Sentences with phrase «one's missing something»

Most people will want to organize the shower earlier to ensure that the mother does not miss it if the babies come early.
You've got to commit to each attack, even if missing it will leave you vulnerable.
Replacement means what it sounds like; you replace your significant other with something so that you don't miss them so much.
We won't miss you here in the land of the free.
If it's something you want to consider at all, you should sign up for their newsletter so you don't miss them when they do go up.
I suppose you also think he lives in the clouds and we just keep missing him on shuttle launches?
The funny thing is, I don't really miss them in our lives, but am deeply hurt nonetheless.
I still miss academia though, or well, I don't really miss it because there is also a lot of administration that I no longer have to deal with.
I don't miss it at all because the cast iron pan, if used properly, works just as well as a non-stick one.
Wow — I just went through the whole list and didn't see my post on prize selection — I hope I'm just missing it in all of these entries.
I still miss him so much and can't believe he is gone!
But I also miss him terribly (the «regular» him) and I'll be glad when the trucking school part of this is over with.
2 out of 3 people are worried about missing something important if they don't keep an eye on social networks.
There, she will receive a warm welcome from her fellow competitors and the event's staff, who missed her in 2015.
I really missed you last month (it wasn't quite the same).
Ever since I gave up dairy a few years ago, I do not miss it very much.
You're welcome, I almost completely missed it too!
I have missed you guys SO much, and I've missed cooking / photographing / writing.
Just know that no one misses it more than I do!
I have only eaten bacon once since I started my Whole 30 though and I didn't miss it as much as I thought I would!
And it is common enough among those who do know what they're missing to go to great lengths to insure that they don't miss it for very long.
The little things you do now will help her stay focused on fun instead of missing you so badly that she misses out on all of the camp activities.
Missing it already, but I am sure, they can bring it back, they would not have deleted forever, would they?
Here's why you should reduce your sugar intake this year, and how to never miss it by eating satisfying, easy - to - prepare foods year - round.
Is that how you understand it; or am I completely missing something here?
I'm sure your hubby missed you like crazy, too!
I don't think the kids even missed them because we were having so much fun making the rainbow bubble snakes.
I can't get enough of them and really miss them during the winter months.
My family never misses it when we visit with our little ones, and it is time to let a few more parents of younger guests in on the secret too!
He gives three excuses for missing it then says he should have done better.
Some years we just get too distracted (or cold) to do much outside, but I always miss it if I don't make the effort.
No longer have my own horse and miss him everyday.
Hope you all are doing well... sure miss you guys!
Those who missed it though can catch the whole thing below, right now.
Are you keeping it your little secret, or did I just miss it somewhere?
** This is available again for those who missed it before!
I kind of miss her with the big hair, the big hair suits her face so much.
I was missing it while on the a round of the Whole30.
But, we didn't really miss it since the gearbox practically reads your mind.
This means players who have missed it yesterday can get it again as it will be in rotation often.
I have previously covered a review of the bag and the shopping process from this shop which you can find here if you have missed it earlier.
My white kitchen is so special to me that I actually miss it when away from home.
Sometimes it's worth repeating the obvious, just in case anyone missed it.
He was a true joy to work with and we will all miss him tremendously.
At this point, you don't actually miss them yet.
Again, my apologies for missing it until now.
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