Sentences with phrase «one's interpretation of scripture»

If you are looking to learn more about theological interpretation of Scripture, this is the book to start with.
I'm intrigued by different interpretations of the scriptures, but their numbers are horribly inaccurate.
This is usually done through compelling worship, faithful interpretation of Scripture in preaching, and attention to building community among members of the congregation.
Along with correct interpretation of scripture and a heavily cognitive faith, they learn appropriate evangelical manners.
There are as many specific individual interpretations of Scripture in history as there have been readers of it.
How many people have been driven out of the church building and institution because of perceived sins and our narrow interpretation of scripture.
Regarding gays, I would conclude that commonly accepted interpretation of Scripture is wrong.
He is the lens which provides the true interpretation of Scripture.
Services of worship were organized for the public reading and oral interpretation of scriptures.
I reject no portion of Scripture, but I do reject some human interpretations of Scripture.
From last week's column: He has adopted so many worldly attitudes and bad interpretations of scripture that he doesn't even see his homosexuality as a sin.
The extent to which sin is identified primarily with «sex» is an index of the continuing influence of Victorian interpretations of Scripture.
If there were only one possible interpretation of scripture, there wouldn't be thousands of Biblical scholars who disagree with each other.
Frequent participation in religious ceremony (e.g., attending church or mosque) and literal interpretation of scripture was associated with more traditional gender role attitudes.
In fact, there are many different interpretations of scripture that do nt follow in your direction.
None of us has THE TRUTH... we havn't passed on... we have different interpretations of scripture which in turn is a reflection of the translators interpretation.
In the nineteenth century a growing secular rationalism, such new sciences as geology and Darwinism with their implications for traditional interpretations of the Scriptures with regard to human origins, the rise of biblical criticism, and so forth, all raised fundamental challenges to accustomed ways of conceiving of Christianity and especially biblical authority.
For constructive dialog to happen, Christians must stop conflating differences in interpretation of Scripture with differences in commitment to Scripture.
In hopes of a deeper understanding of God, we study such subjects as Jesus Christ and Israel, scripture in tradition, the history of practices of interpretation of scripture and practices of response to God in worship, moral responsibility and institution building.
There are as many interpretations of scripture as thereafter sects within Christianity.
If there's a priesthood of believers and everyone is supposed to rely on scripture only, and ultimately on his or her own interpretation of scripture only, then there's a real danger that the passions and pressures of the day, as well as the prevailing popular culture, will find their way into the hearts and minds of those who continue to think of themselves as serious believers.
Steve: seriously... who dropped out of the sky and informed you and your denomination that you have the authoritative and only interpretation of scripture?
This way of speaking about the authority of Scripture stands in contrast to how it is often spoken of among Christians, as a phrase invoked to shut down conversation and bolster one particular interpretation of Scripture.
Would Noll agree that his narrative implies that Protestant commitment to individual interpretation of Scripture makes a Protestant biblical Christendom impossible to sustain?
Fedex.In my opinion christianity has and is doing a lot of damage to sincere followers of messiah and those who don't know him yet.thanks for your concern.I think that there is too much interpretation of scripture which is being used to support christianty.personally I don't believe christianty is some of your other comments and you have some good thoughts.
Darby felt a literal interpretation of the scriptures required a literal Israel as separate and distinct from the church (the body of Christ).
They worship Haile Selassie as a God and teach black supremacy, pacifism, a moral code, a strict set of dietary laws and some unique interpretations of Scripture.
Moreover, we can engage the complex and unruly body of teachings called the Nicene tradition and, after analysis, determine it confused, ill - developed, and in need of correction by a more thorough interpretation of Scripture.
The «you have heard it said — but I say» format in the Sermon on the Mount is not a simple «Old Testament or Jesus» antithesis but rather a question of what is the proper interpretation of the Scriptures.
Rudolf Bultmann's program of existential interpretation of Scripture has rendered real service to the sermon but Bultmann has not done every pastor's homework.
That might be controversial, especially in light of our love in «Protestant» circles for individual men like Martin Luther who held to his private interpretation of Scripture (but was it that?)
No, the point is you've been proven wrong in your uneducated prejudice interpretations of the scriptures and your ego can't handle it.
Today we have mislabeled the Sinai Covenant as the Law and gotten into all sorts of wrong interpretations of scripture because of it.
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