Sentences with phrase «one's long article»

A small majority (53 %) said they read long articles on their tablets at least once a day.
And 41 % of tablet news users who read longer articles in the last seven days went back and read past articles or saved articles for future reading.
When we asked a select group of 300 about their behavior during the last seven days, nearly as many had read long articles on their tablet as had checked headlines.
I can write an equally long article with negative comments on pretty much everything I read... according to my own PhD experience.
This is a very long article so make use of the Table of Contents to jump to whichever section you are the most interested in.
Publishing longer articles on timely topics that related to your work is also an excellent way to gain positive professional attention.
That's the subject of a much longer article that I am not qualified to write.
Won't lie I'm guilty of not reading long articles from time to time, but what would you prefer?
It is a fantastic tool to use when reading a very long article as it removes all distractions.
For the sake of not turning this already long article into a whole book, I won't cover here the complete list of problems I found, plus those found by others.
It really has a very long article which is kind of tiring to read!
You have repeatedly posted long articles claiming it is dead.
K, you may have overlooked an important aspect of the article — it is a pretty long article.
If you're interested in the WHY's of this game (like, why does this game even exist), we wrote a very long article trying to answer the important ones.
It is a relatively long article short on specifics.
This is a good proxy for quality, since longer articles tend to be more thorough.
Now, before we begin, it's only fair I warn you that this is one super long article.
No more digging through long articles or useless top - 10 lists!
Long articles also tend to see more shares than shorter ones.
It's one of the reason I prefer to read the newspaper rather than try to read longer articles online.
Nearly nine - in - ten (88 %) of those who read long articles in the last seven days ended up reading ones they were not initially looking for.
About half (53 %) get news on their tablet every day, and they read long articles as well as get headlines.
Hopefully this pretty long article has helped you to ultimately understand, cope with, and move forward from rejection.
For reading longer articles the tablet tied with the desktop while 71 % had turned to printed publications for this news content and 50 % had used their smartphones.
This guy is a real analyst, unfortunately many people here do nt like reading very long articles but he really covered the game well.
Funny, a whole long article about how apologetic these people are, but I didn't see one thing about them offering the couple the choice of a symbolic marriage ceremony at the church to show both acceptance & tell the bigots there cries for hate won't be tolerated & they won't get their way.
Not to mention I had something akin to twelve hour shifts at work, so the time and energy for writing long articles was near enough non existant.
It is below a much longer article by the same reporter:» # 3m global warming expedition marred by dud battery», which refers to the failure of key equipment on the comical Catlin Arctic Survey, and includes the statement «Cambridge University scientists said the data (from the Catlin Survey) proved global warming was happening faster than ever and the Arctic could be largely ice - free within a decade».
I stumble upon gigantic long articles for major magazines that spend a couple thousand words teaching investors the ins and outs of rebalancing, a concept so easy I didn't even bother to explain it because I assumed you weren't all idiots.
Personally, I don't think anyone has the time or the motivation to spend time listening to a long form video or even for the most part, people don't like to read really long articles or documents because — I don't know about you, but I'm too busy.
An overly long article describing how the devout struggles over something no one cares about, and a professional opinion from BU telling us that these religious nutjobs are taking things way too seriously.
And if the fairly long article today leaves you hungry for more while I take a short break this week, then please check out the two video interviews I did with: Nick Rishwain + Ivan Raiklin at LegalTech Live in the US (this June) and also Stevie Ghiassi at Legaler in Australia (done in March, but just published now).
Jonah Berger proved that in his study in 2010 (where longer articles got more play on NYTimes, but it had little to do with the length, it was actually the content!
CERIAS is regarded as one of the world's best information security research and education centers, and their blog features long articles and editorials about the nature of security today.
I'm sure if I write Wenger is a Specialist in Failure, you gonna reply with a very long article like this one to deny and praise him like he is some kind of God
Interesting, you wrote this whole long article about «fixing» the totally flawed and undemocratic proposals to bring in so called «electoral reform» and a fairer voting system, but... you didn't mention the words «PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION» once.
The print edition of the New York Times has this fairly long article on Jill Stein and the Green Party.
The Green Bag: An Entertaining Journal of Law named Brad Snyder's article «Taking Great Cases: Lessons from the Rosenberg Case,» published in the Vanderbilt Law Review, as one of the best long articles of 2010.
It sounds like a bit of a gimmick, but I found it made it just a bit easier to read longer articles without being distracted by colorful ads, and felt easier on the eyes when reading manga.
And of course the basics were clear as far back as 1988, when I touched on equity and China and emissions in my first long article on global warming, in Discover Magazine:
Earlier this month the Economist ran a leader (editorial) Â and longer article asking and then largely answering who should for the costs of the economic crisis (public services and workers of course!).
When a select group of tablet news users was asked about their tablet activity in the last seven days, the numbers grew somewhat: 39 % reported sharing headlines through social networking sites, and 38 % said they shared longer articles.
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