Sentences with phrase «one's large surface area»

Use something with a very large surface area for reducing.
The small size means a very large surface area of silver per unit volume of silver.
The truth is, cats have relatively large surface areas in proportion to their weight, so they tend to fall from great heights at a slower rate than larger mammals.
Using variations of the same pattern across large surface areas really creates impact.
Smaller particles have a relatively larger surface area, compared with their volume, making them much more chemically reactive.
It is perfect for working on smaller projects as well as large surface areas.
«if only such large surface area could be made affordable to college students» Unfortunately it can't.
The second and third stage use two carbon block filters with large surface areas to remove the mineral and chemical impurities that affect the taste, odor, and color of your water.
Cindy Barrera, a postdoctoral researcher in Cornish's lab, found in tests that eggshells have porous microstructures that provide larger surface area for contact with the rubber, and give rubber - based materials unusual properties.
Many people would be happy just to have anything other than a roller or paintbrush, especially if the job requires covering large surface areas.
Clay particles, defined as having a size less than 1 - 2 microns, have a very large surface area relative to their size.
In addition, the non-invasive nature of the device and its relatively large surface area make this technology a potential candidate for delivering multiple ocular drugs at once, further reducing the burden of self - administration on patients.
One, it's a muffin, which, unlike a cake, doesn't have as much large surface area to bind together like a cake might, so the binder doesn't have to be as strong.
The combination of small size and relatively large surface area allows heat to dissipate quickly enough to protect the animals» neural tissue.
That's why crack cocaine is more addictive than snorted cocaine: inhaling into the lungs» large surface area rather than the mucous membranes of the nose gets the drug into the bloodstream much faster.
Airtightness is very exacting with a relatively large surface area compared to the internal volume
Originally, he worked in charcoal, but switched to paintstick (a mix of oil pastel, tar, beeswax and resin) from 1973, which enabled him to work large surface areas with a single movement.
«This innovative gas separation platform provides large surface areas while eliminating a number of operational issues, including corrosion, evaporative losses, and fouling,» said Ah - Hyung (Alissa) Park, the chair in applied climate science and associate professor of Earth and environmental engineering at Columbia University, who was not involved in the research.
Airless paint sprayers are great for painting large surface areas because they use pressure to pump out droplets of paint in an even coat over any surface.
The tiny structures, which look similar to Tinkertoy constructions, are porous, have an extremely large surface area and are very strong.
Thanks to the needle used to inject ink over what can be a fairly large surface area, a person with a tattoo can have several very small puncture marks, all of which can be routes into your system for germs.
Transfer leaf is useful for gilding large surface areas, such as walls or a large piece of furniture.
Reaches large surface areas with the sides and hard - to - reach curves with the tip.
There is also a new front bumper that includes a larger front splitter (with an 80 percent larger surface area than the 650S) with F1 style end - plates, and the front under body is also new.
Paper towels can / help absorb minerals and water: Thin cell membrane Large surface area Plant growth Plants grow using food they make through photosynthesis.
They believe the material can be scaled - up to large surface areas like airplane wings and wind turbine blades and also heat coils and car windshields.
The change also means that the screens can have larger surface areas without necessarily needing to be widened, something that we see in its extreme with the larger Galaxy S8 +.
I was working more with a stencil brush and a rag when I was using Minwax though recently discovered the large diameter brush by Annie Sloan brand is superb for such projects covering larger surface areas.
Salt flakes are typically wide and thin, giving them a much larger surface area than fleur de sel, sel gris, or traditional salts to disperse their seasoning.
Verified by nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements, these results mark a clear path towards atomic level design of quantum sensors with larger surface areas than typically achievable.
A popular approach is to use nanomaterials, prized for their innovative features, such as large surface areas for an incredibly small volume, with biomolecules.
Methods: In the experiments, the researchers dispersed or spread the vanadium oxide catalyst on a support of titanium dioxide to create a relatively large surface area with more reactive sites.
By producing a volume of work, I created a larger surface area for a creative spark to hit me.
Because of the larger surface area, lathering with a fan - shaped brush can be messy and you may try to apply lather to your cheek and end up with it up your nose.
By spatchcocking the chicken I was able to get a larger surface area to lay the bacon on than if I had roasted the chicken whole.
It looks gorgeous, and, due to the larger surface area of the ice, it melts very slowly, so your punch won't get too diluted.
Slicing the tempeh after steaming gives it a larger surface area to soak in a flavorful sauce, and you want it to soak up as much of this sauce as possible.
It's flakier, crunchier and has a larger surface area which means you need less of it to flavor your food.
I used butter lettuce because the shape of the outer leaves easily cover a large surface area of the rice paper.
The low, gently angled sides not only make flipping easier, but also provide a larger surface area for cooking the patties.
The upper combines tight and loose premium knits across the boot and, Adidas assure, the result is a glove - like fit, allowing for the cleanest possible strike - as a larger surface area generates more power and accuracy.
Its domed shape and concave base spread the milk across a larger surface area to enable efficient cooling and warming.
The large surface area encourages evaporation as air is forced through it by the fan.
These pads are smaller in diameter than other disposable pads, so if you have larger breasts but still prefer the nursing pad cover a larger surface area, these may not be the best fit for you.
The fact that children are smaller in size means that their skin presents a large surface area relative to their body weight for absorption of environmental substances.»
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