Sentences with phrase «one's lowest mark»

So, if you are worried about getting low marks in assignments, we suggest you take our cost accounting assignment help services, and gear up for good grades.
They hate it when state officials give their schools black eyes or low marks for not meeting targets that they view as arbitrary and beyond their control.
The fear of writing dissertation with poor presentation and getting low marks in dissertation push students to take dissertation writing assistance from the professionals.
It receives relatively low marks on indicators related to both assessments and school accountability measures.
For example, an individual received low marks during the communication skills module.
They are all too ready to give low marks to the former and high marks to the latter.
This card also gets low marks from us because it doesn't offer any interest - free promotions.
As a consequence of which students have to suffer with low marks in their academic grades.
If you have always scored low marks in composition writing, then you are missing out on a number of skills among which is the art of writing, originality as well as creativity.
We have made it through our mistakes, which have included twice making wrong turns and coming up on low marked over passes.
If you see low marks in one area, that's your clue as to what you can do to improve your credit rating.
It's more challenging than ever, considering teachers can now be fired for consistently low marks.
In my other blog this morning I give the Coalition low marks for its record on deficit reduction.
Many writers who score low marks ignored the «how to write term paper outline» lesson which is very critical in shaping the final paper.
Based on a survey of our readers conducted over the past few months, it appears that hotels in general get decidedly low marks in these basic areas.
So, this should be our absolute low mark.
We're long past that now, and public schools are getting low marks from nearly everyone.
Local public schools receive lower marks than they did a year ago.
Low marks for gas mileage but who buys a V8 car for great gas mileage.
Those who fail to start their homework due to the fear of getting low marks can now take homework writing assistance from these professionals easily.
It becomes difficult for students to understand several advanced concepts and lead them to score lower marks.
Apart from that they also have to suffer in their academic score due to low marks in assignments.
Net positive absorption of about 50,000 square feet (SF) improved the overall vacancy rate to 7.4 %, Tucson's lowest mark since Q3 2008.
Last year Apple hit its previous low mark of 36.
Despite Harding's talent, she repeatedly earns lower marks on her routines than she deserves due to her handmade costumes, use of rock music in her routines, and profane, rough - and - tumble personality, which conflicts with the image of the «ice princess» skater that judges are looking to promote.
More concerning is this issue's very low mark for Price Stability (5 on a scale from 5 to 100), indicating that it has been prone to wide prices from time to time.
At breakfast this morning, the heads of two major film festivals (an American and a European) groused that they couldn't recall a Screen survey with such low marks.
Lots of people may get lower marks if they mix up using the single apostrophe («-RRB- with using double quotation marks («-RRB-.
He scored lower marks when respondents were asked whether he is «knowledgeable and experienced enough to handle the presidency,» «easygoing and likable» or has «the right temperament,» the Journal said.
Those who give slightly lower marks to David Cameron are very much more likely to switch to the Conservatives if they agree that the Conservative Party shares their values.
in this i would give optionshouse low marks compared to a personal favorite like tdameritrade.
The study, «From Adoption to Practice: Teacher Perspectives on the Common Core,» shows that while far more teachers are attending common - core training, they're giving the sessions low marks for quality.
Real estate agents and brokers as well as homeowners gave Barack Obama low marks with 65 % of real estate professionals and 58 % of home owners disapproving of the President's performance.
On average, New York City parents of students in middle schools gave their schools lower marks on measures related to education quality than parents whose children attend K — 8 schools.
Post-call surveys — whether conducted online or over the phone — can (and should) be an opportunity to discover why an individual gave low marks regarding your customer service.
The diversity scorecard gives Uber low marks for advancing women and people of color into leadership, professional and technical positions in the company.
This new low marks a fresh five - year trough for the currency pair.
Cahill gets a severely low mark from us after his foolish tackle left Chelsea with it all to do so early on in the game and proved really costly, albeit some will argue that it was perhaps a little harsh even though it was very reckless.
Meanwhile, upstate residents give Gov. Andrew Cuomo low marks: 61 percent hold an unfavorable view of the governor, compared to 35 percent who hold him in a favorable light.
The process also included input from the Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council, which likewise gave the Fishkill project low marks.
Finally, the Trump White House earns generally low marks for its approach to executive appointments.
Yet another study, in 2002, demonstrated that, by the end of their sixth year in school, children in the US whose preschool learning had been academically directed achieved significantly lower marks compared with those who had attended play - based programmes.
The goal of the County Health Rankings project, which has given Wyandotte County low marks for health but high praise for its commitmennt to change, is to bring these hidden health factors to light and thereby help elected officials, civic leaders and community groups take concrete steps that can improve the health of local residents.
Americans give relatively low marks to public K - 12 education in STEM subjects compared with other developed nations; 43 % rate it as average, 30 % as below average, and 25 % either as above average or the best in the world.
That commission issued a similar report card in January 2010 that awarded even lower marks.
State policymakers throughout the country deserve low marks for their efforts to raise teacher quality, according to a report card to be issued this week by the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation.
The public is also famously and enduringly off the mark regarding the academic performance of their local schools, still sipping the warm waters of Lake Wobegon and giving honors grades to «the public schools in your community,» even while conferring far lower marks on «the public schools in the nation as a whole.»
Then there is the case of Rebecca Sellers, who received low marks during her two observations so far this year, but the top rating, 5, based on her students» test score progress last year.
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