious experience and inner feeling, therefore, began to take precedence over religious thought and dogma at the very time when traditional Christian doctrines were becoming increasingly out of kilter with the new ideas and advancing human knowledge of the last two centuries.
People project their own inner feelings and attitudes onto the silent person and respond in terms of these.
Creative activities include preparing foods that are traditionally associated with Passover and writing a monologue describing Jonah's inner feelings.
I frequently hear Christians appeal to their inner feelings and personal experiences as evidence for the existence of a resurrected first century Jewish prophet living inside of them.
The inner feeling belonging to this grasp of the service of tragedy is Peace — the purification of the emotions.»
During these times, they talk about their inner feelings and about the practical decisions they can make to help reduce the pressure of Roger's job and allow Karen to use her energies and abilities as the children leave.
Because they did not understand his inner feelings and needs, they would have done something irreligious (in its effects on personality) in the name of religion.
It can be highly effective in helping people get in touch with their inner feelings about being boxed in and with the ways in which they stereotype the other sex.
The Hebrew word, Shalom, inadequately translated as peace, is not just an inner feeling but a dynamic reality that is expressed in human relationships and actions.
«A coach has to have mother instincts, an inner feeling to know when to push and pull and when to lay off.
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