Sentences with phrase «one's inner monologue»

In addition to the ad I saw in the mall, The Shelter Project has also created a variety of different television spots that include celebrities talking about their shelter pets, cartoons (some of which feature characters from Patrick McDonnell's comic strip «Mutts») and my personal favorite, the imagined inner monologues of shelter pets.
Harrison delivers some truly rage - filled inner monologues in Monster that add a depth and level of frustration to both the character and the experience of watching the film.
Not only did Joan meet Adele, but she had a running inner monologue about the new mother's weight the entire time — which she shares with the audience.
How about we do a running inner monologue for LeBron James» myriad expressions?
Robbed of her relentless inner monologue from the book, Lawrence has to embody a strong but compromised woman, and she has done that as if it were the most natural thing in the world to be pushed into an obscene death match for the glory of her district.
This game is clearly for the longtime fans that remember the classic games and hear those familiar sound effects everyday during inner monologues.
As conversations have multiplied, especially in recent months, about the gendered expectations that pressure women into engaging in unwanted sexual behaviour to appease men, Daniels's inner monologue sounds painfully familiar.
Of course I don't verbalize these feelings, and people seem to enjoy their food without paying any attention to my crazy inner monologue.
This vicious inner monologue was largely responsible for the overwhelming fear, anxiety, and panic that led me to attempt suicide almost a decade ago.
I realized I was attacking myself through a negative inner monologue.
After my sad inner monologue of convincing myself it's okay to age, we headed off to our next adventure.
Ophelias Inner Monologue is a contemporary adaptation of William Shakespeares Hamlet, seen from Ophelias perspective.
You shouldn't have to listen to an endless inner monologue that disparages you and your work, so fight back, tell yourself you're doing well, and cut that negative voice out of your life.
There are some incredible unintentional laughs (ie Chucks inner monologue (that appears an absurd amount) posseses an echoey whisper to it that just kills me).
(Hint: Giving voice to your penis's inner monologue counts.)
Another singular album from a truly idiosyncratic voice, Apple has once again invited us into her lushly conflicted inner monologue.
I don't want to ruin anything, but the action reminded me of how Robert Downey Jr. in the Sherlock Holmes movies would would use a slow motion inner monologue to determine the best ways to kill everyone in the room, and then shows you how he does it at normal speed.
As Nick's inner monologue rambles on, the mustachioed, cigarette - smoking «Francois» takes the beating with apathy.
Perry broke out of the New York indie - filmmaking scene with thrillingly abrasive works like The Color Wheel (2012), Listen Up Philip (2014), and Queen of Earth (2015), all of them centered on prickly egotists, and all of them willing to dig into their protagonists» caustic inner monologues.
Dialogue is repeatedly extracted and laid over shots of characters clearly not talking, as if to evoke inner monologue.
In this instalment, Lindsay explores the idea that evil as an entity has existed since the beginning of time, and touches on the ancient god Moloch and demonic possession, all the while giving his characters snappy repartee, Dexter an entertaining inner monologue and still managing a bit of D alliteration.
Be sure to pay close attention to the various bits of inner monologue plastered all across the expanse environment, and don't think things are always as they appear.
Literature allows us to explore inner monologue and focus on granular details in a way that stage plays simply can't.
``... my favorite game from this year's Ludum Dare, another tiny game that is, in a sense, a sports game, but is more about the Parappa-esque inner monologue of this would - be child sports star, psyching himself up for his big performance.
The press release comes with a text written by Alfred Boman, presumably from the perspective of Stockholm - based Canadian artist Barcza, an anxious inner monologue about her work, her background, the medical - industrial complex and the state of the world today.
And it's nice to have confirmation that the smart, wry, inner monologues in stories like «The Little Hours» and «The Waltz» are basically Dorothy Parker's brain processes transcribed.
To ignore the cacophony (including my own inner monologue) telling me what I should wear.
This relentless inner monologue, representative of the mental process of making art, has been a constant subject of the artist's work since his first solo exhibitions in New York in the early 1990's.
Fair enough, but when a few months later she shows up at the house of her lover, there is a strange Mrs. Danvers - vibe with the housekeeper (Rossy de Palma); that story arc too is abandoned, in favour of Julieta's inner monologue about her love - striken heart.
In fact, your inner monologue has a tendency to become a self - fulfilling prophecy.
If this sounds like your inner monologue, Hayden would like to direct your attention to something on the Internet called the Death Clock.
To beat this kind, science suggests you start by listening to your inner monologue and flagging any less than productive thinking.
For example, they wonder if prayer is essentially an inner monologue, in which case it might be better termed «meditation.»
It sounds like someone talking to themselves on a road trip across the Midwest, and the music certainly provides a suitable soundtrack for such an inner monologue.
I don't believe there is a soul, I think it's a fanciful anthropomorphization of our inner monologue in our brains, the real question however is, if there was a successful brain transplant, how much of someones consciousness would carry over (my opinion is theoretically everything) and how much of someone elses memory or for lack of a better term, «soul» stay within the original body.
the Pens behave like criminals and they have no inner monologue, shamelessly shilling for every call they can get — We should mail them a case of life alert buttons.
This is a slightly edited and condensed transcript of my inner monologue after Juventus 3 - 0 loss against Real Madrid.
Your teen's inner monologue will play a major role in how she feels about herself.
But it's not all inner monologues that make you question our sanity.
This inner monologue went on long enough to become borderline obsessive, and it got me thinking about all the other everyday waste that falls into this gray space between trash and recyclables.
Once I started Common Good, a company that makes refillable soaps and cleaners, this stopped being my inner monologue.
Get your inner monologue in check.
The first step toward learning to reframe your thoughts is simply to begin to connect with your inner monologue.
Take a few moments in your day to observe your inner monologue.
Listen to your inner monologue.
Changing our inner monologue can take time, but in struggle lies opportunity.
An inner monologue that is toxic, punishing, and extreme will most likely drive the opposite behavior of what you are looking for.
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