Sentences with phrase «one's jail term»

It is also a reality check for governments seeking to impose mandatory jail terms for what amount to technical regulatory offences.
The bill also proposes stiff fines of up to $ 50,000, and possible jail terms of up to two years for breaking the rules.
The centre - back has made just 58 senior club appearances in a career that was already limited by injury before his two year jail term.
You may also be imprisoned for a period of 48 hours or in some cases it may even mean an 11 - month jail term.
This is one of the longest jail terms in Canadian history for violating workplace safety legislation.
Drivers who do not meet these requirements face fines of $ 500 to $ 5,000 and possible jail terms of up to one year.
Before 2008, I don't think there were a dozen jail terms imposed.
Many of them received jail terms running into hundreds of years, on corruption allegations that boiled down to schemes for funding their political parties.
At the same time, individuals (including senior management) involved in corporate bribery are being increasingly targeted for prosecution and can face lengthy jail terms.
A second offence will lead to a minimum jail term of 30 days and a prohibition on driving for two or more years.
I will further explain to the former wife that a conviction for a second offense carries a mandatory 30 day jail term.
This could be in addition to a potential jail term — the maximum term of which has not changed.
Depending on your prosecutor, there could be a possibility of reduced jail term or a dismissed case with a fine or even compensation without being taken to prison.
They also represent rare or exceptional cases in which jail terms were imposed.
Or what about the salesman who is known to have been arrested for hitting his wife, tried, convicted, and released after a minimal jail term?
The punishment includes both heavy fines and jail term especially when an injury occurs because the child wasn't in a car seat.
Driving without a valid auto insurance coverage is considered to be a serious offence which can result in a hefty fine or jail term based on the seriousness of the offence.
Not having a valid auto insurance policy will not only put your finances in peril in case of accidents, but you will also risk paying a heavy fine or undergoing jail term.
His initial five - year jail term was the longest given to any top executive at a South Korean conglomerate.
Drivers who do not have the required insurance are subject to fines of $ 500 to $ 5,000 and a possible jail term of up to one year.
The penalties for not having these liability limits are fines of $ 500 to $ 5,000 dollars and a possible jail term of up to one year.
It would be the same for a lawyer who was defending me from a potential lengthy jail term.
Nigerians serving jail terms in Lome, Togo Republic have cried out over what they are passing through at the neighbouring country, revealing that where they are...
But opponents argue the measure — which includes jail terms of up to 3 years for violators — would damage research and energy prospecting efforts in Italian waters, and that there are less onerous ways to protect sea life.
A 28 - year - old man, was, on Monday, sentenced to one month jail term by an Ota Magistrates» Court in Ogun State for breaking into a shop and...
BJP cabinet coordination secretary, Surendra Singh Meena, told reporters that in this case, a «perpetrator would face jail term of up to four years and penalty of Rs 1 lakh (roughly # 1184) or both».
March 22 — The crackdown by Spanish authorities to prevent elite footballers getting even richer by beating the tax system has struck again, with former Liverpool and Real Madrid star Xabi Alonso facing a possible five - year jail term after being accused of fraud.
Williamson and Griggs were also convicted and given jail terms.
David Burrowes asks attorney general to seek longer jail terms for Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce, calling eight months too lenient
Hundreds of NDC youth in the Sissala East constituency last Monday embarked on a peaceful procession in Tumu to register their displeasure about the incarceration of two executives of the party and to welcome the convicts from their one week jail term.
Reckless and dangerous drivers could face tougher punishments than ever before with jail terms of up to five years, the justice secretary announced today.
As part of the new proposals announced by shadow immigration minister Damian Green, those who outstay their welcome after being granted a conditional stay in the country could face fines or even jail terms.
The comments raise obvious questions about the independence of the judiciary in the face of the president's interference, but it will come as a welcome sigh to the band's supporters that the three women may not face severe jail terms if they are found guilty.
Of the number, 58 had been serving various jail terms for criminal offences, including stealing, assault, arson, malicious damages, kidnapping, rape and fraud.
Certain Motor Vehicle Act offences can carry jail terms as part of their consequences.
In Alberta though, a recent decision imposed a four month jail term on a first ‑ time offender after he pled guilty to an offence arising from a fatal accident.
The day after the vote, once the electoral damage had already been done, the prosecution dropped some of the charges against Ahok and recommended that he be given a light sentence of probation plus a one - year suspended jail term.
Mr. Agbesi escaped jail term in 2015 after the Fast Track High Court acquitted and discharged him on two counts of defrauding by false pretense and causing financial loss to the state.
The new law also prescribed six months jail term without option of fine to any herdsman, who defaults.
Following the six - year jail term handed out to former National Democratic Congress MP, Abuga Pele, the Bawku Central MP, Mahama Ayariga, has extended his sympathies to his former colleague.
Recall that same sex marriage was criminalized in Nigeria few years ago with a 14 year jail term stipulated for anyone found guilty of indulging in any same - sex relationship.
Violent offences often carry very significant jail terms upon conviction and are some of the most stigmatizing charges in the Criminal Code.
Mr. Nur the appellant, a first offender, was found to deserve a significant jail term against which the mandatory minimum was not found to be cruel and unusual or «grossly disproportionate».
Even without mandatory minimums, Courts treat marijuana charges, cocaine charges and heroin charges seriously and are asked by prosecutors to impose jail terms upon conviction.
There are tough, mandatory jail terms even for persons convicted on a Second DWI.
Enron - style jail terms, though, are simply not on offer.
Stiff jail terms will discourage irresponsible mothering.
Over the course of a few months, there would be legal wrangling, fines, and possibly jail terms for protesters and a few stalwart leaders who refuse to pay.
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