Sentences with phrase «one's last case»

He's determined to crack this one last case before quietly slipping off into the sunset.
August 2001 - Last case of foot and mouth confirmed in Wales.
One last case study: My guests almost never want to get an invite to use the iOS Home app during their visit, and many don't care to talk to Alexa or the Google Assistant.
Marcus (Ben Daniels) is an experienced but broken exorcist whose last case resulted in the death of a boy under his care.
«If you want to stop the outbreak,» said Ciglenecki, «you have to catch the very last case
OUTSTANDING TV MOVIE Agatha Christie's Poirot — Curtain: Poirot's Last Case Bessie Race of Monaco Hello Ladies: The Movie Killing Jesus Nightingale
Small Town Crimes Frequent indie collaborators Ian and Eshom Nelms (Lost on Purpose, Waffle Street) direct John Hawkes in this ex - cop / last case thriller.
DEA agent and ex-Ranger Tom Hardy (John Travolta) is that hoary action - movie standby: the alcoholic detective with a sordid past called in to solve one last case by the last man on the force who has any faith in him.
Directed by Bill Condon (Gods and Monsters), this Holmes mystery is ostensibly the secret of a forgotten last case, but it's really about the human experiences Holmes is least equipped to confront: friendship, compassion, the reasons to continue living as his sharp intellect loses its edge.
Having experienced a very painful, very long - lasting case of plantar fasciitis in the past from wearing cheap shoes because they were cute, I learned the hard way to never skimp on footwear.
Gerecht is thus against all those now justifying the coup: against the Obama administration, David Brooks, and George Will, which in the last case also means declaring that Jeane Kirkpatrick's famous 1979 essay «Dictatorships and Double Standards» was debunked long ago (by Robert Kagan), and that even Reagan didn't follow its recommendations.
In this last case, the image of what he is intended to be is totally extinguished, and in its place he wills or chooses himself just as he is, just as he has resolved to intend himself.
In that last case, is it omniscience or is it not?
And so, in one of his last cases, he declared that «The first axiom of the First Amendment is this: As a general rule, the state has no power to ban speech on the basis of its content.»
In the last case, they tend to reject the thinking if they are in any way disturbed by what is said or by other concerns that compete for their attention.
I take it that the last case is the only case we are considering here.
At the beginning of my career I saw a significant number of women who had had rheumatic fever in childhood, and had to have penicillin prophylaxis in labor, but it must be at least 20 years since the last case I had.
But interestingly Trump is urging many other countries, mainly NATO allies, but also Japan and Korea to ramp up their defence commitments - even in the last cases to go nuclear.
The last case appears to have been in 1717 with the arrest of Karl (or Carl) Gyllenborg, the Swedish Ambassador.
«The last case was reported by the UCH on December 18, 2015 and the ministry embarked on contact tracing of all potential contacts of the index case.
, contractual obligations, rules to resolve law conflicts, and determination of the sources of law, in this last case attending to law rules of statutory or special law.
In New York City, the first case was reported July 8, the peak was July 30 and the last case, so far, is August 3, 26 days after the first case and four after the peak.
(His public involvement came after the last case had already been reported.)
The minister said first confirmed case of yellow fever happened in 2017, 17 years after the last case in the country.
It's just 25 years since BSE was officially recognised as a disease — now it's almost extinct, but that doesn't mean we've seen the last case in people
Notice that in this last case, the original number appears as part of a subsequent inventory (as underlined).
«To be certified in 2005, the last case would have to happen next year.
It would have been great if the last case was in 2002, but it's a monumental task and we just have to keep going,» he told New Scientist.
In this last case, no mention of climate change was made.
«Every last case needs a very aggressive response,» he says.
A statement hailing that likely eventuality will be issued by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative on the one - year anniversary of the last case later this week.
It was in Peru that the last case of polio was reported in the Western Hemisphere, in 1991.
The last case of Ebola in the country was recorded on September 13 in the north while the last patient was discharged from the treatment centre.
In an update this week, WHO reported there were 30 confirmed cases last week in Guinea and Sierra Leone; the last case in Liberia died on March 27.
And Ive put my coffeemaker away and gifted my last case of diet soda to a friend.
Especially with this last case, these genetic variations can lead to very serious health conditions.
For the last case of a single mom, it becomes difficult to meet the resources for two people single handedly.
And, as we cracked our last case, I can only hope that this is only the start of our adventures together.
So I have to hand it to director Gavin O'Connor (Warrior) for looking at Bill Dubuque's script — filled with characters like The Clichéd Gruff Guy About to Retire Who Just Needs to Solve This One Last Case, along with a martial - arts - trained autistic boy who grows up to be a strip - mall - working, fine - art - collecting Jason Bourne - meets - Will Hunting — and still be like, «Yep, I can do something with this.»
He takes on the challenge of trying to catch Driver as his last case.
Realizing the notoriety she received from the last case has made it impossible for her to continue doing the work she loves, Gracie fears her days with the bureau may be over.
Cajoling Watson into helping him on one «last case,» Holmes then hosts what amounts to the world's worst bachelor party as he excludes Watson's other friends, invites along his weirdo brother Mycroft (played by the hilarious Stephen Fry) and gets into a struggle with an assassin bent on killing the one woman who might shed light on Moriarty's plans, Gypsy fortuneteller Sim (Noomi Rapace).
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