Sentences with phrase «one's marketing slogan»

If it wants its actions to be more than just a cynical marketing slogan, then here is a golden opportunity to be genuine.
(Perhaps you'll nod your head at Vintage's new marketing slogan for the Fifty Shades trilogy: «Reading for pleasure has a whole new meaning.»)
«Guinness is Good for You» was born as a catchy marketing slogan in the late 1920s, and wasn't based on any scientific proof that drinking beer actually had any health benefits.
These advertisements target the elderly and the vulnerable with marketing slogans such as «Don't leave your family with financial stress».
In Jose Saramago's book, The Cave, which I mentioned yesterday, the «Center» comes out with marketing slogans such as: «We would sell you everything you need, but we would prefer you to need what we have to sell!»
Although we're moving away from the calorie counting trend, it still rears its ugly head in the form of catchy marketing slogans.
This is the (in) famous marketing slogan used by Ashley Madison, a Canadian web site founded in 2008 and operated by Avid Life Media Inc. with the explicit mission statement of helping married individuals chat, connect and ultimately have affairs with one another.
Lewis Silkin acquires slogan search provider — UK law firm Lewis Silkin LLP has announced its acquisition of Adslogans, a specialist provider of global marketing slogan search services, with many prominent clients in the marketing and advertising field.
Law firm Lewis Silkin LLP today announces the acquisition of the specialist global marketing slogan search and resource provider, Adslogans, as the firm continues to expand and diversify its market - leading suite of legal and complementary non-legal services to brand owner community and the creative industries.
Despite the clever marketing slogans on the packages, there is no bottle that resembles breastfeeding.
«Freedom 55,» the iconic insurance company marketing slogan, was a product of this era.
Border controls are tighter in North America, especially after September 11, 2001, but the possibility of corruption in the system exists, even in Canada where «conflict - free» is a national marketing slogan for diamonds.
The single biggest marketing slogan for nutrition or fitness programs is «Lose Fat and Gain Muscle».
free dating profiles database 19 Mar 2010 TOP 10 Top 10 Dating Top 5 iPhone Pickup Apps Remember Apples marketing slogan for.
Acura's current marketing slogan is «Precision Crafted Performance [16].»
To me, that automaker marketing slogan has always smacked of hard - selling a veggie burger that «tastes like...
It shows how the academic researchers in this field are pressured to perform only research that helps the industry big shots and to refrain from doing research that would help millions to invest more effectively when publishing such research would undermine the industry's most cherished marketing slogans (the phrase «timing never works» has been repeated so many times that millions of investors assume that there MUST be research supporting the claim).
Armed with the company's first marketing slogan, «50,000 foxes can't be wrong!»
«Given the increasing category competition, we believe there is a trend for shoppers to experience some level of fatigue to generic marketing slogans,» says Hismune.
Winter starts already in November, but if you haven't heard yet, nobody in their right minds will come to Finland in November unless you're a badass — that's the latest marketing slogan Helsinki came up with that went viral which a lot of people thought was genius.
The key marketing slogan will be «New Thinking, New Perspectives — Travel in Thailand Can Yield More Than You Think.»
The final shot of the commercial showed the words «Play It Loud» (Nintendo's marketing slogan at the time) splattered on a wall in bile.
Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom is serving up a bunch of hot men as their unofficial, official marketing slogan.
The series consists of real mattresses of varying sizes with owner's names and assorted bank marketing slogans stenciled on the surface.
Their four resolutions boil down to that Nike marketing slogan: «Just do it!»
The original marketing slogan for Nerf toys was «Throw it indoors; you can't damage lamps or break windows.
Ignoring marketing slogans for a second, this is a superb phone at $ 399.
Linda Norton's real estate marketing slogan is «Keeping the American Dream Affordable.»
It's marketing slogan in Mexico for the past several years?
Monosodium glutamate (the excitotoxin responsible for the famous marketing slogan «Bet you can't eat just one!»
It is time for Foxwordy to find a new marketing slogan.
How many times have I cried because of a marketing slogan.
It was just a marketing slogan all along.
Its marketing slogan reads that Idealz is «a stationery and garment online store with a twist,» with the twist being its premise of creating three-fold value for the customer, the business itself, and people less fortunate around the world.
Word of mouth brought them recently to India, where the public broadcaster All India Radio brought Nautel a massive challenge: providing enough transmitters to cover the entire country or, as the marketing slogan went, «broadcasting to a billion.»
The Department of Labor's long - awaited final fiduciary rule «ensures that putting clients first is no longer a marketing slogan, it's the law,» Labor Secretary Thomas Perez told reporters on a Tuesday afternoon call to announce completion of DOL's rule to amend the definition of fiduciary on retirement advice.
Get Rich Slow is just a marketing slogan telling the reader / listener «I'm the real deal - learn real estate investing from me» - to distinguish themselves from other gurus.
In fairness, in Obamas first campaign were there any specifics other than the the marketing slogans of «hope» and «change»?
Its marketing slogan, «The Sandwich Has Landed,» aptly announced Meson Sandwiches» entry into the United States, but also referred to its success in Puerto Rico.
El Meson Sandwiches» marketing slogan, «The Sandwich Has Landed,» aptly describes the success the restaurant chain has experienced since it started more than 40 years ago.
At Straus Family Creamery, organic farming is a philosophy, not a marketing slogan.
At Straus Family Creamery, organic farming is a way of life, not a marketing slogan.
Think of the marketing slogans that key off the desire for restraint: «Just say no.»
That's the marketing slogan for a product called Liquid Trust, a spray that purportedly increases trust.Don't buy it.
Health Smart is just an marketing slogan.
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