Sentences with phrase «one's major investments»

The company has a reputation for making major investments in what it believes to be undervalued assets.
«You don't necessarily have to rebuild communities or make major investments in infrastructure to promote public health,» he says.
Yet in practice, the government didn't buy assets, but instead acquired equity positions in major investment banks.
A busy month of major investments by global firms in the African tech space that suggests the potential of the continent is finally coming to fruition.
This is the fundamental rule for any kind of major investment for the future: begin while you have time so as to gather a significant sum of money.
Since you ultimately sell physical products, success is great but also requires major investments in capacity.
But this kind of rebuilding requires major investments from public and private partners, since the costs associated exceed the capacity of one single state.
The next generation of consoles are all pretty much confirmed to be coming, as major publishers and developers are looking to settle in to the new hardware with major investments.
The technology can help make light - weight parts made of plastics more quickly and cheaply than traditional assembly lines that require major investments into equipment.
New management options emerge as major investment players settle into the single - family marketplace.
Those first two would represent major investments, both in terms of a fee and wages.
Many large players constantly review asset allocation among major investment categories.
Its proposals include major investment in renewable energy and the creation of thousands of new «green collar» jobs.
Student loans are one of the factors that are keeping these bright working students from making major investments like homes and cars that ultimately help the economy.
We also need to see major investment in affordable housing to give all people access to a safe place to call home.
It provides income through major investments in money market and debt securities.
In addition to overseeing five offices, he led major investment transactions and launched several business lines.
And when all of that's taken care of then the next major investment is education.
Most major investment banks are predicting a rebound in the second half of 2016.
Cars by and large are considered major investments for most people and households.
That way you can cover major investment categories and draw on the expertise of more than one manager.
Another important part was an assessment of the on - going major investment project.
This leaves quality commercial real estate as the only major investment paying substantial current dividends and exhibiting significant appreciation in the past two years.
This involved major investments in the body shop, to enable several models to be built in one and the same flow.
The funds are designed to meet most risk profiles and provide access to major investment markets around the world and across a wide range of asset classes.
Gold and silver are major investment areas that are in the news these days.
The feature also allows preventing major investments and durable revisions.
There are two major investment strategies regarding the Interest Rates that are adopted by Debt fund managers.
Therefore, using them or other static standards as a basis for locating and designing long - lived electricity infrastructure leaves major investments increasingly vulnerable to shifting realities.
An average individual will typically make only a handful of major investments during their lifetime.
It is also preparing for one or two major investment banks to dive into the market for digital currencies.
When you are working collaboratively to build an accountability system, whether an evaluation system or a statewide accountability system, you have to make major investments of time with partners.
Your home and automobile are major investments for which you need the right insurance coverage.
But scaling up would require major investment of the kind of that firms regularly cite when raising rates.
Given the present global economic crisis, it is important to be wiser on your finances, especially in major investments like car coverage.
The exposure to them has already taken down major investment houses.
In addition, each district made major investments in professional development for teachers and balanced district and school control over budgets and programs.
Major investment firms such as Vanguard and Fidelity have even made their names by offering a plethora of mutual funds to investors.
The company Qwiki, maker of an iPhone video sharing app, was hatched at a Summit event and acquired last year by Yahoo for $ 50 million; Basis, a company that makes wristwatch health trackers, secured its first major investment at Summit and was sold to Intel last year for over $ 100 million.
A busy month of major investments by global firms in the African tech space that suggests the potential of the continent...
Sweetgreen received its first major investment from Revolution Growth in December 2013, with $ 22 million in funding and Case joining the board.
In the last two years, the private sector, including Warren Buffett, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Google, have announced major investments in clean energy.
You can open one with major investment companies such as Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Vanguard and more.
Even if the penny has dropped, that this squad needs major investment on a regular basis to keep pace and wenger was given money... I'm not convinced he is capable anymore of picking a player!
Next, let's examine Fortress» focus on 3 major investment themes in its PE funds (& credit funds, to some extent): i) Financial Services / Mortgage Servicing, ii) Transportation & Infrastructure, and iii) Senior Living & Care.
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