Sentences with phrase «one's mass transit system»

The new bridge is just a part of an overhaul of the infrastructure and mass transit system for our region.
The bus driver may not be the only party to bring a claim against, as the city mass transit system, school district or local government may be held responsible.
Third, a smoothly running transportation network, along with well - funded mass transit systems, reduce congestion and again increase fuel efficiency.
We need to look at critical infrastructure such our regional mass transit systems not as a cost, but as an investment in our economic future.
To that end, consider using the city's robust mass transit system more to qualify for a low mileage discount.
Whether they use mass transit systems out of necessity or for conservation purposes, these individuals rightfully expect these transportation methods to be properly maintained and operated for the safety of all passengers.
Acting out of an «abundance of caution,» the governor announced higher security measures at high - profile locations like airports, bridges, tunnels and mass transit systems after the attack.
It's also funny this imaginary threat hasn't stopped a great many other metropolitan areas from putting together truly great mass transit systems.
In some states, large cities offer a large enough mass transit system that many residents do not feel that are required to own a auto by necessity.
Airports, bridges, tunnels and mass transit systems in New York State are the focus of stepped - up security, on order from Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Driverless taxis are set to totally transform the landscape of mass transit systems, according to researchers.
MAGLEV has the potential to be faster, quieter, and smoother than wheeled mass transit systems with the potential to exceed 4000 mph if deployed in an evacuated tunnel.
Critics of the Boring Company's vision, including a number of transportation analysts, argue that improving mass transit systems would be a more efficient (and likely less expensive) strategy toward decreasing traffic.
ALBANY - The majority of New Yorkers believe Gov. Cuomo is in charge of the troubled downstate mass transit system - and most don't believe he's doing a very good job, a new poll found.
The Ravitch Commission Thursday presented its long - awaited plan to rescue New York City mass transit system from its financial straits, suggesting tolls on East River and Harlem Bridges and a...
The one factor that could ultimately keep the Hyperloop or any other form of superfast tube transportation from becoming reality is the inability of governments — local, state, federal and international — to develop mass transit systems quickly in a cost - efficient manner.
Piece by piece, Mneefah is helping lay the backbone for the largest urban mass transit system ever built from scratch.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie threw more cold water on de Blasio's proposal to hike taxes on the wealthy to help pay for upgrades to the city's crumbling mass transit system.
After the deadly pickup truck attack in lower Manhattan, commuters traveling to and from New York City can expect to see more security at «high - profile» sites, including mass transit systems, airports, bridges and tunnels, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said in a statement Tuesday evening.
De Blasio called a new TWU TV ad campaign blaming him for the underfunding of New York City's state - controlled mass transit system «absolutely misleading» and a «pitiful attempt to disguise where the real responsibility for the MTA lies.»
De Blasio, who gets to recommend four members to the board — subject to Cuomo's forwarding the nominations to the Senate, for its approval — now routinely responds to every question about problems with the city's mass transit system by saying that the MTA is a state creature.
City officials, Cuomo and lawmakers have blamed each other while the country's largest mass transit system continues to languish, forcing commuters to put up with chronic delays, breakdowns and service interruptions.
In line with a worldwide trend, Israel's three major cities - Haifa, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv - are currently in the process of building mass transit systems.
Cuomo acknowledged the political challenges of approving new tolls but said decisions about how to address traffic and the city's beleaguered mass transit system have been put off too long.
«We do not have an adequate mass transit system like they do in the rest of the city,» Minority Leader Vincent Ignizio (R - South Shore) said.
Uses predictive algorithms and real - time customer reporting to optimize mass transit systems.
Finding alternative energy sources, combating pollution, providing mass transit systems for cities — to mention just three current issues — require knowledge that only highly trained scientists and technicians possess.
Blizzard after blizzard after blizzard attacked Boston, crippling mass transit systems and commute.
A protest over rights and access for the disabled on New York City's mass transit systems disrupted an MTA event where Chairman Joe Lhota was scheduled to speak in East Harlem.
«These upgrades will leverage new technology to make our streets safer, protect pedestrians and motorists, and build a stronger mass transit system
«Straphangers know we need additional funding to create a reliable and state of the art mass transit system.
The money would be dedicated to mass transit systems around the state, particularly the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Maybe next Flanagan can use public funding to create a privately owned alternative mass transit system.
«While this project is an important addition to the regional mass transit system serving New York City and Long Island, taxpayers will have to bear the brunt of these unanticipated costs.
De Blasio has reiterated his call for a tax hike on millionaires to help fund the cash - starved mass transit system.
Other Senators complained of unfinished business, including helping the beleaguered MTA mass transit system, and enacting reforms after a series of corruption scandals.
In order to reduce traffic and raise needed cash for the battered mass transit system, the FixNYCTransit coalition in a letter to state leaders is calling for adoption of Gov. Cuomo's Fix NYC panel's recommendation to charge regular motorists up to $ 11.82 to drive in a designated Manhattan central business zone.
He has redirected hundreds of millions of dollars from its budget, and, until recently, he steadfastly opposed congestion pricing as a revenue source for the languishing mass transit system.
As New York and New Jersey residents continue to grapple with the region's ailing mass transit system, Governors Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie on Tuesday stood before reporters on opposite sides of the Hudson River and, in dueling press conferences, explained how they planned to deal with the crisis.
Senator Sweeney is committed to the expansion of the nation's most relied upon mass transit system, including light rail, fixing our crumbling roads and bridges, updating our port infrastructure and freight rail systems to transport cargo efficiently.
At 8 a.m., Crain's New York Business holds a summit on fixing the state mass transit system, Sheraton New York Times Square, 811 Seventh Ave., Manhattan.
Pleading poverty, the M.T.A. has for months now pointed to a $ 15 billion hole in its $ 32 billion proposal to fix the region's mass transit system over the next five years.
Neither Governor Andrew Cuomo, who effectively controls the M.T.A., nor the mayor of New York City, the focal point of the M.T.A.'s sprawling mass transit system, have said yet said how they think the M.T.A. should fill the roughly $ 15 billion hole in its five - year plan to keep the system in a state of good repair.
The M.T.A.'s $ 32 billion plan to maintain and upgrade the region's creaky mass transit system has a more than $ 12 billion hole in it.
And whether the MTA will walk away with a short - term cash infusion, or with the sustained base of funding necessary to build and maintain a halfway up - to - date mass transit system.
Scenes in which Maya, still dressed in the goth attire and gossamer wings of her aspiring singer / songwriter, rides her bicycle home to babysit her two younger siblings and Yair walks along a decrepit mass transit system dressed in his Kirkegaardian uniform of mouse - head bearing pamphlets provide twin touch points for the visual foundation of the picture.
Located just 2.8 miles from Center City (downtown Philadelphia), and houses the western terminus of the Market - Frankford Line of the SEPTA mass transit system of Philadelphia, with the location at 69th Street in the heart of Upper Darby's principal business district.
Islam insinuates via the colored subway - like lines, which pop from within the tangle of the roots - that the city's famous mass transit system plays a vital role as the foundation that enables the continued life and movement of the metropolitan area.
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