Sentences with phrase «one's leadership crisis»

He also stated that in his return, he would make efforts to resolve the lingering leadership crisis in the party and would work towards ensuring that the party was formidable.
The long drawn - out leadership crisis in the lawn tennis association remained unresolved, forcing top singles and doubles players to leave the association in favor of tournaments abroad.
Asked by DAILY POST on the likelihood of the Third Force infiltrating into the party as a result of leadership crisis rocking it, the lawmaker insisted that there was no crisis in the party.
Two months later, Barra, 52, faces her first leadership crisis as GM recalls 1.62 million older cars linked to 12 deaths and 31 crashes.
Other issues according to the source include, leadership crises at the National level and the Ondo election that saw the emergence of former President of the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Rotimi Akeredolu, SAN, as the party's candidate in the upcoming governorship election in the state.
Early this week, according to a knowledgeable Democratic source, members of the state Senate's black caucus held a private meeting to discuss the ongoing leadership crisis in their chamber, which — even if it resolves in favor of the Democrats — could result in the ouster of the highest - ranking black elected official in New York.
After years and years of Tory leadership crises its fun to watch Labour enjoying one of their own.
The shutdown of the secretariat followed the lingering leadership crisis rocking PDP after its parallel non-elective conventions held in Port - Harcourt and Abuja in May 2016.
Mr Brown had always had his critics within Labour and in the summer of 2008 he faced his first leadership crisis as some junior ministers and MPs openly called for him to go.
To EdLeadershipCrisis: There is one point I agree with you on and that is your user name.I believe we do have an educational leadership crisis when: The Superintendents and their association throw all of the teachers under the bus, while protectingthemselves.
The Makarfi faction which filed the four appeals, through their lawyers, withdrew the matters on the grounds that they had become academic since the July 12, 2017 judgment of the Supreme Court had settled all the issues relating to the PDP leadership crisis.
Facebook's leadership crisis explained Your next job interview may be with an AI robot AT&T's $ 1 billion gamble on the job of the future
Jonathan called on party members who defected during the long - running leadership crisis to return to «their natural home».
Gordon Brown has kick - started the campaign for next year's Scottish parliament elections with a speech in Edinburgh - but made no mention of the Labour leadership crisis.
This, she said, was sequel to the on - going intra-party leadership crisis in the party and further fallout of the recent political engagements of the Party.
However, Go's application comes as Farage battles an ongoing leadership crisis within his party.
As recently as 2009, the state had no lieutenant governor and the Senate, in its own leadership crisis, for a time had no clear leader.
«While I join millions of our people to rejoice with Akeredolu, I want to admonish that we in the southwest do not cry for or deride Tinubu but, rather we should on the two sides of the political divide, that is apc and pdp, pause and ponder on the emerging political leadership crisis in the Southwest.»
A Board of Trustees member, Peoples Democratic Party, Prof. Tunde Adeniran, has proffered a political solution to the lingering leadership crisis afflicting the erstwhile ruling party.
The recent leadership crisis in the PDP, which has been resolved was for self re-appraisal and cleansing, It was a natural tonic to heal the PDP of some of its anti-people activities.
More accurately, it is so multi-layered, so bipolar, such a roller - coaster ride that it seems to contain and synthesise all previous leadership crises.
He said, «Let us not lose sight of the fact that the appellate court is yet to finally determine the issue of the national leadership crisis.
The unending leadership crisis in the Peoples Democratic Party appears to be taking its toll on the unity of its members in the House of Representatives as the lawmakers can no longer speak with one voice on who to support between the National Chairman, Ali Modu Sheriff, and Ahmed Makarfi.
This, after all, is the Cabinet formed in the desperate heat of an intense leadership crisis last spring.
Ed Miliband's summer leadership crisis intensified again this weekend, with weak polling numbers underlining a double whammy of personal attacks from senior figures in the party.
Hardly skipping a beat after the apparent resolution of the month - long leadership crisis in the state Senate that he triggered almost single - handedly, Pedro Espada, Jr., senator for the 33rd District, just sent out a mailing to his constituents touting his «accomplishments.»
[67] Paladino has proposed the use of repeatedly calling special sessions to pressure uncooperative legislators into passing his legislation, much as governor Paterson did during the 2009 New York State Senate leadership crisis and the 2010 budget negotiations.
Westminster is is in full «leadership crisis mode».
Three months after the Assembly dealt with its biggest leadership crisis in two decades, the upper chamber in Albany is suddenly facing a similar problem: A leader under arrest, a challenge for the ruling party, and the lack of an obvious successor after Dean G. Skelos, the Republican majority leader, was arrested on Monday, along with his son, Adam, on corruption and fraud charges in Manhattan.
The National Headquarters of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is yet to be reopened, 52 days after it was shut, just as the party's leadership crisis remains unresolved.
After a fraught leadership crisis and a poor financial year, Spark Networks have said they have entered a «crawl, walk and run strategy» for growth.
S eptember 2012 unemployment figures at 7.8 %, there is an impending leadership crisis among us.
It said: «The prime minister's resignation has triggered a Tory leadership crisis.
And just because a billionaire and / or someone who went to an Ivy league schools says it, it must be true!A variety of organizations, with too many letters and acronyms for me to list, are unwilling to listen to the concerns of the public school teachers or to look carefully at ALL the data before uniting to support a bill that will NOT close the achievement gap.So, you are correct, we have an educational leadership crisis.
In their communique, which was made available to journalists on Saturday, they expressed concerns that if the ongoing leadership crisis in the party was not resolved quickly, it would affect the fortune of the party, especially as the Independent National Electoral Commission had released the 2019 election timetable.
Ochubaiye also expressed concern over the delay in resolving the party's lingering leadership crisis.
The NWC also dispatched a delegation led by the National Chairman, Dr Victor Oye to Abia and another delegation led by Mr Samson Olalere to Lagos to resolve the party's leadership crisis in both states.
Uber is certainly not alone in its leadership crisis.
It comes after leader Martin Schulz resigned amid a leadership crisis.
Kalanick's departure deepens the leadership crisis at Uber, which has 14,000 employees and more than 1 million drivers.
As we watch the leadership crises of two historically significant, national Hispanic interest groups, we are reminded of something that was said by Hispanic comedian George Lopez: «When things are bad, it's the best time to reinvent yourself.»
We have a leadership crisis in the Church at the level of bishops and archbishops, most of whom were consecrated under Blessed John Paul II.
For some of those around Corbyn he is the solution to that leadership crisis.
«I congratulate my political party, the Peoples Democratic Party, on the successful resolution of its leadership crisis by the supreme court of Nigeria.
Unlike MPs elected more recently Watson and McDonnell, very different politicians, have decades of experience, years of mistakes to learn from, battles fought and lost, leadership crises, leadership bids, policies framed and re-framed.
That's the sentiment from Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who told TWC News's Bill Carey in Syracuse earlier today that he expects the Senate will sort its leadership crisis out one way or the other.
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