Sentences with phrase «one's lovely message»

I keep seeing loads of lovely messages about how there's «no wrong way to have a body», which is a nice reminder.
Seeing individual fans in the crowd freaking out is nice and seeing all of the signs with lovely messages is great.
I've received many lovely messages filled with kind words and a ton of tips and culinary tricks.
I'm loving the prints you featured today, not only do they contain lovely messages but the fact that buying some of these assists others in need is amazing!
I got so many lovely messages by some of you who were asking if everything is fine.
We moved on to further chat using the video chat feature (similar to the feature here) after exchanging lovely messages with each other.
They've left lovely messages on Facebook, my phone and the blog.
There have been no negative comments, just lovely messages from women saying my video has inspired them to try a natural birth when perhaps they were considering an epidural.»
Hi Sana, thank you so very much for this really lovely message, and thank you for taking the time to leave a review.
Thanks for your lovely lovely message on IFB Cecilia!
Initially the lovely grey Alcantara - clad wheel has what Barker describes as a rather «hollow» feeling, but with speed it starts to feed back all sorts of lovely messages about what the front tyres are doing, becoming one of the most feelsome experiences of the test.
Delivering what we promise means our customers love us, and we regularly get lovely messages and visits from our customers.
Remember the good old days when you used to travel the world, buying postcards, handwriting lovely messages and mailing them to your loved ones back home?
Or they're sending me these lovely messages over LinkedIn, or emails or texts.
The image was shortly followed by another tweet, which read: «TRH would like to thank everyone for the lovely messages they have received & hope that everyone enjoys this photograph as much as they do.»
I'm amazed at how the people here actually say «Oh what a lovely message
Thank you so much for such a lovely message.
Dave your message is so kind, thank you so much and it isn't wasting my time at all — thank you for taking the time to write that lovely message!
Thank you so much for your lovely message Brianna, I'll definitely share lots more on starting a business and have a look at your blog later xx
That it such a lovely message and I am so pleased your grandma is making progress!
That's such a lovely message that Crevette typed on your iPad.
Hi Anna, Thanks for your lovely message.
Hi Kankana, Thank you for your lovely message.
Stay tuned and thanks for your lovely message!
Sorry for the VERY slow reply to your lovely message.
Hi Katie Thanks for leaving me a lovely message.
Thanks so much for your lovely message:) Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche recently posted... Cheese and onion plait
Thanks for your lovely message
Cacao nibs sounds wonderful — it might actually just make them even healthier:) Thanks for you lovely message
Thank you for that lovely message.
Hi Tara Thank you so much for you lovely message!
The other day I received a lovely message from a reader named Kathy who lives in Seattle.
I just can't thank you all enough for your lovely messages after my launch on Monday.
What a lovely message right?
Hi Jade; thank you so much for this lovely, lovely message.
Hi Eva, thanks so much for your lovely message — it's great to meet you?
Thank you for your lovely message!
Thanks everyone for the lovely messages, texts and calls wishing me a wonderful birthday.
I just can't thank you all enough for your lovely messages after my launch on Monday.
Lovely message and great thoughts darling, everyone knows it but they just forget to follow it in real life.
Keep sending those lovely messages.
High energy, lovely message, amazing music, wonderful performances, and the costumes were fabulous.
It's always such a great pleasure to wake up in the morning to lovely messages and emails waiting for me to read.
Thanks again for the lovely messages this weekend, in particular from the ED crew, you guys are all great.
I was just thinking how nice it would be if some of the AIs in these comments got together when I came across your lovely message to that lady.
I was almost giving up hope, when Robert sent me a lovely message.
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