Sentences with phrase «one's marijuana use»

For example, the frequency of marijuana use for men decreased 7.5 percent.
But because federal regulations make it difficult to study the medical effects of marijuana, it's difficult for anyone to say how long - term recreational marijuana use affects your health.
By contrast, the number of drivers who tested positive for marijuana use jumped 145 percent — from 47 in 2013 to 115 in 2016.
However, potential health effects of marijuana use in the general population have not been extensively studied, and little is known about potential effects on kidney function.
We also have a third «medicinal outcome» if you're looking for specific information about medical marijuana use.
Probably because of stigma, we don't hear the same public health messages about marijuana use as we do with substances such as alcohol and nicotine.
Early predictors of maturing out of marijuana use among young men.
Although generally considered a «harmless» or «soft drug,» there are risks associated with marijuana use.
Meanwhile, marijuana use by youth aged 12 to 17 has not increased significantly.
# 7: Getting high on insurance: how marijuana impacts life insurance rates Do life insurance companies see marijuana use as risky?
The stress of financial struggles may help explain increased marijuana use among men with low incomes, the study authors suggested.
But there are some studies which suggest there may be a relationship between marijuana use during pregnancy and lower birth weight or brain development in offspring.
This makes it even harder to determine the effects of marijuana use during pregnancy.
Compared to females, males were consistently at greater risk for synthetic marijuana use and more frequent use.
There is no blanket standard that can be applied with regards to accommodation of medicinal marijuana use in safety sensitive workplaces.
In addition to following state regulations, you must also pay attention to workplace policies, as your employers are not required by law to allow marijuana use.
There's plenty of anecdotal evidence that marijuana use doesn't have a negative impact on a child's development, but studies have conflicting results.
We reveal how marijuana use affects your life insurance premiums.
Unfortunately, little research has been done on the direct effects of marijuana use while breastfeeding.
They also said that heavy marijuana use during the first trimester did not have any other additional effects.
One review included evidence that marijuana lowers testosterone levels, and concluded that «chronic marijuana use showed no significant effect on hormone concentrations in either men or women».
In the past decade, daily marijuana use among 12th graders has remained relatively consistent, but daily cigarette smoking has dropped.
Similarly, 60 % of those adolescents reporting marijuana use at the beginning of treatment showed a reduction in drug use.
Studies have shown that early marijuana use might alter a child's brain development and make them more susceptible to drug abuse.
Regular marijuana use will likely lead to problems with school work, attendance in school, mood swings.
In fact, occasional marijuana use was associated with slight increases in lung airflow rates and increases in lung volume, the study found.
It will also soften rules barring those with past marijuana use.
The team's analysis showed that while marijuana use amongst youth has remained relatively unchanged, admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities has increased.
The cannabis experiment continues as medicinal marijuana use becomes more widespread.
Tip: The stigma around marijuana use and the universal promotion of breastfeeding may get in the way of getting accurate advice on breastfeeding from your doctor.
As marijuana use continues to increase in later waves, we may begin to see a more robust interaction emerge.
Although marijuana use and safety tends to be discussed in terms of its impact to the individual during the lifetime, few studies have addressed adverse effects in future generations.
However, they did find that more frequent current marijuana use was associated with a measure of reduced brain function.
Can heavy marijuana use harm the brain's pleasure center?
Sometimes, parents find out about their teen's marijuana use through their teen's friends.
The data showed that past - month marijuana use was common, at nearly 21 percent of the study population.
Both groups had similar perceptions of great risk of harm from weekly marijuana use or weekly binge drinking, the survey found.
And despite similar marijuana use among blacks and whites, a disproportionate number of blacks are arrested for it.
Teens who said their families were warm and caring also reported less marijuana use and less emotional distress than their peers.
He says studies show marijuana use is just as prevalent among affluent white young people.
You can also encourage your kids to use you as an excuse to avoid marijuana use.
If marijuana use is revealed at the time of death, then the insurance company could challenge your claim and they could refuse to pay out the death benefit.
The good news: Both drinking and marijuana use declined over time.
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