Sentences with phrase «one's melody»

In one station it let the baby play with six different toy stations plus two overhead toys and lights with melodies.
While trying to scratch out some sort of melody in his life, Tevye (Topol), a poor dairy farmer keeps his balance by clinging to his Jewish traditions while providing for the five daughters he has been blessed with.
The music includes segments of melody from a Liszt piece, hence his being credited on the single.
With many horror scores just turning to plain old dissonance, how important has it been to keep a sense of melody for your genre efforts?
I recommend one play chords using their thumb and one play melody lines using a pick.
In music, «counterpoint» implies the juxtaposition and merging of different melodies in a single piece, which Washington employs as a metaphor for the positive effects of diversity.
Memory for music: Effect of melody on recall of text.
Perhaps it's just sentimental attachment, but the haunting melody as Littlefoot's mother says her goodbyes still brings a tear to my eye and is a credit to veteran composer James Horner.
But I also wanted to make it accessible to all across countries and demographics, so I used simple melodies with contemporary arrangements drawn from all my travels in the world.
There is quite a variation in the soundtrack from soothing melodies while outside to epic chanting during intense moments.
The treble also lacks clarity and range, meaning music that depends on lively guitar riffs or soaring piano melodies sounds flat and lifeless.
The animated cutscenes look great and beautiful to watch, with beautiful melodies in the background.
While the album contained all that fans of the band would most - likely consider definitive - Copeland (catchy melodies with a...
It plays seven different classical melodies for your kid to develop a taste for the musical.
The Sound of Silence (1988) is simply a photograph of the single «Sounds of Silence» by Simon & Garfunkel, evoking the haunting melody even as it remains nothing more than a picture on the wall.
From grinding out vocals through gritted teeth, to screaming them, to singing melodies fitting for a lullaby, lead singer and guitarist Andy Hull definitely showcases his singing talents on this album.
These toys play classical melodies which can help your baby fall asleep.
The film steadily strums at your heartstrings, but it plays a gentle Nick Drake - like melody, always sweet but rarely melodramatic.
Transforming data about the structure of proteins into melodies gives scientists a completely new way of analyzing the molecules that could reveal new insights into how they work — by listening to them.
A place where my imagination would take me to see the ruins of the El Badi Palace, wander around the bazaars, hear melodies of another language, and taste local favors.
«Giorgio by Moroder» magnificently narrates listeners through the process of becoming a musician whilst «Instant Crush», featuring The Strokes» lead singer Julian Casablancas, somehow manages to channel the same melody found in the Christmas classic «Last Christmas» and could easily make it into the soundtracks of the duo's punk fans.
A computer scientist at Georgia Tech, Starner is coinventor of Mobile Music Touch (MMT), which teaches people to play simple melodies while they focus on something else — or on nothing at all.
With a built - in speaker, it's capable of playing 10 different musical melodies and nature sounds, audibly stimulating your infant until he or she can fall asleep.
The hallmarks of his rough - edged, location - shot style (gritty textures, slurred motion, blown - out source lights, and oversaturated colors) are analogous to the calculated use of distortion and feedback in commercial music: the surface static keeps the dance beat and pop melodies from seeming saccharine.
On the flip side, the 1981 - 1982 season of what would become Dallas's archrival, ABC's Dynasty, is when the Aaron Spelling production would fully come into its own, and that is apparent right from the opening credits: the white typeface of season one is now the familiar, gleaming yellow; and Bill Conti's theme has been given the more pronounced and grandiose trumpet - led melody line that is a television icon in itself.
Whether it's jamming in your car, listening to relaxing melodies at home or singing in the shower, try to incorporate more music into your life.
The soundtrack contains one of the best video game scores ever, with memorable melodies at just about every turn.
Longtime Halo composer Martin O'Donnell is back, and he's hit another home run, as the game's score is a eclectic mix of classic melodies along with some great new compositions.
Outside of the score, the movie goes through the effort of ending on an original song, which adds lyrics to the main melody as song by Syreeta Wright.
Aside from incredible orchestration, it's full of strong melodies which seem to tug you in all different directions at once.
The swing was designed to be soothing for babies, so there are six original melodies included on the unit.
I'm thinking about starting a business that uses written melodies as artwork (making a poster using the sheet music of somebody's favourite song, for example).
Hearty brown rice — you could sub wild rice — backs up low notes of broccoli and almonds and provides a background for the teensiest bit of light sweet melody provided by the currants.
When we listened to «On the Radio» by Regina Spektor, the singer's soft voice and floating piano melody sounded clean and defined.
There are elegant touches like this on each of Hollow Ground's 10 songs, resulting in an album whose familiar melodies don't demand your full attention but earn it anyway.
That may be true for most, but I've got Mario 2 «s saloon - style melody coming through my computer's speakers as I type this review — «wobbling all over the scale, leaping octaves and embracing arpeggios,» as Irwin puts it — and to my ears, it's just as rich and dynamic as a chiptune composition can be.
Imagine what the world might be like if CEOs of large corporations would go into Watts or Cabrini Green and sing and make melody in their hearts.
Mozart «gives the child its first piano piece and sings its favorite song even to the dullest ear, winds popular melodies like meadow blossoms into the exalted garland and can — like the divine wisdom — satisfy every social class and every rung on the ladder with one single blossom from this bouquet.»
Considering that's the name of the grouping of games associated with FFXIII (Versus, Agito, etc), the fact that this same lovely melody is used for the «series» title track is a big deal.
The gentle melodies in the game are also very enchanting, adding to the magic of the games universe.
They did an amazing job of creating melodies which matched the style and atmosphere of each level, and then increasing the pressure and tension in boss battles by adding a fast paced, devilishly sounding tune.
Their lyrics may be straightforward but Welch's empassioned and sinuous vocal melodies carve out some emotional heft.
The group operates a ministry called Indelible Grace Music, which seeks to be a resource to the church by writing original hymns as well as new melodies for traditional hymns (usually simple folk or bluegrass tunes).
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