Sentences with phrase «one's little butt»

You seriously don't need to worry though, I bet you have a cute little butt.
In the meantime, the more you can keep his poor little butt exposed to the air the better you'll probably be.
Ok, so I haven't mastered manual yet, and the peach muffins I made decided to come out as little butt ugly troll muffins, but they're waay better than I was expecting for my first attempt.
You know, we can't wait to potty train our little monsters, so we can finally stop wiping little butts and spend so much money on diapers.
You see small butt non existent hips, while we all say wow look at the perky little butt and slim hips, she has a perfect shape a bit athletic, but still feminine and petite in all the right places with of course legs to die for.
good job on getting your cute little butt over to boot camp!
And its capacious little butt is only half the reason.
Frank, the name of the alien character, first meets J and tells him to «kiss my furry little butt
Of course, when you get a new puppy, all you want to do is watch his cute, roly - poly little butt waddle around the house — but if your puppy's just a baby and has just come home to you, he's very likely to try to go potty any time his feet touch the ground.
We want to keep that cute little butt healthy and happy!»
Well, ladies n gents - we might just have your sweaty little butts covered!
And the tight little butts on the twentysomethings, they made me want to vomit with envy.
Last time we used disposables on my son still in diapers, by the time we came home his poor little butt was red and somewhat rashy.
I'm 5» 4, 120 lbs, long blonde hair, big beautiful blue eyes, cute little butt and...
We will all be here for support and a little butt kicking if necessary!
My four loves wear my little butt out!
I'm a sucker for cute babies on the beach and the little butt in the photo made me smile.
Whether you have a little girl or boy, this black snapsuit is sure to turn your little tyke into a little butt kicker for the whole family to enjoy.
Not only for how pretty it looks, but also because I want to make sure that the little butt is in the diaper as evenly as possible!
Sometimes with a little butt patting, but that's it.
Since she has been able to walk, she has picked up books and just backed her little butt up to whatever open lap there is to be read to.
To them, the toilet looks big and intimidating, and the thought of their little butts falling inside that big beast can be unnerving.
It was odd to put suntan lotion in her little butt, I tell you what.
I have a strict 3 - sheet rule for my kids and thankfully, Charmin ® Essentials Strong gets the job done and gets their little butts clean!
I was so happy to finally get his little butt into cloth.
Fancy a little butt - whooper (conversion intended) onesie for your baby?
Plus they are gentler on my son's little butt.
The cover is good fit for my almost 4 months old (I got the XS size), but as the other comments say it makes the little butt look huge:) I used it over the Mother Ease fitted diaper as well over the Disana Organic Knitted Diaper both with a stay dry insert; I was really impressed:) the cover did its job:) the diaper was soaked wet but both my baby's butt and his pants stayed dry.
When I'm out I don't feel like I have to explain why her little butt is so big anymore!
As soon as she sits her little butt down she's asleep.
It gives me a little butt and makes my legs and butt look defined and good.
It gave me a little butt and made it look like I had something.
We have been in New Hampshire, continuing to travel our little butts off this week.
So when it's time to save the kingdom of Far Far Away from a coup by Charming, it's less about Shrek coming in to fix things than a gang of princesses like Cinderella and Snow White and Rapunzel collectively deciding to kick a little butt.
I get tired of rubbing its little butt hole back there.
Yes, their little butts have to be rubbed to get them to poop.
I grab their little butts and I give them a few swats as they turn around and try to kiss me, wagging their tails the entire time.
It's actually ridiculous how much fur you can extract off the little butt of a heavily shedding Sheltie.
She gets half out then her little butt stays open and she gets poop on everything she sits on.
The whole time her little butt was wiggling as she was trying to contain her excitement.
This will mess up your housebreaking program and make a lot more work for you in the long run, so get up and get his little butt out for a potty trip!
She's so lovable — she scoots her little butt into your lap for petting and eagerly gives kisses.
He sounds like he has been reading «PS3 iz teh dommed» articles all day and is feeling a little butt - hurt.
«It's nice to see someone kick a little butt in the carrier space,» Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times.
If they leaned towards butts but also had an appreciation for breasts, they would click a little to the right of the midpoint, and if leaned towards breasts but with a little butt influence to the left of the midpoint.
of babies who have never had a diaper to protect their little butts?
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