Sentences with phrase «one's legal arguments»

They include a section upon written advocacy, which includes the drafting of legal argument and proceedings.
But they receive absolutely no training or education about how best to make legal arguments in court, or get documents or witness statements admitted into evidence.
At this point in time, we will determine the best legal argument for your case.
It also concluded that it was not appropriate to make legal argument in an opening statement.
The results of this investigation will be crucial in creating a persuasive legal argument in your case.
The attorneys will present legal arguments designed to achieve the best outcome for their client.
Another problem when parties are self - represented is ensuring both sides are competent enough to present to the judge the best legal arguments available.
An appellant's counsel need to be mindful of this and not simply assume that strong substantive legal arguments with good facts will carry the day on appeal.
You must have an aptitude for and general enjoyment of complex legal argument.
Developed novel legal arguments and assembled compelling scientific evidence that successfully reversed an adverse policy decision affecting the coding and payment for biotechnology product.
Our authoritative legal research platform and experienced team of research & writing attorneys is your secret weapon to help you build winning legal arguments.
If your case makes it through summary judgment, we can help with litigation strategy and crafting legal arguments during trial according to the current judge and jury profiles.
We believe the government has got strong legal arguments.
For more info on these please read the full new legal arguments section below so you understand exactly what you will be taking to court.
You can make the prosecution's job even more difficult by asserting legal arguments in your defense.
In reality, most of the work a criminal defense attorney does involves investigating, researching, and developing legal arguments.
The information gathered during this investigation will be used to craft compelling legal arguments.
She also works behind the scenes preparing legal arguments and documents required to win cases.
According to the post, it filed legal arguments in opposition to the warrant this week.
At the appellate level, the court will only hear legal arguments, and will only make rulings on the law.
We will organize a focus group and / or mock jury to test out a trial team's case themes and legal arguments before bringing them in front of an actual jury.
The particular administrative processes used by each tribunal can be confusing, and often you must provide a convincing legal argument in your defense that is outside your area of professional expertise.
In fact, blending civil procedure, case law and legal arguments into a winning recipe is something lawyers spend years in graduate school to learn.
It describes itself not as a legal research site, but as a platform for «open online legal argument» designed for both law students and practicing lawyers.
They do not realize that writing legal arguments require legal training.
There's no substitute for crafting your own legal argument, putting it down on paper, and arguing it before a judge.
The divorce and financial remedy proceedings are currently only in their early stages, but this could prove to be a very long litigation process that raises some interesting legal arguments.
What old blog posts might assist with is how to frame legal arguments to make them more persuasive, which is an entirely different tactic.
His main legal argument is that no one should be forced to create artistic expression that communicates a message with which he fundamentally disagrees.
His sound legal argument and sympathetic position will bring him good publicity.
There are different legal arguments and strategies that can be used and I have provided you with a few examples.
However, to win an injury claim, victims together with their families require representation from an experienced car accident attorney who knows how to craft effective legal arguments and win cases.
The construction of logical and even legal argument is now increasingly irrelevant to the way the world is moving.
In my experience, most lawyers already lack the ability to craft a decent legal argument.
Instead of reviewing the whole book, I will concentrate in this post on what is new about the approach taken and neglect most of the specific legal arguments.
He uses the insight and knowledge he gained as a prosecutor to develop powerful legal arguments for his clients and achieve positive results.
He manages to explain even the most complicated legal arguments in a clear and practical way, which clients appreciate.
It automatically analyzes the language of your legal document for cited case laws, statutes and legal argument patterns.
Creating a system that can apply legal reasoning to generate and / or identify relevant legal arguments would be a desirable outcome.
Consequently, presidents do not even bother any more to make serious legal arguments for dropping bombs on other countries.
The law school's voluntary public service program provides law students with skills and values, such as legal research and writing, client interviewing, and legal argument development.
And it's a tricky legal argument — if you can't breastfeed and have sex, can you have quiet sex while your newborn is sleeping in a crib in your master bedroom?
These little things will keep your client comfortable and keep you focused on your upcoming legal argument instead of trying to track something down at the last minute.
We will merge our investigative results and legal research to craft a custom legal argument for your defense.
Further, within legal argument, the term may be used to distinguish «common law» (or just «law») from equity.
And those who also feel overwhelmed at the idea of making legal arguments similarly emphasize their despair over navigating procedure, completing documentation correctly, and dealing with the other side.
I have had what seemed to be impossible legal arguments.
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