Sentences with phrase «one's long conversation»

I had a very long conversation with a client yesterday.
Check in with each other on a daily basis, and make time regularly for longer conversations about potential stressors in each other's lives.
But that would make it more difficult to read tweets in longer conversations, because of all the clicking.
My first six hours of gameplay consisted solely of long conversations, fetch quests and continuous dying at the hands of fairly low powered enemies.
But these are short interactions, rarely a time for long conversations.
If she can remember how long the conversation was, surely she can remember who initiated it?
Only problem is you have to sit through some painfully long conversations between each character.
I enjoy long conversations with someone I can connect with and who has common interest.
I enjoy helping other's & enjoy long conversations as well.
But when I do, and when we have hours long conversations overlooking our lake, life feels so much sweeter.
They were all important in their own ways, all topics to expand on, all worthy of much longer conversations.
After many long conversations and much soul searching I concluded that it wasn't the right time to run for higher office — and I removed my name from consideration.
Love long conversations as long as it informational; (positive).
It's important because: While you typically don't want to invite long conversation when firing a client, firing a personal friend or family member requires a different etiquette.
I am smart and well educated so I enjoy good long conversations and lots of laughs.
Keep some business cards handy if you're too shy to initiate a really long conversation.
I love books and music and long conversations over a good cup of coffee.
The show kicks off with a thirteen minute long conversation about Mega Man.
You can listen to our hour - long conversation here too in case you wanted more than just this clip.
I will sit with her and have a nice long conversation with her.
I had a few long conversations with him and learned a great deal from him in a short time.
I avoid long conversations with women to avoid any interest on either part.
I'm a friendly, thoughtful woman looking for a companion who can make me laugh and share long conversations and other adventures with me.
Oral health is no longer a conversation to avoid with ferret owners.
The answer's easy: it would give young people the opportunity to discover the subject as a centuries - long conversation amongst the world's deepest minds Children are natural philosophers.
Because I had a wonderful and long conversation today with a friend who has been a major business lawyer for forty years in the real world, I decided to do this post.
It turns out that the visit was one great big long conversation about our life and hopes and plans for adoption.
They may have long conversations about what the game will be and how the rules will be made up, who will be leader and who will be follower.
In each conversation, you can be the one to decide how long the conversation will last, when you are available to talk, and who you want to speak with.
This exhibition was the result of a fruitful year - long conversation between both artists that inspired the production of new work by each.
People are relaxed from the weekend, no one's rushing to leave — it's a recipe for long conversations and eating slowly.
She managed to take our hour long conversation and express my personality and passion into words, something I have never been able to do.
If you bring up any of these games around him, you're likely getting yourself into a very long conversation.
This deserves a much longer conversation than we could have here, but I will say that I wish I knew and understood the ramifications of alcohol abuse much sooner than I did.
You've had longer conversations with strangers in the comment section of your blog than you've had with your own mother.
I love long conversations and people with engaging personalities.
We had a really long conversation, and killed the project.
I love how they just gave up putting companions into story missions, so now we get one minute long conversations and that's it.
I had a nice long conversation about some of the choices that were made in the home.
After a few long conversations I started to realize that maybe both of us were just killing time with each other to avoid being lonely.
Shall we lay bets on how long the conversation on this blog can remain civil?
During two long conversations at Bechtel's San Francisco headquarters, Brendan Bechtel addressed his apprenticeship under the supervision of independent directors and his strategy for navigating the most treacherous market in over a decade.
I've learned much after long conversations with my colleague Trillia Newbell, who has shared her struggles as an African - American woman in an interracial marriage.
We have started long conversations with several institutions.
Concentration, including attention deficits, an inability focus, or wandering away during long conversations
I always found that touching base by email or text some days (or a quick 5 - minute call) and then having much longer conversations several times a week worked best for me.
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